I am said to have never been clear about my position on female welfare. This is not the case as what happens rather is that I am suffering those cases where I had dared to support women, hence here I am with wrecked finances, career and now health as well to ensure a man suffered the same as women had suffered over the years. The effect is that I am now pushed towards a set direction whereby if they do not gain from my work, only then will it be possible to shut down ventures that are not productive regardless of what the reasons for their stagnation was, so that I might do something more useful, which is incredibly important to have – while at the same time, I appear to have adopted a mindset where I wanted to teach them lessons they will never forget on the fact I dropped out of University and my career was completely destroyed on account I supported women until they got to managerial positions where they didn’t have to put up with band of brothers that wanted to pay them less for doing the same jobs.

The crucial point is still the Celebrities – they are the main source of destruction for my property, the only group of people to set out the way that I should be used as a tool to wade social problems, be taught a lesson for being a small man that meddles in matters concerning their famous sense of security, which leaves them to fight battles that helped keep me safe, where there is no such thing – engaging with the Public in my stead time and time again, so as to crash everything I do to engage with Industries over my creative and property equity, enough to secure readership for my Bookshop and then set about stories of the way the poorer people from the lower classes get imagination up their private parts and I am required to control them, soon after which the stage on which they engage with the Public in my stead to kill of my finances was the business of making a mess of my office, putting their bums towards the lower classes and trashing my social life to get the public deciding what their newly developed popularity meant and should be worth to them, when I then say that this will end very badly, they set about a crowd that engaged with them on the basis of these activities to tell me that I didn’t have the means to make it happen, considering they have spent a decade so far, getting round the backyards of industries to involve themselves with every companies I got involved with, so female practical jokes and processes of humiliating me financially – this they think of as a real problem but it really isn’t, since I could drag them to Court where they paid compensation and then their lives would be worse on account I now had money to tackle them with.

It always eventually develops to the idea that Celebrities have done these things because there is nothing, I can do about them, which is not really the case as I find myself dithering on account, I want to build up a real reason for it before I acted. That said, I have given them all the necessary exists, asked them to put forward their important social lives when they made those abusive public comments, which they had responded to via an intensification of abuses levied by those who attacked people to open up people’s lives for them to pillage for new found popularity and they had since been able to inform me that it was them and big brother characters who had access to my concerns on one side and me alone on the other. It is all developing towards the much dreaded case where I had to make a statement that the part of them which I liked was the one that was very important, so somebody needed to do something about lower classes getting imagination up their bums, while the part I didn’t like was the need to make a mess of my public work for popularity, get imagination up mine, make a mess of my office put their bums to the lower classes and trash my social life to get paid for being popular over it – which outcome will be a process of doing something publicly to show I am not thrilled about the fact that Celebrity culture existed.

I do get told it is remarkable that I didn’t think these matters to be a challenge but they are not; the abuses these people throw at others is meant to make a silly statement, that they were on the side of men who enjoy deploying their money to facilitate gits that want to trash peoples careers and employ criminals in the neighbourhoods as a factor of industrial power and the same behaviour is that which we see the criminal feminist exhibit whereby they will offer me to the men so they might advance themselves a little, of which none knows what they were doing with the Men if their stupidities had declared themselves feminist. It is an old story of a need to ensure that being tackled relentless gave way to outcomes where the lives of these men and their industries lay in ruins and those who never stopped handling me were held accountable for it. The Celebrity bits is the part where during my Public work, these gits want to get paid for being popular on my social life and do not therefore wish to get a job, so I had decided they had to be famous without going back to change their clothes or their social disposition first simply because I am an Arch Prince with a rich Ryal Public image and public life for it – the Celebrities turned this into something of criminals deciding what became of my public engagements, claiming that I had saddled them with social problems because I am a coward, the same way we hear them brag all the time, until I decided I wanted to face whole communities with a plan to sell their society and prepare for a fight, then will the same claim be made all over again as it were. The point is that I want them to show up here for the purpose of reading something I had written not to take part in Government or relationship with the Royal family or Monarchy, or the effects their popularity stupidities had on my career will be visited on their own too. I do get told that we have seen how these things end and yes, we have but what we have seen involved a process where they were trying to offer the Queen some prerogatives, as to obtain permission that allowed them to do as they pleased with my person, the next time I will perform something similar, it will be the finale if I liked it or not, considering their age and social disposition.

These all apply to wards female welfare because I am being punished for the rest of my life on account that feminist always get what they want, with respect to people that are seen assisting women. since every precaution I had devised to ensure I could get on with my own life and avoid this only produced an outcome where their insolence got more violent, I am going to put them to the test as well. The cause of it all is the fact that I had opened up areas of social life devised for family and wife in a bid to begin building a network to some people, into which the Celebrities invited themselves with the help of the effects that racist rhetoric had on others, alongside claims it is what their civil rights achieved for them and all had flowed downhill since because I had not done anything overtly to stop it so far. The main problem is that each time I engaged with the Public for the purpose of my Bookshop, I lost the money because they performed these activities and in the most abusive way, so the exist is beginning to look more like a matter of engaging with the public to tackle them, the way my life had stagnated because I put up popularity gits that refused to get a job and settled on peddling my social life for money on my Public image and they had a need to express the full extents of their sense of entitlement.

I am told that Celebrities claim I interfere with their concerns as well which I don’t; what happens is that they pick up entertainment equity here which is developed due to Government work, in such a way that the premises can easily be that of fun which ensured ex-convicts did not follow younger people around, so what we are looking at is years into their commitment toward the success of the entertainment piece being a need to attack me every day. The whole thing has been brought about by American Politicians who decided to recruit people that took part in National service in a way that made them more powerful – the effect was that the sacrifices these people made for security was the fault of those who had more property than they did, the result was that Politicians people joined National service when Politicians told them to. It is not really a crisis for others as such, since the outcome is set to be one in which they were supposed to perform a limited National service to develop Policy in such a way that, should those who do the National service follow the Policy, they could account for it, however working limited National service leaves things to be desired and hence Government is not necessarily a career for everybody. They do claim I make it up naturally but what is expected in civil service – national service, not celebrity bruiser – National service; a fight may break out between Law enforcement and those who broke the law, the reasons are either that law enforcement started it or the people at fault started it, that said what is expected is that when people are caught, they stopped. The point here is the utter mess that they have made i.e. having developed this way of getting people to work National service when Politicians order them to for power, they had to work their National service in such a way that Politicians were free from anything that people could do about the way they bang on at others until people joined National service, the abusive processes of their new National service participation had since been picked up as a tool for developing new forms of terrorism and since they were the people who created the entire situation, the same American politicians had decided which was the abuse victim who was the blame for the outcome – hence what I mean stupid people at government buildings looking like we had to live with the idea that such work was for everybody.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland