Ikpe Uno is a British High Diplomat in the service of the Government and Church of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the Diplomatic front. The Half Priest chief of Government staff Arch Prince answers to none other but the Presiding Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hence the use of the Royal Crest of the incumbent Her Majesty HRH Queen Elizabeth R II on this site. One's duties is to assist Her Majesty with the Administration of the confluences of Circular and Religious Society. Here displayed are books written by him to release Equity from his Estate and help protect Equity through his experience within work at a National security role. These Books as Literary pieces are not for the faint of heart as they involve detailed information of the social lives of incredibly Evil, rude, discourteous, and sometimes violent people, most of which find their way into Religious Organisations or are in Circular Organisations hence have an argument against the religious ones. It is not the case that the Arch Prince works too hard on evil people so that after he had won the victories for a safe world, when He does not get rich because so much is owed to Him, there can be trouble. The truth is that they are completely fed up with him too. They are full of the presence of God now; they eat it, sleep in and with it, drink it, breathe it etc and this is because they live in His life and love to wreck His Office, especially with their society, in order to find pure things to pervade in order to get rich and powerful and He confiscated their evil decadent society; left and right of it and does not remember a slightest clue where it is now because He moved on as a Christian and is still completely unwilling to spend anything on their mobility. Now having been he had detached them from their evils and their causes for it which they could acquire again if they wanted, He technically is beyond our world and therefore sits back here to sell up the Equities and Securities of this position and disposition to people, Friends, Businesses, Politicians and Royalty, more so in the face of an increasing uproar in the call for corruption in the world over him by Men, their women, and their Politicians. Now it is not clear why people do not buy the Books so they can spend what they have bought not get off threatening the Author as well with a big mouth. It is now all very well laid out for all to see, as the Communities and Cultures do not want to realise that when it is night He is trying to sleep, which is so because they have ways of causing irregular heart beat and chest pains with secrete society powers since the whole process of the fact His Highness is a Christian had meant he is denying people the kind of sex they should be having got violent, became more important than, as it got enough Publicity to overshadow his job, his Book sales and created him a cash flow Crisis (which of course is where violent begging and forced Causes intended to be carried out to fight for peoples civil right in unseemly conditions has created). The Politicians with their talk of the things that have happened to him for trying to rule them when he has no Political power whatsoever having created all kinds of derogatory abuses around him before now, he has already extracted a writing career from and those will never be famous because of it and now due to their insults he will extract sales for it from them too. The media will simply continue to show his Highness which rich and important people he should be getting involved with like they currently do. The warnings over this have been dispatched and they have refused to comply, it must be mentioned as it is fair to do here that nobody is being successfully threatened by any silly Americans.  So now we are only left with the usual damage limitations of the never accounted for connection between the Jobs of victims and the vandalisms people conduct on other people’s property because they declare their work to relate to their religion because things are supposed to be given by God. Awfully expensive as it were and have no chances whatsoever of happening both ways. It is obvious that the world had dithered long enough over economy to decide on what we really want, which is what we must do as a people with those that keep us from married life, claiming to in order to help us get rich and in order to make them rich as well with the part of our lives which involve sexual activity and of course the young people that serve them and the other prerogatives they get thereafter for doing so - the part where they claim One has no idea what he is doing in an academic way which is why he expects others to act before he reacts to do anything simply suggests they have got more that he can extract from them yet, bearing in mind this would not have happened if they did not develop an insolent habit of getting his job twisted and stuck in ideologically perverse corners while they get rich on media knowing nothing about jobs they love to talk so much nonsense about. Of course One is  aware of the popular claim he does not  allow people get anywhere near his work or property or do anything with it; this is not actually true, what is however is that the real him would normally be out there, writing up pamphlets and distributing via people's letter boxes, to educate people about the evils of intolerant idiots on Public Media and Celebrity culture but although he has the time for it, he does not necessarily have the finances to do it properly; so whenever people get on media to tell him or spread ideas that they will spend their media powers they get from appearing on Television, to do nothing but rip all he has worked for to pieces, such that even if they lose their lives, that would not make a difference to stopping anything, he must always react to it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland