Now it is said that people are getting punished because of me which is actually not the case – it’s much the same as claims that I am bewitched which is not actually true; reality is one of the stupid things people can channel at me because their Politicians and Media who want to squander all I have put them up to it – so we find the very selfish ones want to pass me through the various faces of their selfishness and then the outcome will be that dead or alive I will get involved with gangs and criminals, indicating they don’t like to be wrong when they have arguments with others and since they have given birth to another human being cannot be beaten; it is the one about which stupid Celebrities show up here to wreck everything I get into a disposition where they may tell me I will get it if I had failed to respect my mum, bragging all the time when I have not yet been getting famous with the relationship they have with their parents, no idea what they brag for all together – so we find the Politicians have an attitude that says when you ensure that dead or alive they will be deploying what you are doing to make themselves financially comfortable, then you have it taken from you when others want to experiment and find out how much power their jobs have. There are others still; the ones that claim my personality is due to me sleeping with other people’s lives and then it grows into something of explaining the essays I write at University along the lines of such things, claiming I am using education to look after the business of being a coward, which they will run off endlessly and ensure that I cannot get a job once I qualify and it will be hell to get qualified all together but I do not sleep with peoples wives and we have seen this nonsense develop into a stage where I am always having to counteract something about this claim, while they boo and coo their filth in the neighbourhoods to make people mentally ill. The third bit being that of Celebrities showing up here to teach people how to make money by making a mess of my concerns being that Politicians deployed tax payer funds to help them get away with it first of all and the outcome then becomes one of the fact I cannot step out of my door without having to deal with fools who have dreams about my personality and public image, buy new clothes on it and try to be somebody even when they know I have made it expressly clear I do not fancy people peddling my personal life, my faith and my public image; while their sons ensure I am stuck with what they were running away from i.e. the bottom chasing that their parents conduct to make people smell, leaving them to extract money from my Public image and issue threats at me every time they think that I smell, knowing fully well that their family members are responsible for and knowing fully well I should not be spending my time on their own nonsense. So it has always been a case of people who would rather seek out secret cults for men and for women that have spiritual powers that can make people rich or make people poor via blame culture and distant violence, rather than work for their money and the reasons they hate my guts is that I always think there has to be a way that the crowds they build on my door step and the fact I am always having to deal with the evils of their society at the work place can be resolved without a condition in which they had chosen a better existence at my expense – so we are where we are because they are out of their depth, if they thus get punished for any reason, it is never because of me. I do get told that moving these matters to the left makes a mess of the lives of Celebrities and that there will be war for it; first of all which there will be no wars as they are well aware I should not be getting stuck with their community croons show chase bottoms while they make money off my Public image and threaten me whenever they think I smell, then also the reality of it is that I am aware it makes a mess of their lives but the purpose of doing it is to ensure that once I picked up the resulting mess and placed it on a public platform that will facilitate my Book sales, they will see why it does not pay to make a mess of it and teach people how to do the same and I will never regret or change my mind for doing what I have done to them as well. The Politicians have always claimed it is a matter of Political power which does not interest me at all, in my view it is a matter of showing me they do not have to be reasonable about anything because do it or not, they will be in charge and get the best of whatever I have ended up with, so it is another theory that is being put to the test on the matter.

Now I am said to be the architect of many a form of instability which I am not – it’s all Politics but the main problem is the corruption; such that they have this gimmick where those who have spent their time doing things that leadership in opposing parties do as a sick kick to general living have some sort of right to bid for leadership but then again there is another part where there are people who do things that I should be doing as sick kick to general living unnecessarily. Then they say that the problem was more a matter of me picking up things that more important and more worthy people should be doing to get attention from the Public but what they are referring to is the way I have organised my life, the Books I have written and set out for distribution and how I need to link the whole thing to me chasing the academic work and getting it done, it never crossed my mind that it was all something another person should be doing on grounds I was less important but it is an example of what I mean when I had made it clear the next time that they and their celebrities and those stupid women who show up here to perform mistress gimmicks dreaming of seeing me in a fight, follow me around at the academic institutions and especially over income I should be giving up to them, I am really going to ensure they got the trouble that they sought as it were. It’s nothing to think too much about, just a group of clowning goons with ideas about how people should get involved with me and earn the money that I should have been earning and the more famous they are is the better, as stupidly as possible, then set about making it quite clear if I labelled them as idiots I would end up in a difficult situation, to spend time on Media making sure I was so afraid of them that I never did and then this in their foolish view would have added up to a process of the correct way to appreciate Celebrities.

They do claim the problem to be that I never fight my battles but there is no part of whatever they are fighting for which concerns me. How it happens is largely a matter of Celebrities wanting to be safe from Russians for example and then for some reason they set out community croons that pillage my health to build obscurity for me while they claimed my Public image for getting rich with and expect me to pick up some Military Job as quickly as possible on account when they are angry it matters and when I am it does not, so my feeling shouldn’t count all together – same behaviour I had to put up with at University and speaking of University it’s been a decade as at 2019 since I dropped out because they preferred to show up at Law school for the purpose of clever bullying that people cannot tell them off for because it was so clever instead of spend time at drama school and music school like celebrities should and even so while I am thinking about which part of it was my fault, they do nothing but show up here to secure a response from me for it, while the rejects linked to the community croons that foster the criminal activities and rip up the health, then expect me to get involved with gangs and crime spend all day chasing my bum and working with communities they have built to develop ideas about what to do to me, on the grand process where they gather up to tell me how to exist in a way that makes their stupidities feel comfortable. It’s much the same as we hear them claim I love the idea people cannot have what I have as such, while reality is that they do all these damage and then build up money I have not damaged as well, put it out as leverage, expect me to become afraid of them thus doing nothing about their need to handle my person and set about making sure they claimed my Public image once they wrecked my whole life over their love of obscurity by which they will be the future and I will be forgotten – shows up on media to blow off the big mouth and issue the threats all of the time because this business of me being obscure while they got my fame and therefore became the future was their civil and human right, leaving me to imagine too that they were gambling that and it will end very well as a result. They do claim if people stopped doing these things to me, then the future was bad, and I suppose the assumption is that I am not aware of this as well i.e. I want to see them stumble off a corner they cannot control like they want to control me and drop down to poverty and obscurity, as we all know they have made it abundantly clear they do not want progressive economic recovery and are more interested in poverty, destitution and civil rights movements – the general idea being that they expect me to assess the fact I cannot do anything about them and then simply move on but all I am left with each time I try is big brother oaf who cannot see that practical jokes with peoples academic work and finances is making the victims increasingly psychotic.

As for the matter of being tough, that was an old story about the fact that I have spent the last decade and a half being stuck with Community croons that start a fight because I attend Church and are now just fighting me because despite all I have dealt with, I am still successful and it is a good success, thus started a fight to make me share, as stupidly as possible – so I have gone from a character that needed to be checked up by the Politicians all the time because they felt unsafe due to a process where I am provoked and kept an eye on so I never get over it as they fill in any missing blanks daily, which I let run as it is what they want to do with their time, to a character that they can hurt and want to hurt all the time, so I suppose they have my congratulations for it too all together. I however do wonder if those communities they have built up with ideas on what to do to me have a purpose or they want to disband those and give me my space as they are clearly out of their depth since last, I started applying myself to the matter.

The more disturbing aspect of this talk of cowardice on my part has been that of handling matters of general public security at the Office, which I must whether or not I have got the money to and yet while I require no support from these people, what happens when I put up any thing on my social media profiles are that my Public image is immediately toxic due to their financial needs and the leadership they have provided with that alongside the community of very stupid people who have an abusive culture which effects they find amusing enough to build them the happiness that lets them cause others immense distress which also produces an effect of narcissism that gives them a mentality for more financial success - soon after which I am then said to have accepted liability for what happens to armed forces operatives that are Loyal to Celebrities, allowing them to secure a disposition of sex based and sexual context abuses that can be used to make me give up to them whatever they believe their involvement corruption should be in possession of and having this appears to have manufactured for them a 'Boys and their toys' situation that they cannot help but deploy 24 hours, to get up on media and show their insults associated with the idea I should be happy they are making themselves better people and it is something I must now ensure they had stopped getting amusement from all together and it is becoming a lot more psychotic to say the least.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland