So, it is
suggested that I fail to understand the race issues, which is utter nonsense
naturally as we know that racists and ethnic minority gangs are pretty much the
same things, should a person clash with them on their own turf, the prospects
of wining are impossibly small. What has happened then being that when
Government operatives survey the population to find facts about racism, the
racism they find is the one that celebrity culture ethnic minorities use to
avoid work while getting rich, so it is not racism at all but when they say it
is racism, the racism issue become very confusing. What recent reports have
shown is that it was a wealth and social disparity problem mostly – such that
we can see that if I am meant to have made this great mistake of putting my
talents towards providing products and services for people who needed help to
get up the wealth ladder and not those that were already rich, it was common
sense to see that the worst thing anybody could do is make a mess of the market
numbers if I am working to ensure they were preserving their jobs which
improved the prospects of me owning a successful Bookshop. It is what happens
when Government spends money to ensure people were prepared to pay their 50-year
tax revenue and gets about the carrot and tick routines with the people who
fell by the wayside. What these goons then do involved a process of pillaging
my business to play games of the sweet little things on the streets that I am
meant to spend so much of my time on that I lost all I had, so the matter of
spending time on the sweet little things, to hurt yourself with the possessions
that Celebrities owned was a matter of choice but not in my case and the same
gits have furnished themselves with a Publicity of telling me that I had
described them as a handful of fucking idiots and it will likely get me into
trouble with a big mouth – goes without saying they need to stop handling me
and make comments about their own social lives as such, or this nonsense is
about to proceed to the part where it affected their families and careers as well
and then end very badly thereafter. I am not running away from condemning
racism as claimed; the problem is that majority of ethnic minorities need
racism as a means of control for those they wanted to handle in order to chase
money – their stupidities being practiced on me had such an effect as somebody
had money, I am an Arch Prince and the challenge was that the people with money
want to own me., still it will not understand readily that it needed to stop
addressing me and spend more of its time with its mates. It is meant to be a
two part story once we clear out the business of the fact they had now run out
of civil rights lies and the process of inventing new ones was so much work but
will not stop getting involved with me at the same time – so this is their
wealth disparity and the way that we wait and wait and wait to start working on
the wealth issues; in my case it has been an exercise of letting their gimmicks
play out, so they ran out of the lies as pointed out above but I have done that
over a 7 year period and nobody is really this stupid.
we find that it comes through as the Celebrities that you look to all the time
because they had the things that everybody wished for, the effect is that one
is being made to spend time on the little things on the streets whereby he does
that and loses everything he had, ending up with an aspect of his public image,
which suggested that he had need of money to such an extent, it was more
important than a Royal Office. I don’t even use racism as a means of control,
to say that racism will catch up with those who do not co-operate with my needs
but I am well aware of the way these gangs work and the way the civil servants
in Uniform work to ensure they didn’t make a mess for the general public, it is
so difficult to make sense of how indeed a handful of characters as clever as
these superior twats claim they are, to understand that if I clashed with them
on their turf, I had no prospects of winning, besides the fact their
stupidities have become quite good at the business of wrecking everything I do
to take care of worries associated with the facts that none had the people in
Uniform at their beck and call and this beats the imagination as no other
groups of people have this incredibly stupid thought pattern. They speak of the
way we get caught up with Celebrities naturally which facts are that I do pick
up people to allow them run off equities of areas of public activity that
allowed younger persons handle the interests of crime while they attended to
their academic concerns but not only do they decide the money involved had to
be their own, their own interest here is my vulnerability i.e. the prospects of
somebody getting involved with me and before I knew it they were engaging with
a crowd of millions at my expense and asking to see what it is exactly I could
do about it each time they planned to get worse – it will do everything it can
to get involved with my concerns and once in thinks I was not deserving of any
respect, to it sets about this every time. I am not necessarily vulnerable to
it as such, but I feel like somebody that does not have any clothes on while my
body is sore all over and their interest in my private part means that it made
a smell, so I think that my opinions on their stupidities will be best
expressed when the Celebrity culture lay in utter ruins as well.
They do
claim I had lost everything which is not the case. We simply cannot trust them
to be honest at the Market place; it was okay for people to rig your market
because it was simply possible that the market could be rigged, so others got
financial benefits from what you worked for. It can only continue until I too
devised a way to ensure they lived an existence caught between work, family
concerns and their shopping, so any who wanted to take full advantage could do
so, which I think would not bother them very much considering that they have
insisted they were part of it. The Celebrities who had everything I wished for,
about which I ought to abandon the career and join in on a band waggon, I mean
they can recognise this rhetoric, as it does indicate when I am finished with
the race bits, I will likely attack the homosexuals next, since for them, this
business of abusive activities levied at me for this insanity, was a sign I am
homosexual and not a sign others have been spending my time and resources,
responding to sweet little things on the streets on my behalf, blabbing of
Celebrities having everything that I wished for, making a complete mess of this
place, looking for befitting response. So, Celebrity and Government work and
resources set out to bring about economic recovery or support those that fell
by the say side, are not really a good blend; the point they make is that I did
not have a choice in the matter.
development is that they have made much out of Publicity and abuses intended to
ensure they got to share my personal space and what they are now doing with it
goes beyond the need to build a crowd that supported their stupidities on how I
should be used, to something of a need to hit my chest until I suffered heart failure
or something like that. Recent events then being that when Clients read my
Books, they cannot carry on with the career because the outcome of these
activities were also insulting that involved getting imagination up my bum and
spreading it to ensure everybody who got involved with me faced the same
problem. We are therefore doing this because Celebrities had gotten addicted to
handling me and are still trying to on account that show business had hit hard
time, thus by trashing my career, they will be able to secure those successes
they gained by handling me – the other reason we are doing this being their
need to secure prerogatives had since led them towards abusive behaviour in my
direction that suggested they paid my bills and we know if they did, those
abuses would become a high responsibility and the effects a deterrence in its
own right, the outcome is not just that moving around annoys their popularity
stupidities but the amusement of this nonsense and the business of shutting
down because it is so stupid is something I am about to overcome and for all
the wrong reasons. Currently I have progressed from asking them to stay away
from the Books and stop making comments about my social life, especially when
their own is more important, to something of the Bookshop Clients and their
jobs on the blue corner while Celebrities took up the red and because I want a
successful Bookshop, I will need to win it and they will have to be content
with being pushed back to their celebrity corner where they can handle me less
and get imagination up my anus like the twat we share a lot less. For the
violence they threaten, it was an old story of the idea that I am never going
to do it, giving way to outcomes where I clear out all that gets me thinking I
either had to drop down to society gits spending their time trying to stay out
of prisons or I talked like I had been awarded a qualification from the
University of bullying and then set about teaching them a lesson that they will
not forget too. It has always been the one issue and its need to tackle
relationships I establish for work and personal reasons is incredible; I am as
such not a fan of Labour Party here in the UK or Democrats in the USA and they
do like to say that I will get into trouble with racists while we know if I set
a stage for instance where a racist interest in my concerns left them with an
understanding they were fooling around with prospects of somebody showing up to
buy a book copy that they should have, which scenario would affect their
career, it was more effective a deterrence than the stupidities we see these
gits exhibit to put themselves in charge and tear down other people’s lives. It
is always the need to show up on people’s concerns and introduce themselves as
VIPs, until this sort of outcomes where other people’s lives had stagnated and often
as in my case, I am on a schedule, clashing with other insanity where their
civil rights dictated, I was supposed to fight people for them. We have seen
some claim that I am a burden at the Monarchy until they were asked to protect me,
and all hell broke loose thereof.
I am told
I desire what the Celebrities have, and this is the problem, years of
suggestion that I had failed to provide potential clients with service, is how
my social life has been broken down into such nonsense, since they tended to
have fantasies that I might want to relate with the Public as a Celebrity. The
real world is the one in which I don’t need their money as establishing a Court
in which I worked with famous people and they were able to point cameras at
themselves with reference to me as a tool for administration, is possible
because I keep a pure Hermitage, such that there were sinful things allowed
between me and wife, somewhere in between, I invited these people into the
codes by which I get about with the wife, in a bid to build a network for the
family – making decisions about insults and abuses that lead people to think
about anal sex alone does not achieve this, so there is no way that I would
have wanted their money or what they have. They do ask the other question of
whether I thought people were ugly and I didn’t want to be near them which I
don’t; the problem is that they had a tendency to dig my vulnerabilities that I
have mentioned above and besides that need to engage with the public that
should engage with me or build a crowd that will make me do their bidding, they
also groomed themselves for a social life that bad mouthed royalty all the
time, meeting them therefore sets the stage for a relationship but it is easy
to tell what will happen in a few years. I am out there looking for a woman
whose footprints keep showing up in the path of my life, I am not looking for
everybody, it does not mean I find them unattractive. The Muslim gits with
their criminal backyard Britain, Radio waves and e-commerce are really pushing
me on those abusive gimmicks where they gained access to a certain part of my
work and needed to ensure I could not stop them if Celebrities decided how I
should be used, the real men idiots are not yet doing Jihad currently as it
The need
to remind me I am an annoying character is obviously constant but coming from a
handful of people who keep me on Universal Credit, so they might claim my
literary empire only exists in my head, conduct tribalism raids to get to the
top offices at Industry, make public obfuscation about my diet and generally
set about running me down at Public identity right up to country
fraternisation, leading to a 6 year process of putting up with financial complications
that are not due to my incompetence of laziness but entirely the fact they were
being popular, I think that I am rather on a very low point on the ladder when
it comes to the scale of annoying people. Living on Universal Credit was never
really a problem as such, since we know that most of their stupidities are
built up from finding out what my worries about doing so was, the same way they
had a need to perform my National service and make sacrifices on it, to show up
here talking nonsense about what they were entitled to on account they were
brave in their stupid view, the problems associated with the continued receipt
of Universal Credit support being entirely a matter of clichés, which then
makes me an annoying person. This has gone on for years by the way – started
out when each time I got to the City, the people there took a certain view of
me even when they didn’t know who I was, so a few year later, the mess ensued,
I ended up being redundant on my first job, complete with damaged wellbeing due
to the interest the radio waves showed in the way I pursued the job, picked up
University studies where they then set about claiming that my need to complete
it and make sense of what people thought about me added up to a process of
stealing their stuff, which was worked in such a way that they needed to lay
claims of ownership to the sociological way I pursued the studies and attended
the Cafes etc, the same process has been repeated on several other working
opportunities and now my Books as well, which outcome is that we have ended up
on their Turf i.e. the Media and Celebrity turf and it’s about to come to an
end the way that made me comfortable.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland