I am told that I never believe what I am told about birth signs until it ended badly for me. It is utter nonsense first of all because the Monarchy is unlikely to support a series of activities that meant I got my mind and body beaten down, so that I entered into a state of mind where I was in need of certain unusual sexual activities – we can also see that their entire lives were about such nonsense whenever they were not caught up with a business of making other uncomfortable over something to which they thought they were entitled, whereby they are entitled to everything. It has since progressed from doing stupid things with my concerns whenever it was making its own money to forging an alliance with the erstwhile Scorpios and Virgos because it believes those were stronger than I am – I could never make sense of the way they have lived all this while without noticing that Scorpios and Virgos existed anyway, whilst my whole life I have been aware Scorpios were the abusive ones that could not keep their hands out of people panties, especially when somebody had stopped me from burying my problems in its comfort zone as well, Virgos were more inclined to stand out on the street for all the wrong reasons, absorbing all that tired and negative energy that comes when people were on their way to work or back, preferably in the night, once done found around street corners stealing what it can and building crowds it can have conversations with about people stealing its career. They show up here, another entitlement, another stupid thing it can do with life, this time involving crime control publicity, something I did to open up the office any security I got as a method of fulfilling my duties, such that the purpose was to assist younger persons to do well at school and to support businesses where the engine of economic growth was concerned, it burns the crime control publicity after getting paid by entertainment companies that picked it up to make entertainment and did not fancy how much it was being portrayed as somebody that did not support criminal activity in return for fame, but is now after another gimmick that involved ripping up my finances and building itself a self reinvention that meant it was able to be me, this has developed into something so damaging that my finances had crashed completely and I was getting help from the Government at the DWP, then it shows up for more, as part of an activity that people engaged in when they worked on media or were famous, which set out their private privileges and the idea they were considered to be incredibly important fellows – the immoral society gimmicks and the fun narcissism and the expensive food and drink, having organised its stupid career to affect me in such a manner, is now issuing threats over ideas that its private security was something I could not defend myself from, especially if it decided the activities of the ex convicts was too much for its stupidities, so it wanted to get in league with those as well. I have been there in the past with the media bits where I ensured the problems associated with the security people followed them everywhere, if only it will keep their mouths shut and ensure they showed up here only to read a Book that has been written or make comments only about their own career, so since last the Celebrities started a new test, they joined in on that too, so for the Celebrities I need to ensure it was intense enough for me to shove it up their bums and then they will have to catch me, thereafter decide how they wanted to stop me too. It is an example of a situation where these problems continued on account of something they got accustomed to and when I started as well due to a need they had to rip my finances and live in a time when I had not responded to any of it, I end up being the unreasonable child whilst they had to grow up in order to survive. The truth of it is that everybody wants to be Libra these days and a bunch of idiots wanted to make money from that as well, so it seems that qualifies of Scorpios and Virgos vanished when it was not being made available to the public through a Libra but they needed to be abusive everyday on National media, talking nonsense about getting me into a fight on their behalf, so Royalty never forced Celebrities to fight for him because he did not possess the ego for it and they got off doing it instead. The talk of ways that my first response to danger is to flee is another thing that had been made up since we know their first response to danger was that they were worse than what was coming and most of the time it is proven otherwise unless it wanted to stand up for itself the way that I did, one stupid responsibility after another showing up here thereafter. Then there is the ideas about how they should modify libra into something they can tolerate or will not cause them to be as abusive as they would like – female Libra coming in the two forms of the type that flirts all the time because she likes the power she had over them and the type that does not because she likes to listen to them blab about power they had until they got into a difficult situation – the male coming in the two forms of the type that tolerates that stupidities because he wants to hit them pretty hard where they kept their jobs and may even pick up homosexuality along the way or types like myself who remind them that they were warned enough times not to stop a Libra who wants to depart their crowd type, about behaving as though they wanted to show that they could walk on water. So it seems that it had progressed from loutish immoral society nonsense with media and celebrity culture that it bank rolls by organising its career in a manner which affects me in these ways, thereafter it issues threats at me when told of over its inability to deal with ex-convicts that get out of hand because it makes the public control directives of public leadership unworkable, to daily abusive insults that facilitated stupid women with personality that suggested crime was a career fingering my bum – so I am now in a position where I am due to pick up a habit on their account as well or it could keep its comments to its own career, address me as though I had one and stop getting up on the media presence to talk through to me or tell me when it is upper middle class thinks he had fed well ready for a full on fight over it.

The damage that it does to my career was one in which it got to own parts of it and takes a chunk for every public appearance whilst hurling insults at me that will resonate with a crowd over the way such nonsense affected me – it involved the idea they were engaging with a crowd and needed to engage with it at my expense or in my place, which they would get to keep to themselves as punishment for failing to co-operate when they took part in entertainment that companies picked up my equity to make, whilst the media took up the most abusive aspect of this behaviour, then sets about running off everyday to arrive at a stage where it issued threats at me, talks too much, so its criminals may hear it blab and carries out most of these activities because it could, if it can it does. The claim is that I thought people born under other birth dates were not good enough which is utter nonsense as I have lived up to this point in a world where I am a Libra, superficial but tended to strive for justice and equity, so those who spoke of my superficial side needed to speak of the justice and equity as well, not speak of it and set about building public profiles for some abusive insulting Scorpios and abusive Virgos, to gain some publicity in the course of serving the purpose of being their guardians – so up to this point I have been superficial and have strived for justice, which other birth signs took an interest in me for, hence I never noticed that Scorpios were insolent and Virgos were abusive – I have been aware of Scorpios getting involved with me and the main reason being that they slept a lot, Virgos getting involved because they wanted sex, I mean I did not have the time for the sex as such but somebody had to want sex etc – so I would like these goons to cease ripping up my Bookshop. In retrospect, it would make sense if on being unable to predict or read how people respond to the attributes associated with the date in which they were born, they got paid to read Birth signs to specific people that wanted it to be read. It is like they suggest I had no way to deal with the Media which is utter nonsense as it was a simple matter of deciding their civil right gits were again looking like it was possible for the rich and powerful to be oppressed by the poor, running me down all the time, I would need my perverted relationship with the broadcasting community to work the establishments that employed them, I would need to curate their business between their neighbourhoods and the city centre and get all of these done as what is certainly the only way I can manage a writing career, in a cold hard Office where I can avoid listening to the weeping and wailing. The question of reasons I had not done it considering they were incredibly vile characters is that I have been issuing the warnings because it is who I am – it needs to restrict its daily feel good but abusive comments to its own career which will tell it where to go on being so entitled it wrecked my crime control publicity and does not wish to lose access to me at the same time, it needs address me as if I had a career of my own, if it was itself complaining about a problem associated with involvement corruption – the warnings are now being issued weeks after the deadline given to allow them organise their incredibly important careers in a way that excluded me had expired weeks earlier. I am told the Media is not always like this but it is not – it is an environment where one moment somebody earns as much as a local MP and the next they were working out doors in a very public place where somebody trained a camera on them because others had suffered a misfortune – the problem is a long standing one in which the sociological matters that kicked off around my career met with the one that kicked off around the careers of some female journalists and before we were done supporting female community where people get attacked by people they fell in love with in communities that were badly rundown, the gits had decided what friends their female colleagues could keep and therefore in that strain, decided my friends for me as well; what was being preserved in doing so being three separate sordid experiences where the first was about their media presence and the way they used it to ascertain what the public was thinking, being deployed to ensure the public thinks about me in a way which made finding work difficult for me, arriving at a stage where it was possible to say that they could decide if I were to be allowed to pay my way on A to B date and not on C to D date etc – it then progressed towards picking up my assets to run around the city seeking to befriend the wealthy over ideas that it had become an important person bearing in minds its pay packet, as to facilitate a process where it had a right to befriend wealthy people and its children the right to run in such circles, to which effect the best way was to progress from showing up to trash my finances if I am for instance considered a good hand in a situation where somebody was trying to make the most of a market that had emerged because of a big company that opened it but was too big to fill it, showing up in those instances to cling to my assets and career publicity making a case for what people really wanted to feel and want people really wanted, trashing my finances to make quick money at the market, to a stage where I became a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy and it got out of bed everyday to attack me in order to befriend the wealth and sell products at the market – we are now on the third stage where it teaches people to push insults at me and call me names because I lived in a bad neighbourhood that helped me to facts associated with Books that I am writing, ripping up everything around here to issue threats at me as well, all done because it thought it could and if it could then it did what it could do. The technicality being that I am working intellectual property administration with companies to face being spoken to by utter idiots as though they were my parents, as insults people got accustomed to backed up by famous fools, which suggested that on owning my own business I did not have the right to keep middle management idiots from ripping it to boost profit for other successful businesses that were paying them to do specific jobs, claiming more so like we see their celebrities do, that these were successful people that were out of my league.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland