So I am said to be at a real risk of being attacked these days which is utter nonsense – I mean I understand what they are suggesting but the facts on the grounds are a wholly different matter; they involve me being caught up with women whose lives are supposed to be the perfect example of the mothers of selfishness, targeting me all the time and the reasons for their behaviour begins with the fact I have some fame and public image and they have conjured some sense that I am a successful person that they have enough power to dominate – so the one that affects me comes from my Mum and I have no idea what part these guys are playing in the matter, especially the Politicians, the fame freaks I can understand as their stupidities are not news to anybody. Obviously it’s the mother of selfishness telling Politicians she is happy with me failing my exams in school so that more superior people in the Political party might get important on my Public image and pay her a lot of attention, such that the purpose of not wanting me to get my head around violent issues in society is precisely because she needs to be certain that I can be pushed into it whenever doing so will add up to some convenience that she may enjoy, so it’s a selfishness like no other and its not news to me as she is my mum. This case on other hand of these goons claiming it is important to deploy it for the purpose of attacking and punishing me because of how my alliance with the Royals have affected them is an example of the problems they bring upon themselves and then hang around some money they cannot account for, having made it through insulting process of counting pennies until they magically ended up with millions via problems on other peoples lives, problems they bring on themselves because they cannot let me the fact that some women give birth to human beings and want people to be eternally grateful for it, hence whatever they are complaining about is something they entirely deserve even though they believe I either do not view it that way or do not have real world reasons by which I may explain why I do thus – hence its famous and nobody knows why it needs to convince me all the time either, what we do know is that it is usually suggested that their stupidities gets better whenever they have money, which does not necessarily happen to have been the case. What happens with me is that I have come from this world of culture and society trouble makers and so I have ended up in an arrangement and relationship with other people i.e. what I am doing supports them and helps them keep their five figure salary etc, so their activities ends up in a Court with me where it supports me to protect me from sexually abusive persons as well – what these goons then do with this is run such an intense corruption of involvement full of crime and threat and a search for easy life, that I drop out of University and they have since enjoyed showing up in Public places to lay claims to my public image and earning margins, leaving me in pure misery by threatening me before they left, looking for a response and I have no idea why victories their celebrity stupidities whose business with the relationship I have with my parents I could never understand think they have won here when I have not yet made millions that will help me practice all sorts of narcissism on them because they have a relationship with their parents as well, so my view of the theory that I am soon going to get attacked is simply something that makes me think they are aware of what my state of mind is like at this point should I get the slightest whiff of it and that all those absence of response to such things should have indicated I rather thought they were bluffing, as these nonsense does needlessly and pointlessly tend to add up to an education on why people kill people as it were. They have pointed out something about how much I underestimate the link between Celebrities and criminals which is utter nonsense – we all know I set out parts of my Public work to facilitate the activities of some young women that want to make money at other people’s music studios while helping to support other young people at school, especially the girls that are never allowed to study by the boys; it seems that the effect has been to curb how profitable narcotics selling can be in the Country – even so I see these narcotics sellers sometimes and it’s a fast case of there is one of those things you need to avoid, referring to me that is, informing their traders it’s a matter of involvement with me wrecking the business when they are either supposed to hand back the drugs or hand back the money if they cannot sell it, yet we know that these goons never go along with such things as well either because they think that being in the drugs business means being powerful – so if I did get attacked, I would likely think it’s the last straw with that stupid Celebrity culture and then people will believe the fact that if I get my hands on it, it will be the last time they got to see and enjoy it too. It is a typical eventuality whereby they say I have the capacity to abandon people to their deaths and feel nothing for it but its an old story about the fact they never give it rest, even in terms of civil living whereby I am tortured every day on account there are women who have given birth to other human beings and need the world to be eternally grateful for it, to facilitate fame and issue insulting threats at me about what is coming to me if I do not respect my Mum with a big mouth, so we know their bottom hurts too because of it and they hate service people for that as if they had a right to – then there is the crime bits whereby it should always be possible that when they cannot let people be, the women especially can push them into a corner where they got harmed due to the business of getting into a fight with some very violent people; saying then that bothering me and wrecking my life gets me to respond to these things which makes such activities a good thing is utter rubbish, I am talking about it quite but that does not mean I am supposed to spend my life on it, no idea why they would find the process of deducing that the prospects of me getting attacked is becoming ever more real amusing.

I am told there is this case of damage I do to peoples culture and society and it’s the way I handle people that brings these problems on me but it is not; what happens is that they show up here knowing they don’t know what my name is and likewise on my part for them as well and then they will on the basis that things such as racism exist, run off what we have in common over the throes of their civil right, social and sexual corruption, the need for conveniences and easy life, a case of me being their brother, to a point where serious matters like me being cash strapped and dropping out of University had occurred and even then will continue for just about a decade, not once a month, once in a blue moon, twice a year or so but every day on account mine is so sweet they want it all the time – it means my person and possessions end up in a condition where rules do not apply and I cannot make exceptions on who gets to deploy it, such that if I had physically stopped them the crowd will gather and somebody will end up making use of it and if they had more in common with me they will be entitled to more after that, leaving me sore all over due to sex based and sexual context abuses, cash strapped because the academic work and finances have been wrecked and my relationships with other people is falling apart too, so it seems that when the culture and society exists in a condition where although rules might exist, the rules will not apply because I am working bullying that is incredibly clever with it, they get to understand the devastating effects their activities have on others. They have said it’s a matter of the fact I have respect for nothing but it has nothing with do with respect for anything; what happens is that I shove culture and society every time I step outside of my door and shove it in a bed chamber that their community croons have fantasies about all day long and hence gets to pay using my personality and public image which are things they may secure their exit by once they were done behaving anyway they liked, it goes without saying I would damage the culture and society if I got my hands on it too, its all logical. I do get told such a thing is not the main sort of victory I should look forward to but it is; there is usually the reality that if for each time they clash with me, the culture and society was safe, the risk to my life increases exponentially – so what happens when I rip it up as well is that I seek out the business of making friends and then more people can enjoy a sense of security because I had since such a thing would not have worked any other way. The Americans offer up the most important motivation behind such things all together - they live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, so what they do with these cultures is ensure others have no peace unless people were engaged in violent activity and then they get around being arbiters of it, which leaves them with the power to decide that people should be doing violent things when and only if they can do it - the effect being that they found my Books and it meant something to them, so they stifled the sales and built me a history of insults over a 6 year period, then got off telling me I was ready to sell it after creating a global stage on media for themselves from those insults, leaving me to think they have assumed I had no problems and hence set about shutting down the Celebrity culture and Popular culture in the process.

From here they speak of real world security that my activities offer none, which does not make any sense to me whatsoever – the insecurity is the outcome of showing up here to make use of products that they are not paying for and deploying media to earn money I should be earning as destructively as their corruption of involvement may allow in order to facilitate their ego and while the stupidities exhibited have not been coming from people who have engaged in processes of sharing the salary that gets to their heads for such purposes, they then think I ought to take responsibility for insecurity and discomfort they have suffered because they never read the Books and they never read the blogs which are actually free but show up to get information from the horses lips as a form of practical joke, the trouble with this being that what comes from the horses lips is used to ensure culture and society goons know what I know lest I pay the price for their stupidities all the time on account they think I am on the side of freedom and democracy to such an extent, which makes the way I work even more proficient, the threats will respect to this matter on seeing that if I tackled it without tackling the rich, somebody will always give them money just to see how I am likely to react, money with which to go around seeking ownership of the publicity that my Publishers had created for me to work in an Office peacefully with, looking to earn the money I should be earning and security everything associated with vanity that is linked to their stupidities having added up to fame in their view.

 They do claim it’s much the same way I use processes of interfering with people’s concerns instead of buying products to get involved with people that are beyond my league until I found it financially profitable – what really happens however is that the Publisher built me some Publicity for Books I had written and Companies showed up to continue the Equity broker processes that existed before then a business relationship; what they do with the large companies is to set off so much media abuse and vandalism that it becomes an impossible amount of work with respect to the big businesses, which is very difficult to achieve with the smaller ones, so what happens instead is that the smaller ones make sense of my business and then they get what is coming to them – even now they say I got on social media to use other people’s profile for the purpose of soothing my broken heart until I had come through and settled up as a business which never happened – so I am going to break it as it is rather clear it will not give me a breathing space if I did not take one for myself with the stupid wise arse run off. The Fashion ones are an impossible lot all together – they even set up their own fashion lines with a completely different deal that will ensure their superiority was maintained and get involved with my social media profiles on the basis of their help desk doing so while they expected me to follow the main company due to having considered themselves to have done me a favour and if not, then I start all over again on security issues, looking for more of what they are complaining about, deals, deals, deals, needs to get rich on community cohesion I had spent my assets on and if told to endorse or sell a product, getting on media to continue such nonsense as a Celebrity was their opinion of how to get it done - same facts explain the idea I am caught up with 'wise arse antics' but there is the added extras whereby I am sore all over and cannot link the sensation with the process of writing Books or studying at University or indeed what people do when they read my Books but I have heard of society idiots pushing their stupid children towards success on my Public image and inventing blame culture for it as they progressed.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland