Now they say I expect to create all these problems while the authorities bail me out which is utter nonsense; the authorities have not been bailing me out of the fact they now want to be free of me but stupidly want to handle me all the time as well at the same time – their heads are full of what I know each time and they want to punish me for that with some new media friends they have made. It’s an old case where rather than sit down and worry about what happens next, I take it into my hands and get around filling their heads with everything that happens in mine – it is just as annoying as the intrusion itself and now they are afraid of intruding. Like this  new story that they are unable to tell what my gender is but we all know if they wind me up I will teach them another one as well; every time it comes up with abusive life changing and distracting stupidities, for instance one about gathering a crowd that will help to secure my personality for them because they were successful to the extent of such a personality and I was not, it is usually due to the fact according to them, that they were able to appeal to the criminal communities; now their problem is that I want them to have all the criminals and let me breathe, so they have decided it also means they cannot tell what my gender is. It is usually very annoying, so annoying I have to work so hard to prevent myself thinking about them as they really are, so we find I refuse to respond to the insults of shareholding idiots sitting at the market place with a dream addressing me and making reference to my Estate as though we were mates, while they get bolder and bolder on Media for it as well; then again which it is all an old case where I stopped the fame of the media because the squander trend over my work and property is one that sees them tell me what existence will be like all together, so they tend to tell me it’s a bit too much stopping their fame if they take up everything my distributors do with my Books and turn it right from when they began from a practical joke concerning a guy that has written a Book which has caused them nostalgia to a daily processes that will ensure they can determine that I do not have any money but for me it is perfectly sound, since it was clear that if they were not doing such things, we would find them think of something very stupid and then do it on my career. They do say I behave in the same way too, which is utter nonsense as we all know their theory is that the law exists to protect the weak so that the strong might have restricted freedoms; while learning how the jobs of the Politicians that support them works led to a processes of bringing whole National Parliaments and Civil service to bear on a need to control me all together, notwithstanding which I still put anything I want swirling around in their heads precisely there and they have never looked so good acting as if they want to kill somebody all the time and I have never had so much fun as well; it was all a practical joke about the fact they do not understand my Books but has since progressed due to the need they have to take advantage of and abuse Royalty in order to make themselves better off into processes that will stop me from having money until their various needs are met. Personally it has progressed for me to a stage where I need to stop seeing it as a social problem, that I might start training myself on processes I need to be able to work, to damage their own as well.

The reasons these activities are so popular is because Politicians love to buy into them and earn the stage on which to ridicule talented people and I believe I have set out enough warning too, soon to get into a position to train myself up and practice mine too; I mean they do bring up the other story of global instability which has nothing to do with the fact that they had claimed I was building an empire on the shadow of the businesses that existed before and I had gone through great expense to set out that I am not even though I knew they understood only poorer businesses operate in such ways because their consumer needs is usually directly linked to the big businesses, so there is a way the market works which ensures that when people take equities from the Public image of a large dominating company, somehow that company is usually better off anyway because of the market. My case now needs administration, and they are free to carry on this behaviour as it is obvious, they still have a whole lifetime to waste as it were. They always make that excuse that I am Royalty and do not need to work for money but I did not get an Estate any less than I had wanted it anyway; as I mentioned, there is incentive for inventing stupid things to apply on people’s lives and careers with media because Politicians always tend to buy into it, so they are like animals, if there is no cut and bleed people do not run into trouble but I am tired of it, so cuts and bleeds happen all the time – the Estate and the Literary Library I built up before I was given one has enough to help me release money that will finance its needs and pay my way in the world and people are not supposed to be able to take money out of my personal property like I do as well, it is insolence and abuse I need to train myself to do too, so that Politicians can buy it a clandestine service less than they are presently.

During my teens it was something to do with how my version of success knows things that older men should and the handicap they cause with it will continue right up to the stage where satisfaction is only brought upon it when they have allowed idiots to get on my public image to count pennies until they made millions pretending they were famous – it seems they are rather confident I will be happy to tolerate further inventions of stupidities they wish to exhibit on my life and career all together, so when I first wrote my Books they were working it like some practical joke on Media, now they know it has gotten so intensively abusive that it is affecting my Books, so they have begun to seek a disposition where they are able to decide if I can have money or not with which to suck up to the Politicians later and so they have given out this excuse as well that it happens because the US is the Police of the world and I want to train myself to do my version of it as well. so I do get asked if I enjoy breaking HM rules which does not apply i.e. when the rule is to beware the Media, the Media tells me every day that I need to beware them; so I lost my academic work for it, they passed their exams and got on public places to develop worse versions of it and I am getting tired of living with them too – it serves its purpose i.e. that whatever problem people claim conservative people and the establishment have with these Liberal Goons, always has a perfectly logical explanation attached to it somewhere.

They say people cannot tell if I am a Liberal or conservative but I am not Liberal at all – it’s only a reality here concerning the fact that Liberals have their own versions of conservatism which is about selfishness and violence, while conservatives have their own versions of liberalism which is about private things you do with close friends in your backyard over a can of Beer. So they do claim it is a matter of the kind of Country we want to live in but it’s mostly about Liberalist dirty tricks where they think they have told enough stories about violence and the bad things about religion that they do not have to worry about it whenever they push those Political party size building marathons they always like to think they have a natural right to win and rather seems to be that where in the world they make the most noise is where in the world their own home grown violence affects them the most, like the fact over 90% of Mass murderers in the US are Democrats. They speak of this business of delaying success for Women about which I must delay some for Men as well but the central fact is rather that I am in charge and they were not, always okay to say I am not if people will not be making out that the I hate my wife bits was a social problem.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland