I am told we Libras seem to be unable to escape the bad PR on the star sign gimmicks but I am aware of this as well, I mean they consider us to be their social, emotional, political and financial banks, so they will hang about somewhere calculating and organising and fizzling people into conditions they can handle, to avoid everything which besets them, thus when I set out a social media, it will follow and unfollow and follow again repeatedly until I ended up with the wrong fans and bad fans etc, then when it fucks the society up property, it will show up to rely on me, for want of a better word, to which effect at this stage I have set out comprehensively that I did not have the time for it and would tend to stop it badly. We understand this is the stage where it had developed a plan to show up around my concerns with fringe society Scorpio and when you fuck that it will not spend more money last time we checked naturally, whereby it is all building up to the type they had a history of handling well as it were. The Politicians have always fallen for this nonsense no matter how many times they experienced its ill effects but it is the Labour party which had in the last decade and a half taken it to a whole new stage, I am no longer dealing with society gits being unable to resist a wry smile on their faces because I was a good looking person that ended up in their part of society anymore, they have been properly fed these days, it needs to stop handling me if complaining, as I will get away with hurt them badly a telling me what to do and spy on me constantly as abusively as possible, and as stupidly as it gets again – for the time being it has got more personal life and public image unless it was able to stop me using its own as well. The claim I am such a coward who does not fight for anybody or anything was at this stage the amusing parts, considering they were all over it and it will get serious when it is not amusing anymore naturally, it is usually so confusing and you end up making an assumption somebody must have damaged their own sense that human beings normally have homes they return to from which they planned what to do with and or at work and they always had work that they attended to, until it does one on me as it were. They do claim we talked until it ended badly naturally and yes we do as it does not end badly unless we allowed them do it - in my case I have reasons as I seem to experience enough abuses to last a lifetime in every 24 hours, perhaps I am a threat to them but if I am, what exactly makes me a threat?

They do claim we were likely to play ourselves like so and end up with a global stage crisis which I understand entirely but a global stage crisis was never likely to occur – they are simply incredibly stupid people whose main problem is a need to make a mess of my job in search for power by telling me what to do, the rest were a matter of a process where I had set up a good business and fringe society Scorpio has turned up all over it in a 15 year period and I am now a character that farts constantly for hours but I have not yet been attacked for the smell either, as I would make it the start of the end for their practical jokes as well. It is the part where it gets to say I believed it hung about fringe society getting around with criminals while it was an important person with a healthy bank account that poses the question when people get confused and think it had its sensibility that human beings normally have lives that revolved around home and jobs, not their stupidities. The feeling that I am constantly being watched as insultingly as possible, the feeling that I am constantly being hunted because I owned something they wanted, it moves into my right hand and uses the part where it got accustomed to telling me what to do as a tool for deciding how a conversion about its gimmicks were to proceeds as though its family does the National service or it was Jesus Christ who died for my sins and sits at the right hand of God, then it fingers my bum and claims I am trying to be a man while I cannot be one. There is not likely to be a global stage crisis because it is more likely that somebody will take charge before such a thing occurred.

Recent changes on the Political contestations front, is that the Labour Party hated my guts and the issue remained unresolved, but it does remain unresolved when the abuses have not been moved on. First I was a character people bullied to position themselves well enough to select the party that won elections just in time before the polls were closed and I deserved it entirely because I owned something others needed, right up to the stage where the immigration system and the NHS was used for ‘political ping pong’ – then it got worse when the gits working it decided to run off a gimmick in which they organised hoodlums to challenge me randomly on the streets over the way people thought my personality should be used, continued all the way to University where they showed up to shower me with very violent abusive lasciviousness insults that bore through to gassy tummy practical jokes that eventually got me to drop out, even the Prime Minister showed up at the University to support the idea that I was the one doing something wrong. Now we know that they were also picking on me because they can and had devised an access to my Bookshop, claiming that having arrived at a stage where they were the people complaining about those abuses, they had reasons to hate and attack me, the insults from their part members continued still, while the Media got hoodlums involved in my personal space, so I had to commit a crime to keep my career. At the time I dropped out of University they suggested the problem did not exist at all, now I am in a situation where a bunch of gits who think that those who were dealing with gassy tummy insults thing were their main concern, show up here to take away my last discipline and prepare to attack me because I smell and the attack has never happened by the way, if it does, I will take steps to develop a process that will spell the end to their practical jokes as well, painfully, it is however a story for another day, currently, we are clear on the reasons the Labour Party hates my guts. It is either we had a problem here or there was something wrong with my career and after a decade of daily checking I know the later to be of the contrary. They eventually claim none gets to hear of the problems I created for myself which is utter nonsense as all is under control save the times when a self-seeking twat gets into a habit of telling me what to do, considering they know what they are doing and were in charge themselves all together, last time we checked. They speak of tendency to tyranny here naturally but should be brush the tendency to tyranny aside, what we have is that the whites enjoyed the insults that will produce outcomes where they solved the problems they created via racism in the Police force, while the ethnic minorities create the fucking atmosphere for the racism with the insults and both need keep away from the public image and the Bookshop which is clearly not a toy as well. It becomes obvious that unless it was discussed in terms of providing public enforcement officers more support, these matters will continue to exude confusion but here the facts are more in line with the business of public enforcement officers preventing ethnic minorities building at atmosphere for racism, which effect was that they had to overtly lean on a process of providing support for white hoodlums and it is the way that I hated for creating a buffer zone, then it showed up here with its famous fools to attack my health, such that even if I had its own under control, I could not keep it up - the idea now is that I had nothing under control, so I am set to control their famous stupidities next, as the problems I created for myself.  The crisis point is the way they continued to pick up my social life and public work, the insults to say they had manipulated me into a position where I got to do what they wanted, the need to pick up my public work and make their own statements with it which changes the context, no matter how many times told of the mess it makes at local an international level, about which they complained of an unavailability of a version of me their stupidities were more comfortable with, it continues with the behaviour, no matter how many times told that my finances crashed every time they did.

They do claim I had become completely obsessed with wrath but it is at the point where the famous abuses had cleared well enough after they had come to some serious harm, that it will become obvious this was all more fun than it was wrath.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland