The theory raised is that I hated Scorpios and Virgos and was convinced it was okay for me to express my hate. It is utter nonsense as the 20 year career mess around here is entirely the work of insolent Scorpios who start off with an interest in my thinking space that meant they needed to feel good, thereafter that they were to deploy it for popularity as it would be a wicked waste on my part to own it whilst I did something else for a living, garnished with their real men idiots developing an obsession to gain access to my privacy to such an extent a perception became reality and I became a character that clients did not want to be with. I mean it is adding up to a list that will decide a course of action on a measurable schedule, such as when I want to enjoy street at by wrecking the livelihoods of Scorpios and Virgos to make a statement about wealth inequality or I take it up with the wealth inequality all together with a need to pursue their financial well being all the way to the stage where I raised an issue with the local council for it, mainly because their understanding of my career is something they could get involved with regardless of how long it too me to achieve it, so that they might deploy it to do stupid things with my life and concerns that will end up making them money. The Virgo bits is a recent development that gets people making sense of idiots hanging about street corners yapping off people taking up their careers as they stood there and engaging in group crimes. Then again all of it was under control until some famous idiots rationed that if they possessed a Media presence and people could steal my career for them, ending up in a situation where they owned a career that they envied whilst the owner became something the local authorities had to provide for, would be a done deal – it is not looking for trouble it was famous and looked all the time for the purpose of its abusive disobedience, not just like something deserving of everything violent I had in mind but also something that will make sense of the fact its self-exhibitionist stupidities did not necessarily make it an important person, when this all turns towards a matter of running a Bookshop by tackling the idiots who show up near it to waste my time and their famous stupidities spending the client boudoir on themselves. For the time being it runs off its doxy mouth making stupid statements about its complicity with criminality at my expense being something it did to finger my bum and get us Libras responding to its stupid needs – we know it is not specific about the kind of Libra that it wants and fundamentally tries to avoid the type that was in league with the Scorpios and Virgos because they had spent so much time in that situation that it was the place that provided them all their jobs and business clients, it appears its finance industry fraud fame and economic abuses were more interested in a type like myself which will soon get to show them what the advice meant when they were informed that they were not important persons, only then I suppose, will it show up here to read the Books and stop preventing my Clients from doing so.

The problem is not as difficult as it is thought to be, simply one in which I could make sense of public ceremonies; one part of the three would have involved security services, the other would have involved public leaders and the third would be a matter of public interest, somewhere in the public interest areas are a bunch of people who spend all their time making sure something was done by others as will require Police involvement, to enhance their sense of importance and security, so as I have mentioned before, a Chief justice would create a 300 page dossier on a public problem, then write a footnote to say that he had solved the problem applicable but there was a human tendency to ensure that prevalent social state of affairs would suggest the problem had not been solved until it resurfaced again, although previous solutions were working and currently viable. This footnote is the doxy, it is what Celebrity actually is, needs to stop handling me or it will get to find out what I am really like; the core of the problem is its need to build a media presence about which it rips up work that was done to protect the public from terrorism, my public control work, my crime control publicity, hangs about blackmailing me with that problem, ensured it got into a position where it could make any mess it liked and take out the effects on me to make me come up with solutions, forged an alliance with terrorists and criminals to ensure it had back up problems that will keep its stupidities on Media going for as long as needed for it to secure whatever it is that it wants in its stupid imagination. Then it says that the bottom chasing abuses is what makes them behave badly, last we checked, it created a University drop out Prince, then I got the problem under control and it built a media presence for criminals that wanted to collect my career as a tool for servitude associated with their wealth and power and they were not actually paid to do it, they did it as a matter of general initiative. What we now have is its need to promise me vengeance because involvement with me felt good and I had the effrontery to withdraw access to Hospitality that is reserved for public leaders due to the Government Office whip of which since they know what it is, the Hospitality allows them to continue with their lives after public service, it needs this to cover its backside and thereafter it will get idiots who were born under star signs that were more dangerous than mine, to stand up for themselves the way I did and serve some famous idiots, so people could have what I had – currently its best source of support was the real Men Muslims and Asians who were never lacking in an environment created for insolent self-improvement seminars for idiots that wanted personality improvements, to make the most of this nonsense when they were not complaining about something incredibly important. I do get asked about the fact I did not entertain this view of all Celebrities and even the part where they claimed I owed them a debt for fighting my wars was invalid; the details are that there has existed no condition in which there were people of the same influence plain as an Arch Prince who were causing me enough trouble for Celebrities to fight my wars and it is not clear why their gimmicks were so disrespectful and the reasons it loved to tackle my Clients at the Trust, if it was not complaining about me too – I do not think all Celebrities did either, it is simply a matter of suitors i.e. so far 95% of those I would likely be most compatible with are Celebrities because they had put in the most work to make it so, the problem is that a relationship with Celebrities also meant that cracked up out of my league characters with their German influence idiots that are not being paid to supply an opinion about my existence will have a field day with my anus but if we are married for Royal service purposes, the work that needs be done of helping younger people do well at school whilst we kept the publicity which showed the public that the best way to resolve financial matters was through the jobs market, is still doable regardless of these facts being the way our relationship had been developed. We know their idiots had found the way into the boardrooms of the large companies, time again we will see that if it had not gotten its way with my Bookshop market, especially the Americans, it will have a short video to shoot off its big mouth over a burning field at the background for blackmail associated with environmental destruction, fact is that it did get to the top, got to a position of ultimate responsibility, has no pride, does nothing useful and I will see it and or its type show up near my concerns in future, to lip flap about wealth and social inequality issues, like the Muslims who supplied most of the criminals that will grab my career for the famous gits liked to think that if the US was bombing something somewhere and I did not get involved, I will become victim in future.  They do suggest that nothing I did prevented them making money at my expense, which is not an emotive issue, they were supposed to make the money that a bunch of gits raised by building up funds in social co-operatives that helped to buy shares in companies where they wanted to control me – these were the gits that had a real need to spend money on the famous, hence they got to. The problem overall was to do with the way that they completed their University but and since last I fell ill and dropped out on their account I have not only had a millstone on my legs preventing me from completing mine, I have also not been able to enjoy freedom from their stupidities for the 13 years since. So if it wants to keep the money, it will allow a Bookshop pay the Bills around here and we are not talking the abusive Asian and Muslim real men whose insults every time I was seen somewhere trying to buy my supplies, implied there was something I was obliged to do for them whilst there really want a thing I was meant to do for such a bunch of pricks – last we checked for those gimmicks where they claimed I never had a chance, they claimed I used security guard work to overhaul shareholder and partner ownership at my employers establishment, the next time I pick up a qualification at an academic institution, I believe it will be the type that allowed me to take their jobs. The rest of the story is to do with the way I failed to serve the King, which implies that the King is being served by the narcissistic security service careers that have been devised by fans in whose interest he enjoyed betraying everything good in the Country – I mean the Queen was in her 90s, a couple more decades and they would have had the throne for themselves, except they decided to push, so I guess the point of this is that I was doing work to get the violent orthodoxy under control and they decided they wanted security service careers from the same fools that performed it endlessly – we see the same with the other idiots that married a Princess to marry my possessions, something about the way Italian boys made the men feel and so on, now off on a Vanetta to make the most of Celebrity involvement with my concerns and the way that cracked up out of my league had a field day with peoples private parts over it, the famous fools taking their clothes off over my assets and public image as they could never make money without investing my property and expect justice each time their stupidities complain about visiting the sex work that is encouraged to show up here on their abusive self exhibitionism. I am not in any way complaining about things that do not pose a threat to me as suggested: I am a writer which means that to create a product I would need to disappear and when people pay for the product they have paid for a right to disappear into an environment where they got to enjoy it but the problem is posed by idiots who claim that creating the problem exposed me to the stick that they had to endure and that it was pleasurable, the problem which is that I have got publicity for the business but it is the wrong type. They do claim the problem to be that I never stopped but I cannot if the condition persist that a writer needs publicity that allows him to disappear and his clients to disappear in order to read but what people had done with anything affecting clients is the deployment of my career publicity for a different purpose talking nonsense about more powerful people and wars that needed fighting to help their stupidities feel safe, in order to get rich fast. Then there is the publicity for the work I do being based on society madness and Celebrity vandalism, to which effect those who bothered me ended up with so much information they did not need that they carried it around like PR I did not have to pay for. Then there is the problem of the fact I created the Books which is my bread and butter in observance of a certain existing condition that I will want to maintain whilst they have altered it as if I were handling their property or writing their books around here – I mean the problem was always there, hence reasons I picked up the career that I chose, imagine securing a £5, 000, 000 architectural contract, in which prevalent conditions for fulfilling was changed by the Media but the contract had to be fulfilled, it would have been a matter of pure fear for the media or pure violence. Some of my clients are experiencing this treatment currently but the positive is that I am in a position to mitigate it, I do that by pursuing markets in their own territory, getting them to spend money on the products, to counter my actions, the Celebrities will trash my crime control publicity claiming I am a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy and they will build community of abuse which was so intense they could make physical contact from a safe distance, however the abusive behaviour continues and we can see that in the absence of the practical jokes they have been performing with the business to such an extent they built up a community on it, they would buy the products without bothering to relief their social issues but the conditions needed to create such an environment would worsen existing wealth and social inequality issues and damage market, so at the time I built my Bookshop, I had the energy for it and it was the beginning of a recession thus a sense that somebody had to do it somewhere. I am not so old I do not have the energy as such but it is a matter of a sense my ability to relax at the Office was a matter of an arrangement which supported security service operatives that merged with the civilian population, they have smashed it if you like and their German influence idiots with a long history of offering an opinion about my existence when none was asking, had taken up the work of making me a character that was a soft coward and could be handled by anybody, so I am currently looking like all sensibilities that allow me stand up for myself had been stripped away, unless that is, I picked up that stupid society and celebrity culture and pushed it into a very complicated corner to build me a new one, which would ensure that current conditions served as a quiet before the storm or they stayed away from my finances. It is usually all good issuing those threats, I have done everything I can to make this nonsense manageable; right down to the part where the Muslim counterparts earned the right to pick up jobs with my broker and clients in order to handle me, with an effect where they pillaged my Empire to buy super cars they drove around in south America, raising funds to chase my assets, it will then show up here shooting off the big mouth at me whilst it does not wish to put the well off neighbourhood on the spotlight to see what I am capable of too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland