I have been informed that I had become a character that people loved to hate but this is not news – they have spent a decade and a half campaigning with racists to say that they had found a more profitable person upon whom hate could be channelled instead of the abusive gimmicks that meant they were always running people down for money instead of getting a real career. The results are now in and I suppose it is a daily expression of their nepotism but sometimes it goes far enough to say that it may continue the abuses as long as it can keep up a sense I am the aggressor, if it fails to, taking the stupid risks to enjoy some abuse might end badly and the Police would let me go as well – the other fools suggested they would get fingers up my bum and attack me because I smelled and have not done it yet, hence I would really love to move on. This is their part in the matter, the bit that concerns me being that it continues to stand up in public places and talk into my personal space, then builds it up into an incitement, just as much as I have recently begun to issue warnings on the insults frequently, which is clearly not a threat to them and I will consider myself responsible for anything I did about it thereof. My part in the matter is that I have not been responding – there is nothing to say I conducted an act which added up to a response for abusive gimmicks that was linked to people making me do something that will make them rich for having a Royal Office by building it up into a case of me versus their neighbourhoods and a particular interest in those activities that are performed between 11.00pm and 3.00am every day, whereby sometimes if I had to get somewhere early and I showed up at the Public transport system around 4.00am, I would find them turn up to perform activities that built up to living in a three bedroom house and carrying through abusive activities that will make the nepotism financially viable, eyes darting to the left and right, getting some support from fellow public transportation twats – we know how quickly such things develop into outcomes where the stupid children could not attend school or pass the exams, so when the Celebrities have played show business into their extremism and I have been issuing the warnings about the famous insults to no avail, I guess at this stage, I simply need the idiots to make sense of the fact what I am saying is that I understand entirely what they were complaining about. It has always been a case of idiots with a need to make a mess of civil living and being so popular that it was possible to find themselves a scapegoat for it but it turns out the interest in me is so addictive in terms of the fact each time they offered any fool with an ability to influence a crowd, a doing my stuff doing your stuff prerogative, I find stupid people talk so much nonsense all over my social life and public image that it takes years to clear out – hence the reasons I do not respond often; it shows up on my Bookshop premises for gimmicks and had to deal with what people thought of what I wrote in the Books – it continues to accept prerogative of stupidities to make a mess of my finances and issue threats at me, ends up with bag of shit parliament etc but I believe I have been issuing warnings about the direct insults for a while too. I do get told they are not really bad people and it is not about people being bad or me being hateful, it is about the fact what I did and the way I did it was not necessarily inclusive of them i.e. if I had business partnership, the way they will view it will mean that each time they wanted to make money, I should be forced to do difficult acrobatics, if I said something controversial, it will build up to unforeseen results, the real issue with their insults is that it was possible to get rich by setting me out as somebody people harmed whenever it was time to make money and I will one day consider myself responsible for the consequences perhaps, if it be either by causality or by my hand.

They do claim it is not in keeping with my religious disposition to operate in such a manner which is utter nonsense as their fight is entirely built around the sense that a 16-year-old who knew about being a moral person and the importance of working hard, would lay down the mortgage deposit by 20 years of age. The social one goes beyond the business of digging me and flinging my concerns to its left to feel superior which is a fabulous use of my time when it is not talking rubbish about me flinging its own as well, grows into a matter of government splitting us into workers, dependant and elderly, and each passed with time, during which certain things had to be done and finished, if it is keeping its salary, needs to play with something else or continue to assume that I will at some stage consider myself responsible for any consequences. The true vileness and useless characteristic is shown when we start to speak of the fact I am a writer and if it wanted access to the way I organised my concerns to ensure its Golddiggers showing up here to trash all statements I made about people having fantasies that I was committing crimes with my public Office, to put me into a fight after another for popularity market purposes, it should read a Book lest I get hold of its career as well. the personal part will be that I would have to get myself out of the cold of an Office where I resolved these issues and out of a religious expectation, adopt a social disposition where I would expect to find them but will not with the big lip flapping that never stops and then do something unusual after I had lost my temper – the one their stupidities were more conversant with involved a question of a physical manifestation of my financial wellbeing that they could play with. Essentially, I am doing this because I am no longer able to separate business partnership that involved the idea I am a character people attacked to suck up to the rich, trashing my Wealth equity to get rich fast and normal business partnerships, dealing with health issues associated with repeated criminal popularity insults, along with the sending and total destruction of the point at which their interest in me is kindled: the theory being that I am at their mercy while reality is that which I must take responsibility for i.e. I know how to get dressed, I know what to do with people I had established a relationship with, my career and their own does not meet anywhere and I am probably too cash strapped to maintain a social relationship with them.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland