I have been told I believe I know a lot about the British but know nothing and it’s an old tale of people showing up here to find there are British people like them who believe others should get to an Office work to earn money and then share it with women that they control, so they might put their feet up and get rich in the City, what then happens when others are stronger is that they show up here to pretend that I am a soft touch. The British bits were an old story about how I am always seen interfering with women beyond my league and when I introduce myself as Royalty at any stage I will get into trouble. They are the type that will be happy to set a stage for me to develop a property grid accounting system that documents every foul thing they and those other idiots they claim are famous do to me and develops a reprisal for it, their Politicians on the other hand having stopped denying that their activities back to back, serve as a series of processes which allow them decide what is to happen with academic work and finances of the Church guy – where all that talk that they have no wish to stop it generally means that I will eventually get my hands on the Celebrity culture and give it my best effort to see if it is possible to destroy it completely as well. I do get told its unusual these matters do not scare me but they don’t if what happens is that I may broker equity with a Company and whilst their tribalism raid idiots will get involved with the Company and find a stage that makes it impossible to tell that there is actual property transpiring between me and the Company as soon as they built me a Public image which says that none knows who the hell I am, they will be seen on a low bride filling the atmosphere with stories about a guy who claims he is personally familiar with rich people. So, the story that I would get into trouble if I introduced myself as Royalty is one that serves to indicate that it has a day and a time as well as it were. They do claim the other silly women that are always seen threatening me because they have these goons as backup are allied to the duke of Edinburgh but it’s an old story where I too do have a history on the matter which says I am a gold digger always inventing one demanding plan for people after another, which gets their gold diggers at the Monarchy set on me and incurs HM wrath while I hang up somewhere thinking people should try to ensure HM does not do this wrath thing often. It becomes quite clear that unless the older ones end up with a  situation that locates me somewhere between them and what happens with their employers, as a product of the fact they are always bullying me over work and it’s a huge responsibility for employers, indicating the jobs to be the main problem, it will never improve, while unless there is a complete elimination of everything that possesses the younger ones into showing up on my case to claim their civil and human rights is located somewhere in a process where they got famous with my Public image, they will never behave. That said, when other fools like them show up here and find that they do not stand a chance, I do not see how it helps to assume I am a soft touch anyway.

It’s a very small thing that is required of them here i.e. to shut down the stupid comments they make about me and my concerns, which alters what people feel about my Books and it is small enough to earn them the worlds trouble as well, since what happens with it is one of industry fools handing money to anything they do to enhance their famous stupidities, to buy equipment and venues that help them extract money from my family finance base, then hang around somewhere with media presence to create a sense I built market and it was taken from me and I am the guy people take market from while all the problems I create for them is due to the fact I don’t have money. We find each time they are employed in a job role, it’s about some low life who has an influence on multinational companies instead of selling a product or managing a company, leaving me to run a Bookshop on their schedule instead of mine, when they are not seen writhing in pain for some reason over it – it does need to sell the product and stop bothering me, as the next time I am off clearing out this sort of thing, I will not be doing so at my expense, while they blow off their big mouth about a fight I have no opportunity of surviving all the time. I do get asked if I know why they do it but it’s a matter of very poor upbringing first of all and a need to bully others that had been coupled with it – so in my case it’s mainly a matter of the idea if I did anything, I would only have set a stage that brings about a series of outcomes which make me worse off and then it will continue right up to a stage where it linked a money making process to it and then stopping the bullying will stop the job and that would be unacceptable. It does like to brag that I talk and will get into trouble again but there will be no such thing, like the idea I did what I did because I needed money does not hold up to the fact I have a trust system that will be giving me cowries in return for a Book according their stupid minds, never mind the fact cowries were legal tender when they were – that if I wanted as much money as they had, I needed to start building the savings in my teens, so if I delayed the process have clearly not been keeping an eye on the plans and property according to their stupid minds – It only needs to set out a particular point on which it wants to start again and then the business of the USA always being seen supporting any stupidities of these kind, alongside American money being spent to build up perception I worked on market that others had taken being taken very seriously around here, right up to the business of the money Americans say they deploy to wreck peoples livelihoods when people are engaged in organised crime rather being spent on this Bookshop, taken very seriously with intent to ensure that the mess was cleared out at their expense.

On the matter of the fact they can offer the Monarchy courage which is preferable to my activities however, it’s an old story about the fact none can explain why it is so hard for the Celebrities to see that it was in their interest to sort out matters with the American friends for the Country, Monarchy and the Media, than it was to pick up my work and set about fighting my enemies for me as though I had any. Then again we are not necessarily strangers to the way they seem to add up processes of being famous and being very stupid individuals at the same time – typical example being the way they continue to get paid for being popular on structures I set up to support women, through to wealth equity that decided relations with work environment and helped to prevent terrorism for instance while feeding government with necessary and important facts for foreign Policy and education, which of course is not what the system was meant for in the first place i.e. a handful of gits getting paid for being popular but now I am spending most of my time responding to insults associated with the idea they now own an amount of money that will never run out so I might save myself misery if I started a fight with them and did not allow them take anything they wanted from my concerns, even though at the time they started their stupidities with my concerns, they were teenagers and I had seen every part of their gimmicks to date. They claim it is something about what the Queen thinks of me but I have no idea who appointed them to enforce the Queen’s will in this Country anyway – that said, I am not unaware that they are not in any way enforcing the Queens will too; I mean I have had to deal with some of the stupidest aspects of this nonsense like when they plug their insanity into my concerns instead of use people’s lives for purposes intended, they end up making more money than members of the Royal family have and even the Queen herself, so they speak of being unable to make sense of the reasons HM was more respected than they were – the entire time which the idiots will have been setting out my social life as a tool for self-exhibitionism, where which is annoying and disruptive enough until I find out they were aware of the risk that sex workers will take advantage of it to get about selling sexual pleasures on my social life but continued with the behaviour and applicable activities, inventing increasingly more abusive types every day with impunity, as stupidly as possible.

So it’s like I have been told that I am engaged in this fight that will never end while the reality is for instance that I have a Court system; I will have expected I would be engaging with them around 5.00am when the world business news was on and general news will begin around 6.00am but we will instead be talking about cowardice issues that help to show they thought they were important but are not actually relevant persons, the entire time which I am caught up with idiots who had fame to play with gaining access to my sleeping area to irritate me all day by getting their stupid imaginative finger up my anus as what they claim was an understanding of what my leadership did and it is one of the things that makes me so irritated, likely to be the undercurrent that drives me to burn the Celebrity culture all together but I suppose I ought to take my time on the matter too. The Court system itself was a group of women who asked me to assist them using my Church influence some 16 years ago when the threat of male colleagues making so much sense of the way that people got attacked by somebody, they fell in love within dilapidated neighbourhoods, helped to advance media careers for those who had penises. I supported the women to a stage where the male colleagues made it quite clear that the jobs will lost if involvement with me wasn’t stopped, then they got off choosing my friends for me thereafter as well, meaning that when I did put myself on the line to prevent loss of jobs worth tens of thousands of pounds to the Court members, my own career hit rock bottom – that said, the women are now at Managerial positions all together and the pay inequality thing has become a public stage phenomenon. They have always done this and enjoy blowing off their big mouth at me while we know there is really little they can do if I started inventing a full proof plan to sort out what I needed from their idiocy putting a name to their faces on my television to shower me with insolence all day but the one that causes most of the problems is that they are aware making a mess of other people’s House like they have mine comes with consequences, save according to them, I was not important enough for those consequences to have applied. They will then speak of responsibility on my part where there was only their stupidities spending so much time tackling me, that their popularity culture had fallen into ruins and they would love to pick up their careers where they left off after the recession but have not got the stomach for it, needs to clear my space, as all of this nonsense really was their own ideas, prospect being that it is likely to end very badly if it does end the way I want it to.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland