I am told that I am a victim of the stick which I am not. It is a matter of some practical joke gone completely wild where there is a need to make use of my personal space which since developed into an abusive activity that crashes my career, followed up by patriarchy idiots who then explain the outcome as that which happened because writing is not a job but then could not explain why they crashed other activities I engaged in considering it did involve paid employment. The other fools crash when I lose my temper every time but will not stop running me down, so we know it is something they were asked to do by a bunch of idiots educating us all about the methods which go into creating neighbourhoods that cannot exist without riots – have not invented their own since either, so the real problem was still that of Celebrities and media clinging to my income and crashing my Bookshop until I did something which proved I was brave enough to deserve my career, building communities that finger my bum since they wanted to get out of the consequences of their personal decisions and needed a scapegoat, then set me out as the aggressor because they were famous. Hence the only problem here was to do with a bunch of idiots who considered that there was no prospect of attacking me because celebrities took my career and I took it back, unless the fact I was a publicly relevant character was eliminated and so have not laid off the abusive activities channelled at what I do to recover my career, talking nonsense about German influence – the reasons it gets out of hand was the self-seeking Media, and Politicians who turn up to drive my career into something they can handle whilst being slaves to social systems that criminals controlled. They do then claim that it was great to make us do these things which is utter nonsense as Celebrities will always do what they are known to do, when people did not perform such activities as trapping and attacking them in street corners while making sure they could not identify assailants and inform the Police – they were very good at that and needed to go to communist territories where they burned my assets to show up and perform all sorts of nonsense that will get everybody serving Celebrities i.e. the Police really should be spending more of its time tackling people like me to protect their stupidities and its popularity and Government Offices needed to explain how they made decisions which determined what people did at the Military while some people had worked for things they were too weak to protect to their entitlement to society idiots that will collect peoples careers and earnings for them constituted their civil rights, about which they could always go off and fight their own wars if they wanted. They do claim I never had a chance and there isn’t an issue with that either, as long as it is possible to get on because the patriarchy fools and their superior sons kept their fingers off my bum and other private parts, to make comments in public places and media about their own careers.

They do suggest none knew what my views about these matters really were but it is a simple matter of a group of really stupid individuals coming up with excuse after excuse to do harm to me until I could not stop all the harm and ended up being a coward who did not deserve my career so they might take it backed by scum who would attack me on their behalf and their imagination getting up my anus to shame me; for instance they saw me do something with private security industry and so they crashed the rest of my career and got off abusing me to make me cease being selfish and serve them to make them feel important with it. I suppose the need to continually make abusive contact with me and to make stupid comments that affect my social life and public image is a demand for a response that will serve the last response I provided for it – currently they were complaining that I factored in all of these issues when I worked in the private security Industry, hence the point of their insolent hatred. They do boast that everything I did was just talk – the reality is that everything these fools did was about money and so if their need to destroy my career and finances because the fact they needed to possess money was more important than everything else, make sure what I did about it was understood in terms of the various ethnic groups, it would have been very clear that it was not all talk at all – needs to cease putting its own twat on the line to tell me what to do on Media or make stupid comments over my career in terms of what I thinks I should do or how I should exist, its threats were added up to House proud big mouth making an exhibition of itself. They do claim that it was quite clear where I stood and where I stood naturally but so does it show an end to the practical or a sense we had arrived at a conclusion, that having dropped out of University, I can now account for and explain how the time was spent.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland