It is now suggested that I am just a little way away from losing everything that I had. The truth of it is that I am not in any way heading towards such an outcome, what really happens is that an inability to show the service that is being provided Clients who buy copies of my Books and will own for the rest of their lives, generally meant that I was never going to get paid by them and this meant there was no way I could pay the bills properly as well. The Celebrities have been at it again, making comments about my social life all day because they needed it like a drug but they didn’t have guns to their heads asking them to blow kisses at criminals on my public image to sell magazines at the corner shops, none asked them to run off abusive stupidities about the way I saddled them with societal responsibility because I am a coward and had no respect for their money, by which they established their current relationship with society gits who spend all day pointing local criminals to my residence, we know they had done this because my Books was something they construed to be an item that could cover their bums while they trashed people’s lives to get rich from their stupid popularity and yet this is not necessarily the way to respond to the provision of such a service. So, the effect is that they did not care about me personally, their obsession with me therefore could only have applied on a professional basis and this is the problem, that it is so insulting and abusive that the view the public has of it is that I am working a personal arrangement with the Bookshop, that it is a labour of love. Eventually we find the purpose is that the idiots want everything I had worked for, to become a tool that broadcasting organisations may deploy to boost rating and television personalities may handle to befriend rich people and it is not the first time they have organised their career in that way at my expense – the first one resulted in a University fiasco for me after three years of incessant abuses that had developed from it.

The excuse is that my actions are just as disrespectful at the Monarchy which is utter rubbish – what we know is that they are criminals and the need to handle me in order to befriend rich people while working neighbourhoods that trap me somewhere and ensure they could make contact and bully me when life get tough and their problems were blamed on certain groups of people and communities, while anything I did about it belonged to ethnic minority scum that were just like them as well, speaks for itself. They are famous apparently and I cannot get them off this nonsense, so let us find out how it ended as it were. None of these are unusual, we see them at it all the time; Police Officer tackles a criminal, they make statements about paying their taxes, so if they abused Police Officer the criminal will be tackled more viciously because of the bad experiences they have had even though they were paying taxes that funded the security services – it has now transferred this stupid behaviour towards my Bookshop and we have entered a phase where we are about to find out how it ends as well; hence I am well aware of the way that detachment from my concerns would affect their mental health and energy levels but it is what I want, they have had this nonsense for 15 years while I complained the entire time at the other end on account they were famous and are not like the rest of us because they pretty much get anything they wanted and I must have what I want as well. It beggars the question of what a person does if they wanted to make use of Books that others had written as such – I don’t believe the above listed activities counted as the way a person may respond to another person’s literary work but it did start off stupidly enough, suggesting I was unusual and I think I want to escape the way people wanted to investigate what makes me tick etc, now it had twisted me into a complicated situation and put labels on, chiefly which is that I am now a talented tortured soul, so when I say they need keep from the Books and refrain from making comments about my social life, the problem was that they were famous and were not like the rest of us as they tended to get anything they wanted. The effect is that it is predictable that stacks of multimillion pound and multimillion dollar entertainment products have been laid out on my social life, my public image, and my Bookshop market, which does also indicate that everything which allows them to see my person and my work as pleasing to their eyes needed to be shut down and tied off and all that I must do to make them squirm needed to be put in motion.

There is this other point they raise about the way that I had criticised some religion which I should never have, and I would not know anyway, I think that before people set of threatening me to look like characters who only stopped handling others when conquered, they needed to read what I had written properly. What happens is that when you do nothing about violent people Office space, office bloc, office window criminal muslims will decide that you are infidel with a business that is not going anywhere looking to set me out as the character people bullied as the one to whom everybody that practices discrimination, nepotism and rejection on them was affiliated and the money they make will show haw good Allah had been  and thereby validate the religion, which meant that I am an infidel – when I do anything about abusive and violent people, I become the twat that had gone on to pick up matters that should have been decided by higher authorities of which there is now none left to be made to fight my battles. Somewhere in the middle of these two-juxta position, we know that people are possessed and show up near their religious organisations and establishments to work the will of Satan and that they usually kill such people while in Christendom, we would put those people to an exorcism. The cause of all these being their need to show up around me and make statements about a weak man who is all over them annoyingly because he wants others to fight his battles and it had gotten worse, what I said taken out of context because the usually stupid Americans had gone about using me for their purposes naturally and therefore the point still remains that the media and famous idiots, whether or not they had progressed from talking nonsense at me like they were in need of services from an exorcist, to blabbing the same evil nonsense around whether or not I am allowed to make money from my Bookshop which the Politicians have facilitated, they needed to keep from my Books and make comments about their own social lives or I will make sense of the way that telling them so only meant that they showered me with a 5 year history of insults because they were famous and always got what they wanted. They are not really a threat to me in a  wider sense, I know that if they cannot keep their imagination off my anus, I will fuck their society and the popularity of their children so that we got to kill each other’s babies that way all the time for it – the alternative is that I can draw a line on the matter and move on as equally as I have given them their exit from my Bookshop. What I really said to ignorant rivalry and criminals from the Muslim community is that Mohammed was dead and buried while Christ had died and resurrected on the third day, meaning that the former did not control their behaviour, while the latter controlled mine. Even now what I have done here will already have been wasted by a handful of idiots that are famous and always got what they wanted, so they wasted it on Media to put themselves in control and tell me what to do because they were, which is the reason we are about to find out how this nonsense gets to stop. The other claim made being that I had chosen the easy route out of this matter but the main issue is still the abusive stupidities used to make sense of instances where they put themselves in control and hadn’t a clue what they were doing, to waste everything I had done in order to push me around for survival – they have had 15 years of this nonsense and I have given them all necessary opportunity to end it, while they have claimed it is a cluster of important activities because of something that is said to have happened and we know that they are referring to instances where they trash the National service performed by State operatives to streamline a career and deploy it as tools to help them build an image as conquerors, so the process is being used to effect administration because they are shoving it down our throats that when their bruiser selves get about doing tough things, they provided public security. Everything here, from career to personal life, social life and my Bookshop has now stagnated to make sense of the way criminals paid attention to my concerns because there is a sense that I ought to allow a handful of scumbags get accustomed to such results on account their stupidities were said to be famous ones.

What stands out here being that I would like people to think that I had engineered the process by which these things occur but I had, its purpose is to ensure that matters can be pursued by administrative authorities and brought to a conclusion, hence nothing is concluded, however this business of the times I want to pay the bills being the times that others want to express themselves is not the one I engineered and happens because they had an ego. In effect they claim I waste myself serving the Royal Family while I was given all I needed and in effect it was a Business empire in the making because there were Political Diplomatic and Royal allies, I had to make it into what I thought would help me fulfil my work but now the problem is that whilst I am more important than the Celebrities, the fact Celebrities thought otherwise is reason for the mini war, so we must avoid future problems by making sure they stopped handling me and put their own social lives out there to make comments on. They do claim they didn’t hate me as much as I had claimed but we know that these abuses have intensified with the interests that criminals have paid to my concerns, stirred by them as a tool that helped them cover their backsides while they got rich and the destruction of my finances was said to be punishment for rubbing shoulders with them to saddle them with society problems on being a coward that didn’t respect their money, trashing my career to shower me with a history of insults and getting quasi criminals to access my Court. It then all adds to the fact that they had a nasty lifestyle of ripping peoples careers to pick up social lives of victims as tools for popularity, then they developed an obsession for getting involved with mine to derive conveniences but the big one is that they engage with thousands of people from the population, looking for random love that will get to decide what the public thought their popularity meant, on my social life and public image and will not be deterred. The wider picture is that the Obama Administration is merely done getting them to fight Muslims and then get into alliance with Muslims to get what they liked from British Royalty.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland