So they do claim I am some little git that prances everywhere therefore likely to get himself into a lot of trouble but it is utter nonsense – what we have here are results of a well calculated plan, from the time that I found out people would rather laugh at my CV before they read it, when there was nothing wrong with it 17 years, to the time that the abuses were so intense I dropped out of University, now it’s just a very perverted form of abuse that can secure a future for their silly children while they were too lazy to plan for all together. They have reached the halfway point of this nonsense at this stage i.e., the part where they had run out of lies, so it is fair to assume the next cluster of stories will be the outcome of their perverted interest in me earning them a response. The Politicians have always worried that it is usually better when people in Office do not respond to it and yes, it is, as doing so is a loss for the Government and I am not – I am simply pointing out their interest in my social life and my Books, the way they have come half way so far and ran out of lies to tell for their gimmicks and the way the continuation of the applicable behaviour towards me, will earn them a response. So the other general issue people raise is that it’s difficult to tell what they are after and it really isn’t from here; they are criminals and always need to ensure that somebody else suffered because they paid a price for being brave – it was all under control until the Duke of Sussex decided he wanted to be Men’s world Prince and the whole thing got all over the place; I mean I dropped out of University when it hadn’t, so this was the challenge and I appear to be doing rather well at this stage too. It’s a simple matter of the fact that if you are involved in sustaining and supporting civil municipal environment, you can either create the issues from which you developed disposition of adjudication by yourself or you can rely on them to be angry that the security services did a job, all the time, I know which one I prefer – hence the fools who see my position but spend most of their time visiting the worst kinds of abuses on me are currently the idiots making me unbearably vulnerable to it, over some popularity practical jokes they want to spend time on, hence the idea they were half way past the point now, is more applicable to the Celebrity fools and the gits that join them in it.

They do claim everybody that gets involved with me comes off with a bad experience but they don’t – first they targeted me over the way my personality should be used until the private diaries that helped me cope were full because they were repeating themselves and there was nothing more to deal with if I wanted to cope, thereafter they relied on my career and finances to invent new forms of popularity abuses and now it’s mainly a case of violent lasciviousness that whole communities are taking part in, coupled with their croons who claim my personality was a product of sleeping with peoples wives, hence all forms of abuses were okay for their stupidities since I had to way of completely shutting down the good character that others may deploy to get paid for being popular, since I was not raised to see my upbringing as a shroud more so. The outcome is this business of times that they got to meet the target of their violent lasciviousness and the way a person cannot walk away from a fight because big brother runs the show with finer points of homosexuality gimmicks and I have not been about to account for the way the last 3 years of my time has passed and I needed to ensure their stupidities got a feedback, hence my interest in criminal popularity backyards, socialists telling people how to exist, media stupidities and celebrities as is what makes big brother such a pain, so my bottom hurts thereof and it’s like a bloody motivation for it. It’s the thing about the power they enjoy in their group gimmicks whenever they set out those communities to make you look like you are standing in front of a local bench manned by society idiots and they want to take your clothes off in Public, especially when Office space, Office block, office window criminal Muslim is involved too – Their civil and criminal disobedient interest in me is about to earn them a character that wants to ensure they cannot control what happens around them for as long as they had time to spend on this earth.

They do claim they target me because I am party to things people do to agitate them but apparently they were clear about what being agitated was – the way that they are idiots in suits who probably appears on my television and can drive insults and practical jokes into my career and finances is not counted among agitation, especially if none is interfering with their salaries and they were in a position to understand that being an annoying character should be played off outside of peoples livelihoods and family wellbeing. That said, it was always a matter of the power they had as a community and their version of the truth when they are not at the receiving end on your version as well, of which none wants to be part of the stupidities that targets you unless you were in pain and it is the distraction of the pain which means I am unable to account for the way 3 years of my time has been spent and I am going to make them account for it now that it depends on their stupidities that they did. So apparently, office space, office block, office window criminal muslims was an addition that Barrack Obama invented, about which he is currently doing very well, it was needed, somebody needed to strengthen the ageist gits with a need to see others grovel for money with stupid civil rights children who want to play with my livelihood to feel good about themselves and somebody needed to strengthen popularity git big brother who does not know when he has gone too far fooling around with others. They always make those excuses that it’s about the way there are people I would love to handle but cannot; the truth of it being that the ageist who stupidly want to see me grovel for money do not come to being without a prognosis and it is exactly the same behaviour that we see, where responsibilities I have to keep people safe is being doubled and one half is run off at me on media abusively every day to trash my finances, so they came to being when they spent so much time on this and ended up in a situation where they spent money to buy products and cater for their needs down a completely different direction from what they really wanted and now have difficulty making sense of the fact handling my Books is a crime, which is also about to earn them a new history on my account. So it started out with their community croons claiming my personality was a product of sleeping with peoples wives, which completely wrecked anything women at a Court did to protect me from popularity bullying and then they realised that I may have lost the means by which any fight with me, either way it went, would see them lose the popularity benefits that was the source of all bullying and decided no amount of bullying was enough to motivate me into shutting down every aspect of this part of my personality and got into behaviour which will never stop as long as they had access to it or could threaten me into opening up – then there is the third factor where I am a Hermit and if I am thinking about getting into a fight with people, one day I will have to do it while I am on a fast and they must have had their five course meal, so the idea I dream about handling people was based on utter nonsense that they had invented but the big history between me and them on this part is that I had dropped out of University and they have recently made it a major point of reckoning – then there is the fourth which is a question of how I got to sort out matters which a community that is built entire for violent lasciviousness that people can target me and thereby make my hermitage available to public access while their stupidities got popular for making it so, the viable option being one where I got to burn their celebrity culture if I had to continue living with their perverted interest in me. They do claim I think I am incredibly important but am not which is utter nonsense as their position is one that exists somewhere in the middle class between the shops that people passes exams at school to control and the communities that are being served through it and especially because this is a society built to put first the needs of women and children, they are always seen clashing with people that are bigger than they are and are always seen after finding others who will suffer the smell issues they pick up in the process. They say I cannot escape how I live at this stage and yes I cannot but I am always tired as a consequence of their abusive insults, besides which I could also do without gimmicks involving people picking up my work to re-enact risks I took before I got the Books written, making me looking like there were no patents attached to my work where Celebrities could gain access to my social life and by the time it was clear the opposite was reality, the market will have vanished – so if it bothers them so much that I am unkempt they may tidy it up themselves to keep what they have literally stolen. There is really no credibly to the story of me going up against people I cannot handle, it’s always put up this way until it goes horribly wrong; I mean these are a handful of individuals that are so stupid they want to earn my income and need it to such an extent, they had to pick up my work, build a media presence for it and set it out as something about which there was no patents attached, so that a Celebrity they admired or some women they had sex with would grab the market before the truth was out but whilst the rest of us think that if there were patents attached before they began it is a criminal activity, the idiots think it is indications of those I wish to handle but cannot – I too plan to drive it on to a point where informing them it is a Bookshop and should be respected like one, gave way to a case of running administrative matters in terms of the gits that cannot have their meetings at work in the City centre without looking like they would fancy my involvement through which they got my market looking the way they found it and the other fools running restaurants they attended with ideas about me being a character people bullied to suck up to the rich, while the wealthier gits who engaged in such activities loved to claim I was a character seeking to be something I am not, then only will it get serious apparently – the third factor being an excitable politician that will take part in a way which shows that their culture and society was a handful of gimmicks designed to ensure I couldn’t control what happened around me and it had now delivered me license to take their own away from them too – the ethnic minorities are usually very good at supporting this sort of nonsense whenever they are not yet clashing with somebody that wants them to deploy the communities as trading platform while their stupidities got to live in hell the entire time.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland