The talk that is causing most of the problems with respect to Church interests is that story about the fact I am a poor person who liked to irritate others because I think I am important. I however do not think that this was the main problem as the main problem is that we worked a week before on the fact that the previous weeks bills were paid by the Government and I was looking to start paying the new weeks bills through my Bookshop, which they said was unfeasible to expect if the only problem I faced was their white lie gestures and insults trashing my sales with practical jokes that showed they were modern and proper British boys etc. This continues still while they complain, and it was easier to stop it than to draw up all the contingencies needed to complain about me. I am good with them on the insults and abuses as such but when it comes to the part concerning Celebrities who claim I am too much of coward to deserve my career and had saddled them with social problems, only to pick up the way that the same individuals who make the most of it to sell them exotic goods and services in the City centre as individuals who are nice people while I am being discriminative while at the same time abuses levied at them from those people were my responsibility as they could see from my Books that I am meant to cover their backsides i.e. the insults of Celebrities where the bash my Bookshop to decide how the Public got involved and to control me – I am also good with society people in the same way, save the part where their insults were more important to members of the Public than the fact I am a writer – I am also good with industry people in the same way, where their insults suggested a job I created for myself was a process of picking up what the families of top industry office holders should be doing to mop up the extra money that is getting around the jobs of their family members and none of these insults that are causing me the most problems are set to stop while they complained about me endlessly.

They speak of the way I did not have a chance just as much and we know it is what happens when Celebrities who otherwise would live a life that was split between the random adulation they got from strangers to get rich by and a life of endless search for privilege, found their way into the business of a Government operative, which gave them a sense that they had access to both worlds. The reality on the other hand is that I will likely have decided that somebody who was many times my size is always annoying me and at the stage where he expects me to back off my Government Office while I know that lives will be jeopardised if I did, was the stage I needed to ensure I left no stone unturned when I stood up to make the point that he is always annoying but thinks his size had achieved fear – so we can see that they were oblivious to the way that civil wars are made.  Same as if I blindfolded them in a street corner and beat them up lest they never knew I did and could not tell the Police feeding into other gimmicks I might invent to trash the ways that their private security protects them and tear down everything that allows them carry on when they were not getting a body guarding service from the Police which will never be available to them, indicating their insults were developed around facts when they continued to ensure the Government paid my Bills and not my Bookshop because my responses were amusing. What then happens with all that power they think they have is that if I felt I was threatened, I would have assessed what caused Celebrities to gain access to me, same as corrupt Royals, I would smash it and prepare for war. So we can see it applies in the same way to everybody but none knows where Celebrities get the idea of keeping somebody on Government support with money practical jokes from – I suppose the purpose is to ensure all incentives built up for an incentive based business that I never spent money on for years, ended up on broadcasting organisations to serve them alongside bottom chasing German influence low lives they can rely on to do their stupid bidding, showing up here to repeat popularity damages that I clear out of this place all the time, to complain about responses they get when I want them to do it to the Celebrities as well and they knew they couldn’t take me on over it; In any case of which if I will burn their world before my incentives ended up on any broadcasting organisations to serve them, talking nonsense they did not think was incredibly stupid, about them being Arch Princes in the USA while I was the one in the UK, as a service for my race with a big mouth that will not restrict its stupid comments to its own career if it is complaining about me every day. I do get told that whilst I complained about their white lie gestures and insults damaging my finances, I tended to white wash the facts on this matter but there is nothing to share about the reality that Celebrities trash my finances to get me covering their backsides once they were done getting rich from random adulation that strangers offered them, or the fact self-seeking idiots had since chased money to a point of wedging themselves between me and the Celebrities to make me do it by bombarding me with the actions of hoodlums and criminals, such that I had presented a three year results of such nonsense which showed the effect it had on my career and finances, the fact I was still single to no avail, while they had already started complaining about my responses after I ended up in a position where I really wanted to escape the coverups that will serve a counter measure that ensured I was unable to fight back. I mean I am a writer, and I went out with a painter to seek my fortunes in the city and another writer showed up to share my income at the market, it would not be nice but what we have here are a group of people who simply think that they were entitled to other people’s incomes, nothing serious and nothing unusual. Soon enough their children and that of their fans show up here to shower me with Office space insults that will decide my social station, which really pushes up the pressure to get a response from me and will continue the white lie gestures that wreck the Book sales every day if they had their own careers.

I am then told it is quite heavy on the war front, but it is the peace front about which none asked them a question of the poor guy who thinks he is important, while they had to raise the point garnished with prospects of manhandling me once they were finished trashing my finances. The peace part will be the part where society is organised in a way that meant the male side was always picking on those who had left it too long to start a family, while they were the Celebrities clashing with it all the time because they had a problem with marital fidelity; my Books then get caught in it because their interest in the gap that existed between the prison service and the good jobs in the city as per the way I existed in lived, had developed into an existence they had decided should cover their backside and be denied money until he did it properly. So, I do not think that the prospects of Celebrities being told to stop setting me out as a character they bullied to reach agreements during big business deals is ever going to stop simply because they were told off anyway. It’s like people ask the question of why I think they do it which is simply a matter of those claims that the small people had invented something that they usually took by being nasty to better their careers by and it is about to enter a stage where their theories about small people will be proven to have been entirely wrong, especially on the front they had a lot of money to tackle me by while my Hermitage does not exist if it is a trust system in which all my wealth is tied up, people getting imagination up my bum because of them as well showing I am caught up with the wrong crowd not just a question of if the fact they liked my Books developed into a mini war over the Publisher building small publicity for the patents placed on it; a wrong crowd that will not keep away from my Public image if I am using it to force fame on hoodlums that will be happy to hurt people because they needed to make money, at the same time blowing kisses at criminals on my social life to sell magazines because I am meant to cover their backside – this nonsense started in 2012, long after I described what I did as private equity intellectual property administration and not a livelihood where I covered Celebrity backsides and we are still talking about it in 2021 in a life where Government paid the bills, while they keep their salaries, hence I do agree with them that I am not to be taken seriously as such for my part as well, until it ended very badly. As I said, I am set to ensure they had no way to carry out their show business without heavy security which was not available through the Police, I am going to ensure culture and society gits cannot defend themselves from enemies, ensure abusive hoodlums were only working my social life and public image and will burn their world before my assets and equities tied up in an incentive business ended up in the hands of broadcasting organisations that will serve their famous stupidities better than I am.

They do love to claim that I am in for a nasty surprise if I tried anything unusual and we know it is the rebellion being stirred up on their behalf at the Monarchy, an old story of the way soldiers is meant to do one thing, but they end up dealing with escalations caused by Celebrities who want them to get into combat. So, they believe I am weak in this area, but I am about to set out the way I fight for mine as a civilian, even the mistresses did such that they had to send out their sugar babies to wreck our lives claiming they were famous, and I am going to take them on over that business of being too cowardly to deserve a career as well. The application at Government being the claim that people like me joined the Military because we were too weak to face life itself but reality is that we did because of the way their activities imposed sex work on others, which helps them bugger people to any extent they wanted and how some people thought it was worth dying for, to join the Military and ensure when war kicks off Celebrities will be subordinate officers. For their part, they were not going from characters that did everything to facilitate environments people built to get others feeling more comfortable with their crimes, to something of fighting my wars at the Military because I had counted these issues of what soldiers are meant to do, how they escalate it and the reasons they had to take out their own trash.

I am told that I played too much, so it was difficult to tell what am doing but the play is a meant to be a distraction i.e. if I thought that somebody was more deserving of top Industry Office for instance, it did not mean that was what the Market thought at present and if the market were to be brought round, too much wealth would have been damaged or lost, eventually we see this come together frequently, whereby the pressure and abuses from these gits meets up with the times I thought it best to go public with information and this what pushes the play out of my head to create this sense I am a character who cannot be taken seriously because all he said was amusing. They thrive on this; I have built a Bookshop, I have set out a website for it and a social media, they had chosen not to be a part of this network, knowing it was a requirement for involvement, then set about picking up everything Clients did with me to do more ostentatious and extravagant versions of it, such that into the future, either way they worked with me or didn’t, they had a business in which they could make profits getting imagination up my bum and I am about to break it for them as well, hence I tended to play a lot when I had not done enough to get into a position that allowed me to do something physical. The fall out is taking up more of a Public face these days – they should have been entitled to that top office when they look like they got off local primary school playground to get involved with Company managers of which out of five people working with a manager they would be the odd ones out making trouble endlessly, so I am the character that their local hoodlums should be aware is responsible for them losing the top Industry jobs and so on and if I feel they are becoming a threat, I will smash the society and the Celebrity culture and the Media, to ensure that it was quite obvious to the entire world that my Books were very important items to me. It is impossible to make sense of the way somebody had been living on Government support for years because the state of his finances is made worse by white lie practical jokes and gestures offered by very foolish and incredibly disobedient characters who had a media presence to play with but here we are and they say I never had a chance clinging to my lovely Royal Hermitage as an amusing point of leverage and blackmail, which is likely to be the mantra until I got a Public image for it.

Eventually they say my Books were unsettling for male society and it is not at all, just the gimmicks they invent over it, considering male society is aware that this was a matter of the fact I am a bitch and they were real Men, so I wrote a Book from the way that men never stop viewing me as a profitable victim of financial corruption, somebody who should be made to grovel for money and it was a Book that they wish I never wrote as well. Here we find those statements made that people needed their Celebrity culture but then again even if the Celebrity culture was abusive, it did not offend me, the cause of all this is that they trash my Bookshop and thereby my income to keep up an eccentric personality and this is the one action that they will not stop, to the point of picking up what the population feels when I get out of bed and they knew people were in charge of what happened in the Country, to pass off as their creation and set about selling show business products on my social life. Their friends were all over the Monarchy making sure that members of the Royal Family married money but none knows why I have run out of relationship interests from those who want to marry family anyway, I can only say it is the way they look for trouble which comes to a head when they are told time and again that a condition where I married the divorces that had emerged from this gimmick will be intolerable to people in the Military and then some will say that if I did, I will have to do all of Royal work by myself and myself alone, whole others will point to the way that Charles and Diana ended up even though they were not divorces. Thus I get told that abusive show business ought to concern me either way but it does not mean that I am not concerned about it, just means that the show business I facilitated was abusive too, especially towards criminals that were likely to follow people around and those that were likely to follow their victims around especially so, hence any who spent time making show business that was abusive towards me I suppose really loved to try making some useful friends.

They do claim I should get stuck with the Church and stop bothering them but I am not bothering them or thinking they had a good reason for these activities, save the fact their show business had fallen on hard time, which is the reason I need to prepare and get into a position to bash their careers a tit for tart until my finances are shown to have been something that mattered to me a lot, with respect to the Books I wrote and sold to make it look good. If I wanted to explain, the reality would be the four types of bottom chasing; one of which involved fidelity of cultural society, the other female community, the other being children and the fourth being the infidelity of the Celebrities themselves, whereby I will be told that this is what Muslims extremists say which is utter rubbish as Muslim extremists come up with tricks on how to work on people to make money instead of get better at a career, then decide those who were tired were infidels, so the fighting never ends – what I am saying concerns the infidelity of Celebrities who usually wonder how they would marry to get all they wanted when I am an eligible Bachelor but I am broke, so they had to have me but also have somebody that will attack others whenever they wanted to feel special and usually marry in a way that ensured they could access both which is changed when I change or changed if it failed. So, if I had a Royal Office and the backyard was full of wonder, which of the four I wonder do they suppose I will show affinity with?

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland