Now they claim I never get into the fight people call me out for all the time which is utter nonsense – a git next door will set up his bed to ensure his face is right up my bum because of the way I have laid out my bedroom and then complains about the smell all the time but has not really taken up a process of attacking me, so it has not grown serious either. that said, this is half the problem; the main issue is still that they mind my business so intensely and what is a simple process of living with others is run by big brother and his popularity gimmicks, full of ageist idiots with bear baiting lasciviousness and the sense that what they want of others is set in stone, the process of not getting into a fight with people if I can tear down the way they think they should develop relations with industry and sort out ways of making statements that effect their bank balance if they will not cease disturbing my Book sales, produces that outcome where claims I am a coward leads them to ageist insults, abuses and bear baiting with characters that had criminal records due to riots and that means they end up destroying their own property while I do not own them money and get away with it. It is a telling example of the reasons some of us do not join in on the abuses they claim showed up to be cowards, since this is a tendency to tear down their enterprises without doing any riots that will earn me a criminal record as such; I have warned about the abuses due to the way it means I spend my day clearing out the consequences of their popularity, their interest in my Bookshop bottoms out my finances and I don’t have the energy to complete my studies to secure a second job which I would have had if there were no consequences of popularity to get rid of regardless of how many projects I had to in my agenda – they claim this behaviour to be a consequence of my Books affecting them as per the title of my Books and yet have not offered me alternatives to get intellectual property administration solutions and equity job done nor have they made a decision to keep away from it and stop handling me, instead they claim I will get into trouble with the world of men with minions that get imagination around peoples private parts and this would be the second occasion arising from the way the Books were written because my personal diaries were full and anything I wrote to cope with their gimmicks would have been a repetition, testament to how much fun they have having at my expense until the Bookshop was built. I really do hope that when I am prepared to make public appearances for my Books, the gimmicks around my person and social life will be seen in terms of the fact they are not actually important people and therefore had stopped handling it or it will be one of those occasions where I ended up with another reputation, just as I have been warning them of the insults and ageist abuses developing into something of the way working on Books at an Office was linked to their lawns and backyards, if their ego and its abuses had to give me a break the way that I wanted it. It’s an old tale of the way it is assumed that if one creates problems for you, the other that gets imagination up your bum and performs abusive processes that will ensure you keep clearing out the problems to no successful effects, is that which you would have assumed added up to a preferable character and each time you did, we all know it went without saying that your prospects of success would have improved to say the least as it were. It’s how I get told the difficulty with armed services and the story of my cowardice is created my Americans and yes it is; the story of my cowardice is a matter of the fact they are criminals and those gimmicks tend to suggest I was meant to follow up those foolish plans of theirs to punish me when they are punished by the law and legal system with a sense of talking about people being less reactionary and more tolerant on account I was running a Bookshop, what they are dealing with however being that I am a Royal hermit and the tendency is to take up their civil rights and run it for them and then they will have to accept my ideas and results as well, bearing in mind they are currently looking like they did not have a clue what to do with it as such. The part about the armed services was a matter of the level of interference and meddling on their part, creating problems for the jobs people do there and hence a need to recruit them becomes a paramount aspect of social life – so far they have shown they thought that their insidious boldness was the way to get it done and we all know is soldiers behaved in that way they wouldn’t have had a government to run the affairs of the day thereafter – I have set out for my part the way the need to tackle problems their politicians, celebrities, popular fools running off abusive ways of making money at my expense until I am sick all day – then make sense of other abuses that will ensure I got into a violent situation over the smell issues, and of course the Industry trouble makers with ideas about taking over peoples income margins – the abuses, insults and ageism which facilitates it as such and the fact that sparing just one of these would leave me with an inability to be successful but then again, it’s just a Bookshop and I needed people to see my public presence as one coming from a boudoir where I write the Books and the other activities a function of making it a safe place for them to read, not this fight for survival that exists in the work place that people share with those who take an interest in my Books, producing an outcome where I was cash strapped because the Public was petrified over my writing. So, these are a group of people that are just too full of themselves and have gotten accustomed to it, while the blacks are playing games that mean when my activities begin to take the effect the outcome will be explosive in their communities and overseas and then they may handle me after from there. I mean it is an old story of how those abuses continue over some gimmick about the benefits of clever people being killed by stupid people because they invented something that stupid people played foolish games with until it irritated them – we are looking at a case of what would become of an eventuality where I wanted to wind them up until I got killed, from here. That I am cash strapped, the rest of my career is in a mess and three years of my time has been spent building a Bookshop which benefits was passed to another person’s career, the career by which they keep the salaries and build up false self-confidence to bully me with, achieved through a Media presence, because Men with minions that get imagination up peoples private parts, got involved with my Books and did not like the way it affected them. It is quite incredible but the message they need to keep from my Books and stop making statements on my social life and public image has been a sermon for 6 years now so far.

So to get to this stage where I am able to make sense of the idea somebody else was stronger than I am and owns half of my life and the stage on which it is set; I had to drop out of University, live on government support for 13 years, write a Book and work for the published materials, generally get mocked, abused and tackled every day for a 19 year period by means of processes that will maintain existing financial complications and ensure that others were able to handle and affect the most basic of my daily instincts. They really are genuinely nice people who only just need money and should have taxpayer funds spent on them for such gimmicks, it is a measure of how cleverly Politicians think but It is tough now having to deal with the way industry goons have copied this and made the most of their own version, likewise the Celebrities and the Media. They do claim I boasted about being able to handle these matters but as we can see their ability to add it on generally shows that they have been the problem the entire time and then they will tell me that I have not actually resolved a thing by talking – we know however that if I wanted to resolve something by talking, I will be working along the lines of burning their careers until my Bookshop and all environments built up to facilitate public involvement was respected and out of it would emerge this condition in which there were two truth – in one truth people who practice on what they want to achieve ended up in such a difficult situation that what they said about their position was just a version of reality, while in the other truth, they wanted things and never practiced working for it, so what they said they were doing with others was a matter of opinion that you made because you were afraid of them.

Its eventually like they say that women will never respect me because of my financial situation which I would have assumed ought to have narrowed down the criteria for finding a partner then but obviously, it is more a point on how to gather crowds that will help idiots do me harm over women. I could never make sense of how it was disgraceful to support women for a period of time, having planned to sort out my finances after, I ended up with somebody that was financially better off – more so in a condition where I am a parttime writer, I work on projects such as getting to the heart of economic issues where they said it was change to population behaviour that was the key to economic recovery and not change to industrial operations, to end up with somebody that bank rolled my Books and to end up with them while I was broke. We hear very little of what I am really like and some will have said that I needed not respond to this nonsense as I am better with relationships but if I didn’t, it would continue to block my personal relationships; so I have to point out that ideally I would want somebody that was financially better positioned, not necessarily wealthy to take up leadership of wealth equity structures that helped me manage wild girls and society gits on the National Politics international diplomacy front but apparently everybody knows it’s necessarily a curse to end up with somebody that was financially well off, thereby drawing a lot of attention to the way I planned my personal life like so because these fools never stopped wrecking my career by sneaking up to me to play out gimmicks about how bad women were – besides which this structure helped me to resist the need of Americans to solve their civil rights problems by picking up all I got up to at the Office as a tool for recruitment of next generation ethnic minority soldiers, then hang around telling stories about British toeing a line because the US ruled the world and should have the best special service officers thereof. It’s not really a crisis as such, just a reality where I really do work hard to keep it down, this business of making sure the fact I was looking for a partner was obvious in what I did, lest I had to do it separately, playing into gimmicks of a handful of gits with great ideas on how to scandalously do me harm over women because I was now planning to get myself attached to women that were financially better off on account I clearly had no shame, to which effects Celebrities are supposed to make deals with them, sign autographs for them and toe a line, as any celebrity seen getting involved with me will end up with low ratings, these low ratings they believed would last when they were clashing with wealth equity celebrities who could clearly see it was a problem associated with kids who had big penises at this Hermitage. They make those claims that I want my National security people to kill while others cannot but we know it’s a two point of view situation where one is trying to diffuse a bomb through which hundreds of lives will be killed and another is trying to do it through which hundreds of lives will be saved and there is no so called Terrorist/freedom fighter situation about it – this said, should be ask security operatives about it, we would find that there was no victory save there was sacrifice.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland