On the subject matter I am informed that I tended to seek several lovers at a time. What we know to be fact on the other hand is that they break their hearts when their lovers get hurt in a fight but break their hearts when their lovers did not get into a fight, so none knew what they wanted, where applied to me it’s just unbearably annoying and is now suggesting it would like to have a personal relationship as well. they di boast that it is the trouble I sought which was too much for me, all utter nonsense too – I am not aware of any trouble here save a bunch of idiots with Media presence and a desperation to be superior to me, trying to show their bosses they deserved their pay by forcing me to do something about bad people as attributed to their own social life and public image, using relentless lasciviousness and very abusively violent that was linked to their sense of Country ownership, effect being that it has stopped my career and social life, I have informed them of the 7 year long damage so far and made publicity from it so they could never get out, point being that I intend to stop their careers and finances as well, for the purpose of practical jokes, while their abusive gits who loved to get imagination up my bum had since ended up being people who spent more money when fucked, considering as fitting it is that it was their idea in the first place. They claim my social life was a maze and I had no tendency to fall in love either way which is utter nonsense as most of their gimmicks had taken up an abusive interest in my personal space, considering that I pick up what is required of me by the Monarchy through the activities of public servants – i.e. they were saying their popularity was better for an average female millionaire, than an Arch Prince Office and a side work of private equity intellectual property Administration, apart from which they do not want to settle down and have children with somebody whose whole social life is about being available to duties that are assigned to him at the Monarchy, picked up by observing the activities of public servants. Then there is the big problem which is more a matter of the fact if I got a job from them it would still not have made me a responsibility of theirs and so making more obvious the question of their interest in my finances and career, producing an outcome where I had to get a job in the first place, the difficulty of getting their stupidities to stop playing with me and make comments about their own careers, more so if they were complaining about the insults more than I am.

They do claim that I am one of the most irritating persons they have ever seen but there is never a reason for us to do the things we end up doing. Its all a matter of the insults being channelled at me if I had to clear it up; I have not responded to those daily insults which are a product of something they do in the sense that they were using my life to soften the blow that the effects of their personal decisions had on them as a substitute for the writing career about which it had existed, crashing my finances thereof – started since 2002 and I am writing this in 2022, the effects for them has been that they were no longer able to tell lies about the real purpose and meaning of their abusiveness, wickedness and its immoral society, the effects for me is that I have ended up with a 20 year career mess because the finances are in such a bad state, we are starting to deal however with the part where it got physical and I think they talk too much. It is not a crisis from here either, idea they have set out is that when you fuck them, they spend more money, the wealthy gits who facilitate this nonsense on the other hand had spent money to make me one of the most insulted personalities ever, found out they achieved nothing, then set about damaging Royal Public life and everything else about me that believed is likely to make me money, build crowds that get imagination up my bum and cannot keep the mouth shut especially when led by their fellow American fools, so I believe we are heading for another result where I in a need to damage things in their lives that make them money or was bought by the stupid money, I will get away with another one that will end up on a global stage to be discussed – this is just statement to say that they were wondering why I never joined in and I got to ensure they knew what the reasons were. All together however, this is caused by the Media – 7 years so far everything has stagnated here, the writing is not being done anymore because the point at which their insults get me to lose my mind was the stage where I did something embarrassing and they would engage with their German Influence twats to make me pay for being embarrassing over the course of my entire life, and stupid German influence women want to write my Books and get protected by Government Office idiots while they did, never mind my personal life and social life stagnating as well. The situation is to say something such as the sense that people were separated from a bunch of characters that were absolute scum and then said that those scumbags were my responsibility, a bunch of fools with a Media presence will plan the future of their careers by forcing me to do something with private security industry training as attributed to their careers and crash my finances to run me down, doing wicked things to me everyday. It had eventually gone beyond the gimmicks where I clashed with the Americans and the Muslims and Celebrities made the most of it and vice versa all day long, to the stage where they picked me up in the bathroom to share with the boys from the homeless centres, YMCA and public transport idiots got to run me down every time I stepped outside of my door as well; the idiots were complaining and issuing threats as well, to say that these abusive communities built to do wicked things to me and get fingers up my anus all day long were handling their famous stupidities the same way but we will not see them make their comments about their careers and refrain from running me down with a Media presence everyday and all day long which is the amusing part, the threats and the big mouth isn’t.

They do claim this was all a clash with Politicians and yes it is, largely a matter of the conversion of what was really a problem that arose from the activities of idiots who needed government offices to amass personal wealth, playing into my career and finding myself besieged by gits who no longer wanted to do the work for their industrial Offices because I was so desperate in my position that I could be forced to do it making friends with their Political stupidities – they have since converted it into a process of having people work in their interest, who would ensure that Public security operatives handed over to Politicians, the power gained from successful public security work and it brews the question of how that stupid practical jokes should be stopped without there being an instance where I am said to have assassinated a Public figure, in which condition no part of the fact we were at each others throats for absolutely no reason or purpose for decades would be mentioned. The other part of their story is that this was all racism but I continued to deny it which is utter rubbish as it is all about their insults i.e. it’s a 20 year career mess here, built by black people channelling insults at me while clinging to my social life and public image to make money and it is usually when I had no way to control the fantasies they had of the crimes I could commit with my talents and skills and everything I learned at school, that racists turn up here to do their racism, so it is a behaviour exhibited by people who hated me intensely and there has never been a real reason for that hate save the fact they were evil and I possessed an object of their stupid desire, hence I do not for one moment believe that the crime and racially motivated mortal violence that is a product of their interest in me was ever a high enough price as well. In the end it is a matter of running me down all day a big brother stupidities and when it makes a mess of my career, should I fix the problem, it will spend that solution on itself, to ease the effects of its personal decisions, the reasons they are famous in this way, running off more gimmicks about the way men do not get along with women and vice versa while a bunch of idiots enjoyed spending money on it to make a mess of my finances, was that I was not the same as most government operatives who had a personal life, a public life and a vanity – I only had a personal life and a public life, so I really need to arm the fact I had no vanity going against Celebrities, Industry gits, Media personalities, neighbourhood twats and fame idiots. Currently the insults have become a major part of their social life but the problem they wish to quash was not the fact that they were able to take advantage of my work with a process that criminals controlled, it is the part where it has become public discourse that I made better personal decisions than their superior stupidities did.

Needs to stop crashing my finances, there is nor racism here, just their stupidities looking to say that they normally dump their problems in my life which I understand in terms of the fact I never discussed with them the things I did to keep myself safe, as a sign that they were inherently evil and needed to play with something else – especially if this develops into a matter of saying I wanted to assess what they were doing and to set out how pound for pound a particular finance should have been mine, so I could claim it or shut it down. It was never mystery that maintaining and boosting their fame as a matter saddling me with the worst fans while their stupid women got to rely on me trying to keep the best ones for themselves was an expression of manly domination and superiority but now it will not even allow me make the most of having the worst fans, needs to stop shooting its mouth at me on public media and read a Book when it shows up here; they boast about this nonsense being an indication that I had learned my place which is utter rubbish as it was clear if it saddled me with the worst fans, needed to allow me get on with it and make comments about its own career or find out if I will not fuck its deaths door foolish stupidities with it properly as well.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland