I am told I have never taken seriously the matter of people who are out of my league complaining about me or indeed the matter of a response for it but I have – mentioned in the past that they were not out of my league, we saw people engaged in fashion and couture where they worked on what happens when they got into some clothes, some have built it up to a point where they understood their Politics well enough to lead happy lived, even though they lived in the City and ran into public figures often, there are people using my work to tackle industrial corruption and effect standards in public services – these goons know none of these, they are interested in person and size of private parts, which decided how brave people would like to be, to protect women, hence it was clear they preferred the narcissists and needed to stop bothering me; risks of how it could play out is that I took the business of a real world where engaging in romance meant those who did painted the Town red literally, while family was a happy and dangerous situation in which you had to develop enough sense of empathy, such that you were the only support available to your loved ones, we can therefore see what these stupid queer comments are as a matter of their insults, doing to my personal life, thus the nature of vengeance when I am driven to such a point. They do speak of people beyond my league and there were but it was a matter of risks taken for love, where somebody beyond my league had taken an interest in me to such an extent that they were assessing if I am what they can see, should I happen to take my clothes off and it is an incredibly bad social reputation to be known for, so people do not pursue people below their league, especially the women. The question raised as a whole was twofold, one was to do with a sense I am vulnerable to society abuses and the other a question of what seemed to be my problem if I was not. I am not vulnerable to society abuses it should be noted, probability was a tendency that I found a way to sell it the way an abusive interest in my personality for the purpose of making money by running me down and insulting me had shown me, if I spent the money on a Holiday, they would lose due to the life expectancy illnesses that come with their abusive lifestyles, if I spent it on a weapon they would get hurt. It is pointless to engage in such activities as the main issue behind the society abuses was that it was a function of some incredibly silly people, laying waste to the ways that lay people stood up in public especially if being bullied – they are not lay people, really did need to stop laying it to waste and we are all well informed that the only thing they appeared to have learned from school, were the various ways to run people down. The matter of what is specifically my problem was to do with silly Celebrities with a need to pick up and perform my public work whilst I really have expressed several times that I did not want it done and then they break it down into sections and spent the part where people thought it was all their own achievements and the income margins on themselves, so when I do get the work done, my finances had vanished, will not stop doing this and some have built it up to a statement about people who were more powerful than I am, so it had become an entitlement associated with the power some breasts and vaginas had over me. The other part that complains everyday were a bunch of men who never stopped spending the day on a business of providing funds for instances where Celebrities wanted to do the above activities on my concerns – we cannot get through 12 hours with life changing crisis associated with their need to come through from the wealthy neighbourhoods and do it to my Bookshop, then boast that I could do nothing about it, more so it was likely to get worse if they spent money on security guards over it; typical case of a Prince trying to extract money from his Trust and a bunch of people dreaming that they had an opportunity to shower him with so much abuse they wrecked everything and hung about playing up abusive power games. They do claim the point of their complaint was that I did not stop here, just as much as people complained at the Monarchy that I stopped my work whilst I am not actually doing the wrong thing: for the first I enjoy having such a conversation because the facts expressed good work i.e. it is a wealth equity public image where I developed equity to help people make products they can sell from a social status that many wealthy people did not own, to wealthy people who spent their money attacking others – the scenario is one in which people pursue their academic endeavours, find themselves coming into contact with the interests of people who held government offices, found themselves caught up with Journalists and Celebrities and there were some women playing around with my public image which effect was popularity and celebrity culture, so the reasons people complained about results was in my view, that they were tired of spending their time and resources on something which purpose was to set out important reality about the way that a human being stopped crime every time that crime is stopped, so we are now in a position where those who wanted to get involved, pick up those young people to make entertainment, did not have to face this increased risk of gangland activity. The other story about stopping my work is that there is nothing stopped, just people attacking me from a loophole where I am single – this was a problem created by juvenile Royals that never stopped sacrificing my position to get money from industry people, each time I responded, they spent it to make more and it got worse and worse.

They do claim they hated the idea I am Royalty but if I said it was important they stopped making comments and read a Book for showing up here instead of handling me, I would have said something disrespectful. It is still however a three part story, where the Celebrities need to cease making loutish, stupid, never takes anything seriously back to back stressful fun comments that trash my book sales numbers, about my career (no idea why people cannot spend their time with their mates if they were famous), the society gits need figure out their life expectancy problems somewhere else and the culture idiots pushed off the insults at me because in my view, they had means to pay for it, hence it happened often. The claim I had nothing and was taken into the Monarchy to provoke people, is just as good as the fact the other goon who keeps throwing money at stupidities channelled at me, was conducting an activity which added up to an investment and needed to nosy invest in everybody. The claim is that I am a coward who loses all the women he loved, what we know to be reality is that Princess Beatrice of York is Happily married, it had been years of her aides preparing to work with an outcome in which she settled with me but she married somebody else, at the very most this means she might pick new aides if her aides could not work with her marital decision but what these git will need to make sense of is a process where they got to say that she wasn’t happy with her marriage on my account, after 6 years of financial damage, such that they had to back it up.

It is then suggested that this was an opportunity to admit women were the cause of my problems – we know what they were referring to is a bunch of incredibly insolent gits who claim I am pathetic and they will fight my wars, then had need of my marital happiness to stay alive while no wars have been fought for me and their stupidities had lost heart, shutting down things in this place, looking for more of what it was complaining of. The rest is a simple matter of these idiots talking nonsense that made a mess of my Bookshop every day, since they were keeping their salaries, it made them bullies and I was never free from feeling sore because of it, needs to keep the mouth shut and read a Book when it shows up here, especially if it is bigger than I am, it does not tend to stop when they want, it does when I want, this is my life. It is not a matter of being able to stand up for myself as such, I will wake up to this nonsense, the stupid comments it makes on Media all day which had no meaning or purpose, setting me back at the Trust, losing my Clients money, stalling my Bookshop and it all had no meaning or purpose, was just drummed away at people until people gave up and accepted what they were saying was being said in a language that was commonly spoken and it will not stop until it really does apparently, needs to keep the mouth shut and show up here to read when it is a big person and its famous especially. It is an Art that involved living in my life and their own whilst destroying one of the two, it may set the stage that its big mouth blabs of where it got to teach me lessons and find out if I will not tend to do the same. They do claim it was all a sign of intelligence, I am rather aware of people whose interest in my concerns was to do with the fact they were A grade students but did not want the complication of owning a Business, just wanted to work for somebody else, just as much as I know they did not own a Business and did not want to work for somebody else - it does shoot off the big mouth about teaching me lessons associated with its size and I believe this is a good conversation, to say that I devised a way that I could get through to them on the matter, needs to stop making comments about my career, cease all gimmicks where its civil rights ordered my steps to quell a heart’s desire associated with a need to get close to the Monarchy which never happened and showed up here to trash my career, perform all sorts of nonsense that allowed it to say that it tried to help but I am a lost cause, then leave me for the Government or I will depart this Hermitage and live in their lives, to find out if doing so would run off their backs like water of a Duck as well. There is no discernible problem here all this just the fact that they have been wrecking my career for a long time but I have manged because my career and their own did not meet anywhere professionally, then they took the step to run off gimmicks about criminals being better people while I tried to rub shoulders with them until they did real damage, afterwards showed up threatening me for access to my personal space due to their sense of entitlement and progressed to career damage and economic abuse to get what they want.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland