Today it is said that the finer details of my Books need to be broken down so people might understand how it really works and it does not need to be in anyway whatsoever as far as I am concerned – there is a description attached to those Books and I am sure that Men no matter how stupid, are the more learned sex on this Planet. So I am also of the opinion it’s another stupidity that relies on me to do nothing about its gimmicks and such things, do nothing about the fact they had built me a history of insults for my Books and are now trying to update the way the public may perceive them in terms of the history their personal choices have created with my public image, having decided that unless they did, I will have no right to an income with the big mouth they have got and the crucial factor in it is that I be so afraid of them that I allow them spend my time as long as they wished until they accomplished it; hence claims that they needed to understand finer details of my work before I earned a living off it was obviously expensive, this statement should not cost them too much then I suppose.

The Popular culture Celebrities will have been the goons that have recently come through school, come of age and want my thing every day, since their bottom hurts over it, their Men and Politicians can now claim that I operate in a dishonourable way, so my bottom hurts too, likely to continue until I built a public image on it. I mean the older ones do the wicked things that they do to me because of what I have got in the first place and their stupid ageism have always been putting labels on me that describes me as a child since I was 21, when it issues those stupid threats, it becomes something else entirely all together. They are aware that each time my tummy gives in on me, their family is responsible bearing in mind I was not raised that way and they have always wanted to escape from it and get rich with my public image and should not be issuing those stupid threats. In the end it becomes ever so obvious that traders ought to trade and let alone the Prince they believe they cannot stop bothering, looking for more of what they are complaining about. Those who have ideas about how I treat women being something that is unbecoming for somebody of Royal position leave me wondering who made them my advisers all together – goes beyond the claim I support racism when they have loved to turn up here and tell me I must behave in a way that ensures the racism does not return, getting me to create the idea of supporting it a little as well, since their eyes were firmly fixed on my earnings and property with it – so the facts of racism are that of 6 million Jews gassed who had nothing to do with the war and tyranny efforts on either side, another 50 million dead via the war efforts and these are the numbers that were counted, the assumption these fools make being that if it happened again, it would not be done in a way that ensured they kept their mouth shut for the foreseeable future – never mind the fact I have been punished and tackled because of the actions of people who speak a language I have never heard in my life simply because I have the same skin as they do, Northern Africans and Ghanaians are particularly responsible for creating these nonsense that will affect the entire black race in this Country but then of which none sees me blaming the French or the Germans for what the British get up to in this Country if I were to be in search for more of what I was complaining about all together, blabbing about where certain ethnic groups should end up on the planet.

The issue of how I handle women has never been an emotive one but its one of those expensive things people do to my work and property and the reasons I do the expensive waste on their own as well driving them to blow off that big mouth on Media all of the time, when they are able to see they need keep their mouth shut over my concerns as it is impossible to review Books they have not read and do not read on account they have commitment issues – the same way their stupid Celebrities spend time boasting about wrecking my academic work these days, wherefore if it happened again, there would be nothing stopping me graduating over their stupidities so they might become even more powerful thereafter and if I find them follow me around again when I attend the academic institutions never likely to reach a resolve that will ensure I spent time giving them the trouble they so desperate sought. What happens then being that the women cannot keep their eyes and hands off my public image and earnings, which facilitates the stupidities these gits get up to, meaning that they get to smell, since it was obvious when people ignore such facts and rather want to speak about my bad attitude towards women, they had a problem with commitment themselves all together, hence the reason I am also said to be relaxed about a matter that is actually dire in consequence when it is not to me, the same way I am only interested in whether or not they bought a Book here and want it delivered to their addresses. We can all therefore see that the only group of people who have authority to deal with Public problems in this Country are the Police, while these goons have no authority whatsoever to tell me what to do, cling to my Books and blow off their big mouth about getting to the finer details before I may earn a living and follow on their insults with claims I support racism with their stupid media victory and distant violence that makes me sore all over all day, which pain I cannot link with how the academic work and career operates and hence means it was always in their interest to keep it firmly shut unless they had read a Book of mine and had something to say about what I had written. They do insist that what I say indicates I agreed with them on how much of a problem women are which is obviously expensive but then again, much the same as the Royal ones disregard every instruction HM has given about people keeping off the media, to show up here and pillage my finances, then spend time telling tales of how unusually strict the Queen is, followed quickly with disparity drawn up on why they need a male Monarch – the reality has always been that being stuck with their community croons who were school dropouts mostly that has not given up their ways even now they are grandparents, was a given but we also know it works entirely as a process that allows people to have it at the background of their minds that women are always complaining at the background of public living and should never have led to me dropping out of University because I smelled – we all know what happens is that even the women whose names they do not know must contribute to the fact their stupidities want to be the bread winners as we all walk down the streets, so those who inform them that they are not in charge and do not make the laws will get sexually assaulted or beaten up, while I will be relied upon to do nothing about their stupidities tackling me and they soon got from being afraid of me, securing their freedom from that at the behest of their stupid politicians and building some media freedom that can decide what happens before I got off doing anything about it, relied upon to understand women are the problem, while the problem is that they are not in charge and are not important and are not relevant. In essence we all know what happens is that she will never set up the flower shop that has been her dream on account these goons want to be bread winners, so how long can you go and go and go at Industry bearing in mind all these mess, before you reverted back to your flower shop and ended up being attacked for telling them they are not in charge and where do you find the break for it at all in the first place – always talking nonsense so women may show up here to bother me over these sorts of things and blabbing women being the problem, which facts I have mentioned here as something I consider to be an expense they can foot easily too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland