I am told there is this talk of Equity that I raise and now cannot control the problems associated with it but equity is equity and toxic equity will be toxic – the one I am talking about involved a process where somebody spent enough money to buy a House on an education that got them qualified to PhD because it was a person and people were vulnerable to practical jokes, you chose practical jokes as a tool and set about gimmicks that eventually meant that such persons could not pay the bills and how you continue to get more from the person after will beat the imagination and set new standards that extremists can follow while your stupidities got to decide which careers people deserved upon being tough enough to.

This is what I mean equity and property equity, everybody on their own platform. The idea being that these idiots believed they were rich, but they are not rich enough to make me poor if I did not wake up on my 18 birthdays to ask parents how bills were paid, in fact I was one of those favourite children when parents chased breadwinning issues. What is causing the poverty is the practical jokes suspending my career, personal life and finances and the poverty is kept up as insulting as possible by maintaining this suspension; I has since become an emotionally negative character due to the fact their stupidities could not have achieved this in their financially well off neighbourhoods, so they waited for me to pick up a bad neighbourhood for a career which finances they have now suspended with practical jokes – there is me the negative person and the career that everybody wants to get involved with, then a statement by their stupidities on Media owning to influences from the bad neighbourhoods, on what would benefit those who had a good attitude which suggested that people should join in to access other people’s careers and for it, they cannot make the stupid Media comments about their own careers while their famous idiots had since begun to brag about how beneficial what people knew was, compared to who they were. I think I am going to end up teaching them a lesson they will never forget as they continue to claim that they had money to do it and were successful, while the last time my mind set was the same as their own, I was at University being set out as a tool people could handle to progress themselves, sociological issues emerging from the way I attended the Canteen because the idiots were chasing sales on my studies and then I dropped out but 11 Years later the scumbags were still making money on the basis of having created me; I am set to shove their own all the way back to first grade if there has been no justification on their part for making me into an option of their stupid selves, while the foolish German influence gits who always run off those gimmicks about a culture where my work and potential ought to go to vanish and show up here to tackle me for the rest of my life if I pushed back are set to create an instance where I saw that stupid culture and that marked the point they got to see it for the last time as well.

The situation is me and the career I am being distracted from, even the very knowledge that they did not have access to it was so good for my health that I was able to make the most of another career if I had it, those who make me out as a platform to draw attention to themselves and their dreams of getting rich are looking for trouble that will go beyond a campaign of hatred that will make sense of my Books and a Crowd will be able to take part in - Equity and Property Equity, everybody on their own platform. They do protest that I say equity and property equity thus, but none put in me charge, we however know that the same applies when they set out to decide which career I was entitled to have, based on age, qualification, size and how brave I have been, then picked up my Books without legal permission for their famous stupidities at my Publisher's thereof. If people make arrangement for a grab people’s property, wind them up to distract them from other alternative career paths and surround the self with security guards, it is the kind of equity that will be put through a recurring rolling effect, which is not what I am doing. We know according to history that they are only looking the part – the part where I said I was not responsible for their personal decisions as they have torn down my finances to build publicity that suggested I was, and that I supported some of the actions that violent criminals took, in a world where according to the Law there was no 100% victim and we had to live with the many instances which these kind of activities have been resolved there over facts applicable to the worst possible consequences. It has been the old time we have lived in a world where their actions were not widespread enough to cause serious harm and damage to others, no such thing as the current process of Celebrities making my Books and publishers into a concept they did damage to each time I had taken an action that caused them to lose money over trying to get paid for being popular over my social and public life, then trash my finances over my career because my career was useful to them and the way they used it began with a process of destroying finances and building communities that engaged with discourse over my private body parts. I do get told it’s not a bad thing to do it and it is not, I am not reminiscing the fact it has happened before, at a time that I was a young and a student, did not have time to set out deterrence and warnings, so they suggested people had died and I stopped to become the Mr smell whose anus they can punch when he does not co-operate with their needs. I am saying that should I pick it up again, I certainly will stop as it were.


I am told I never take it as seriously as I should which is not really the case. The City centre goons are now hanging about me, passing around money among themselves in the boardroom and involving themselves with my asset equity, to break the cycle of madness where they pass money around in the boardroom at the end of business and trading cycle because I had worked the market well enough to ensure I lost something to them and the process involved a business of making me lose something important to them and not being able to do anything about it, garnished with those stupidities where they set about making my career meaningless to anybody no matter what I did with it as a deterrence for any action that I might take. The rest are a bunch of fame idiots who are now in charge of everything to do with me stepping out of my door to meet with friends, family, appointments and any persons I might ask about an opportunity for a career break and they have since suggested that I deserved it because I lived disgracefully, alongside their German Influence idiots, so we had reached an understanding that the full course of their practical jokes had been run here, where they had civil rights that ran off so much familiarity insults at me, it entitled them access to areas of my career where I had done my best work and left them a means to saddle me with the interest of criminal twats that wanted to make use of all I did, shutting down finances, career and personal life which they consummate with a Media presence thereof – they had since moved it to the stage where they made it clear that after trashing my studies and their celebrities my Bookshop and they needed more alongside a Community that got imagination around my private parts, a whiff of smell from me will predispose me to violent activity and I need to ensure it was clear that such a process would make me a character that set the stage for the beginning of end of their stupid practical jokes as well, somebody that was going to put an end to it permanently. We have ended up with this at all because the practical jokes built up caught up with me and it should not because the stupidities they exhibit at my expense is not what I am really doing in this place, so the governmental decisions made on it to predispose me to abuses that make their violent gossips profitable, does not have a link to reality, needs stay away from my Books and make its comments about its career, we should not be having the conservation as they were clearly out of the depth as we speak. As part of the practical jokes that will prevent me from building up my own savings so I might look down on others took, there are practical jokes based on ideas about my existence and what they would like to see happen to me, finished off with fantasises the Public takes part in, and a decision made at the Monarchy; this is the question the idiots are really asking. They always say that it is about American power and exception and it probably is until they complained about the fact they do not fare well with smell issues in the US but before then it will be a life of hell every day because a handful of rascals get paid for being popular on my Public image, and set about sharing the money with communities to sit on my finances and shoot off their mouth on Media every day.

We have to listen to that nonsense where they claimed my difficulties were a product of being seen getting around with enemies of America and I wouldn’t know if it was a fantasy but if it is not, then they are not the only ones in the world who pick up money and get into the City to seek their fortunes, none therefore knows why they always need my assets, the context of their threats being that professionals were more likely to make sense of my Books than Celebrities were, thus before it shows up on their door step to ask their families questions about it, they needed to stop threatening me. The way it has worked so far is that their popularity fools getting paid on my social life were a third party for everything I did with people who wanted to work with me, so they might screw around at Industry and pillage my empire to make up their own version of reality, continued to suggest that if I am an Arch Prince there will be war with a big mouth and it needs to stay away from my Trust and stop wrecking my finances, if it wants to end the reasons it complains about me endlessly as well. The story beside this is that of the mess we make at the Monarchy which is utter nonsense: what happens is that there are people who fight Russians to secure National security and they are given this nickname of Arch Prince, but I am the half priest Hermit who works some interests of the Church to serve the Government. Here I will be told that I have again shifted the fact I am an Arch Prince into something of being a simple Hermit but I have not, I am talking about it terms of the fact the Queen controls the Military and Parliament Officially and unofficially controls everything else and also in terms of Politicians who get authority by speaking to people in the Communities who have extensive conversations on how things are to be done, which is neither ways that my authority comes by. The other part of this story is that I am always making demands and I am anal which I am not, I don’t know why people like to get around fighting my wars and do not understand why they will not pay attention to the fighting I do not need either – as for the part about the idea I was good with Celebrities which I had since changed and continued to make more demands, the reality of it is that I am good only with Celebrities that work my wealth equity the right way, those who pick it up and make out a different publicity for it to play up money making practical jokes that help stupid people to get rich with my life, were looking for trouble. In any case, people can see that the various Celebrities I got involved with, especially those whom I try to please and keep involved with me for applicable purposes were from overseas, although there are a few British people involved with me, so it should have been obvious that what added up to confusions on whom I wanted to get along with, was easily clarified in terms of a group of people about whom if one made compromises with, one would have had to explain it to the Queen at some stage, which is what has happened to those who keep suggesting I make demands and I am anal. If I work with a Celebrity from South Africa for instance it is likely to be a series of equities and broker processes that helped them make money, such that the public in South Africa and the UK would be made aware of certain matters that we worked which played into the way I wrote my Book of equities that can only be successful when I build up publicity around it to make sense of our community hating the male population and was developed to facilitate the academic environment, which then plays into the Celebrities that are working the wealth equity the proper way and plays into the way that students and younger people entertain themselves and plays into jobs, new ideas and industry. The benefit to Countries overseas is that they were able to secure methods for better law enforcement, where it was possible to plan law enforcement that works before thinking about bulldozing into the gang infestation problem. On the matter of whom I want to get involved with on the other hand, I would rather prefer industry as it made sense to marry for the Prince of Wales which situation was a right mess: the part where it does not make sense to get involved with a Celebrity that shows up on Media all the time if your wife was a Publicity mistress that married your Equities.


We have to listen to that nonsense where they claimed my difficulties were a product of being seen getting around with enemies of America and I wouldn’t know if it was a fantasy but if it is not, then they are not the only ones in the world who pick up money and get into the City to seek their fortunes, none therefore knows why they always need my assets, the context of their threats being that professionals were more likely to make sense of my Books than Celebrities were, thus before it shows up on their door step to ask their families questions about it, they needed to stop threatening me. The way it has worked so far is that their popularity fools getting paid on my social life were a third party for everything I did with people who wanted to work with me, so they might screw around at Industry and pillage my empire to make up their own version of reality, continued to suggest that if I am an Arch Prince there will be war with a big mouth and it needs to stay away from my Trust and stop wrecking my finances, if it wants to end the reasons it complains about me endlessly as well. The story beside this is that of the mess we make at the Monarchy which is utter nonsense: what happens is that there are people who fight Russians to secure National security and they are given this nickname of Arch Prince, but I am the half priest Hermit who works some interests of the Church to serve the Government. Here I will be told that I have again shifted the fact I am an Arch Prince into something of being a simple Hermit but I have not, I am talking about it terms of the fact the Queen controls the Military and Parliament Officially and unofficially controls everything else and also in terms of Politicians who get authority by speaking to people in the Communities who have extensive conversations on how things are to be done, which is neither ways that my authority comes by. The other part of this story is that I am always making demands and I am anal which I am not, I don’t know why people like to get around fighting my wars and do not understand why they will not pay attention to the fighting I do not need either – as for the part about the idea I was good with Celebrities which I had since changed and continued to make more demands, the reality of it is that I am good only with Celebrities that work my wealth equity the right way, those who pick it up and make out a different publicity for it to play up money making practical jokes that help stupid people to get rich with my life, were looking for trouble. In any case, people can see that the various Celebrities I got involved with, especially those whom I try to please and keep involved with me for applicable purposes were from overseas, although there are a few British people involved with me, so it should have been obvious that what added up to confusions on whom I wanted to get along with, was easily clarified in terms of a group of people about whom if one made compromises with, one would have had to explain it to the Queen at some stage, which is what has happened to those who keep suggesting I make demands and I am anal. If I work with a Celebrity from South Africa for instance it is likely to be a series of equities and broker processes that helped them make money, such that the public in South Africa and the UK would be made aware of certain matters that we worked which played into the way I wrote my Book of equities that can only be successful when I build up publicity around it to make sense of our community hating the male population and was developed to facilitate the academic environment, which then plays into the Celebrities that are working the wealth equity the proper way and plays into the way that students and younger people entertain themselves and plays into jobs, new ideas and industry. The benefit to Countries overseas is that they were able to secure methods for better law enforcement, where it was possible to plan law enforcement that works before thinking about bulldozing into the gang infestation problem. On the matter of whom I want to get involved with on the other hand, I would rather prefer industry as it made sense to marry for the Prince of Wales which situation was a right mess: the part where it does not make sense to get involved with a Celebrity that shows up on Media all the time if your wife was a Publicity mistress that married your Equities. Eventually after total destruction of my base finance, building communities to make a discourse about my private parts which it made sense of on my Public image, it claims that I had found a way to explain my failures - always about the Public image, always so much fuss about it, nothing about who I really am - the me that devises the best ways to secure a public control process of society goons, supports female journalists, when a Hermit unlikely to go along with anything they wanted as promises to keep imagination off peoples private parts are never kept, when an Arch Prince want Celebrities off my Public image for diplomacy reasons and ensures if I had a Goddaughter she would do well on the mobility front - I am not doing Public image at this point but my profile as an Arch Prince ought to be clear enough for my Bookshop to be successful as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland