The setting is one that creates those stories where it is suggested that my discrepancies with Celebrities was getting worse, however it is not getting worse in my view – just a case of the way I get out of my Bed to see the beginning and end of my day, compared to the abusive and incredibly stressful stupidities associated with somebody building themselves a Media bubble to shower me with insults after running off to play about with the paranoia of those who hold public Office. I would clear it out like so and they will make another one immediately and hang about their stupid media making a public display of some people feeling sorry for me, so this is clearly what the problem is but what is bringing about the clash is that they plug their stupidities into my social life to get paid for being popular, then get the public seeing their pretty faces to make sense of the idea that all I did to chase my finances, added up to a process of extracting an income from their lives in some way, which really displays and makes sense of the state of their mental health as such, not the sort of thing I want showing up around my career like this every day. The threats are usually good but I don’t think that when their parents had the singular career publicity of seeing that they got ahead of me, making sense of the problem with women issues in the process at the same time, as they built communities that got imagination up my bum and went off to complete my National service for it, there is prove then of what I should be afraid of, especially when there are other indications that their stupidities knew no bounds and following it up made up discriminative activity. It’s the way it begins that Politicians usually want to be informed of i.e. these fools need to feel everything: if there is a Queen, they were queens too, if there is a Prime Minister, they were too and so on, eventually reaching a point where they had to make a decision as per exactly what they were and how they would get about doing what they were properly and this is the stage at which they got others suffering for their stupidities to blab about the democratic importance of its madness – hence we find the point made to be that people who spend time doing what they are properly are the problems of society because they wouldn’t join in with the Celebrity culture that offered a better alternative to conflict, while they were exposed to being hurt from all angles because of these sorts of choices, never mind the suggestion their stupidities could do better violence than armed forces operatives, when they cannot even do better violence than I can and have been hanging around here improving the process of looking for as much trouble as possible and ramming what they claimed was their enemy like a Train which will ever work around, suckling me until they added me to themselves and ensured I was no longer unbeatable. I do not believe the matter to be a crisis either; one always had to keep an eye on their hatred for women and then exit for such gimmicks that involved deciding what I would be made to do for the female community while the younger people got ahead of me and this had to be displayed in any environment that appeared to suggest people were taking their GCSE and the Minister for education was also present too – apparently something brought about by the Prince of Wale’s insistence on working with them, regardless of the fact HM had a long history of recognising these activities as encouraging of tyranny and then making them complain about it to such an extent they couldn’t tell if the Queen was a Celebrity. So it is something we are doing at the Monarchy which had nothing to do with them, the same way their stupidities have nothing to do with me, hence their inability to stop those gimmicks adding up to an extension of what is already an 8 year period of putting up with financial complications over their practical jokes that ensure they showed up here to continue with a time that I did nothing about it and to show other interests they had in me save reading a Book I had written because they always had to be so popular, is going to end very badly. It’s the way that it tends to stop because what I am about to do here is take up the way they have failed to learn from the consequences of destroying my University studies to hang about at Media picking up everything I did to recover as a tool for self-improvement, so it is about to develop into a response to the stupid threats as I continue to wait for them to complement these nonsense with it until they made a categorial one that I could respond to, that will involve picking up what makes them so abusive with respect to Media, Celebrity culture and society, so that when we clashed and the Police asked questions, I would put my actions down to self-defence, alternatively which they can stop it the way they believe would be more comfortable for them to as it were.

I do get told that I had said nothing specific on how to get around this matter but specific would mean that I ought to declare that I am not good at popularity politics which some people do well and a scenario exists where everybody could get a  chance but attacking other people’s interests came with consequences, so they leave me no other choice but to do what I know which involves finding out why we had to have famous people to put an end to their need to extract money from people who get involved with my trust system, get finger imagination up my bum, shower me with insults and tell me what to do, then set about converting service processes of my Bookshop into a means by which I will be made to fight their enemies for them. I do have my principles; do not think any family deserved to hang about dealing with sex worker interests because they opened their big mouth, but I do not want to commit murder either - needs to stay away from my Books and make comments about its family. They do apparently, to an extent where what I did with my career did not mean anything to anybody and still they continue despite being told off, blowing off the big mouth that I reeked of fear, after spending 17 years in a school environment to be taught things that kept me away from the Prisons literally, only to put up with their stupidities and the endless pressure of a need to build a crowd that loved them and adopt a public place where they saved their career for money and used mine for the verbosity of telling me what to do – only for the parents to show up seeking a case where it was decided what I had to do for the female community while kids got ahead of me financially as a form of local administration. I wonder how long a person waits if he reeked of fear, for them to move if they do but now we know that they loved to claim I am rude and disrespectful, so it had since grown into a matter of picking up tools to fight my wars somewhere, if they didn’t like the way I handled their stupidities to avoid criminals showing up to challenge those who challenged them for doing the kinds of work that criminals do. The Politicians have now learned that it does not improve electoral success processes to suggest those who defend themselves from these goons, especially when they thought their victims were unlikely to fight back and therefore had an opportunity to work it with legendary disobedience, were acting dangerously - I personally have reached that stage where the quasi criminals who claimed they were so good at crime they could commit it and evade the system at my expense, get imagination up my bum all day long, so it needs keep from my Books and make comments about its concerns or I will run mine down to the cultural, social and media reasons they are such a problem, so I might put my actions down to self-defence when the Police asks questions.

They do claim that it’s the fighting bad people that I never do but I wrote Books by which I did and they turned up to groom me for processes of getting imagination up my bum, so the criminals are now out there saying that I was a wise arse and have taken up the gimmicks they perform at my expense as pictures for themselves on social media too – as promiscuous activities that have emerged a possibility when a person got involved with a writer goes, this is off the scale. I do get told that mentioning how I worked placed me in difficulty as well but it does not; what I did most of the time involved building wealth equity that I worked with some Mistresses, what we fought for providing people who brokered with us, security from their stupidities, they were in league with criminals and armed forces people were the people doing the real fighting that they were talking rubbish about all the time but this is not what the public think of me, which needs to change and for their part, there is probably a good reason to get off it and join me, instead of pretend they were entitled to my earnings and planned to make me a low life by taking all the money that could be spent on my Bookshop from people who got involved with the Trust, not that I am thinking that would ever happen and certainly not in this lifetime. They do claim that they felt threatened by me and they don’t, the truth is that they have very big egos; one part of it is to do with trying to get on with them to such an extent people who would otherwise not have spent money on their gimmicks did and my business died – the other is to do with using me as a tool which was more a matter of there being spare Royals and there were things about living in a Country that they have never had – the one being used so often because it’s the Media involved was more a dream of me living in the suburbs while boys from the City deployed my ideas to get rich even when it was impossible, so I want to find out what would happen if I were prepared for this nonsense so I might be free of sexuality insults, needed to pay the bills desperately while the boys wanted to play with my life and therefore decided I couldn’t. I need to ensure that I showed up at their Doorsteps instead of getting to the Government to secure support at the Job centres. They do claim there is little I can do about these matters because of American support but the problem is that people think the US is part of their lives and Countries while the US is not – whilst it is a matter of a handful of gits who set about putting up money leverage in a way which meant people traded at the Markets as if I had lost something important and made a career out of abusing me, the problem is still the fact that this playing into the business of people thinking the US is part of their lives and Country was still the reasons I have been doing poor book sales numbers. That said, I would only have had to worry about it if I lived in the US but when I say this, I will have started a chain of events whereby a handful of gits that had created a situation in which I would set out publicity for my career and others would set out publicity for making money with my career, would end up claiming there were ample facts and reasons to back them up when they said they hated British in the future. To say the least, I need to ensure they continued fighting my wars.

They do claim that I have never spent money on an investment or gained market profit but continue to tackle people over an empire I had lost; it is utter nonsense naturally as we know that it is not a self-harming plan to build a trust system in which 90% of people who took part may have taken advantage of you and 10% may have bought your products even if you acted as if you were entitled to it, at the end of which we got out of an economic crisis – we all know it is a viable plan because nobody is paying these gits to go about eliminating everything that suggests they did not have a right to handle other people’s careers, they have been doing things and the fear that I might handle their own as well had kicked off a mini war, while I could really do without both – so we see that the influence system that these fools have built and maintained was predominantly provided for through insolence i.e. when I want them to stay away from my Books and keep their mouths shut as it were and they believe they had to continue making conversation about respect with a big mouth (cliche emerging - the 90% that take advantage of people and the 1% who own the worlds wealth). We have to listen to that nonsense often where its money I want and they will be waiting for me which I don’t believe was the crisis they thought it was, mainly because I think I am preparing very well for this and that stupid repetition of abusive activity that I had told them off for, to have them make excuses associated with a response I had given to previous insults but so am I hoping that it will not be the only means by which I ran a successful Bookshop as well. It’s an old tale of people saying sociopaths and psychopaths were the same whilst they are not; these idiots are sociopaths, with ideas about crowds that will love and pay them because they were able to ensure people whose names they didn’t know lived a stagnated lifestyle, to develop processes that helped them make money with work and befriend lose women, such that as soon as they found an opportunity we will hear that they had attacked a vulnerable person to clear out facts that support the idea they were losers. It’s like people say what I say shows that these matters bugging me are deliberately made so and yes they are, as none is paying these fools to take these civil rights insults to a stage where they got to eliminate everything that suggested my career did not belong to them, setting off to all those insults that would have stopped if there was a road between my Bookshop and their families where they could get a feedback for it every time they did not. If I did tackle their own as well, eliminating everything that provides the incentives to pay these sorts of perverted attention to me while there was no guarantee I would not attack them thereafter, the Politicians would say I was acting dangerously but they must rethink the idea now that the idiots never stop if they thought that I was unlikely to fight back. It’s a matter of the way they are so full of themselves they turned out to chase products sales on my University studies until I dropped out and spent another 12 years thereafter training younger people to address me as though we were fucking mates on account of what their pay packets were, just working on idea here of what I would have been entitled to get accustomed to, it does not know when people have had enough and needs get a Book when it shows up here.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland