I am said to have become a very annoying character who exists on border line irritating, all getting to a point where I might be attacked physically but this is not a huge problem at all, just a bunch of really stupid individuals who set about a type of private security industry gimmick that involved picking up what I did with ageist idiots that put up ageism money somewhere to handle my person for the purpose of multiplying it, telling me they were in a position to get whatever they wanted from me – the way they do was a process of deciding how my bed was located and how to get a community of idiots who have strange ideas about handling my same personality as well, in a way that allowed them use it to feel young again and to do stupid things and recover their youth, developing into a process of clinging to all I did for my career while building communities that got imagination up my bum, so they do it constantly all day because they had access to the way my Bed was located and where my bum was as an atmosphere, every time that I lay on it. None knows why these idiots do it, we know their stupidities had long decided on a daily business of wrecking my Bookshop by showering me with so much insolence, it was what the Public got involved with, the fact I am a writer forgotten, to get off at Parliament seeking to discuss my attitude with the Politicians. Their motivation has always been the same, we have seen it play out on younger people picking up my work to make popular culture that caused criminals so much discomfort that criminals did not want to follow them around – it has been turned on its head, revenge secured to draw public sympathy for criminals while antagonising us, finished off with a sense that my Books covered their backsides and was therefore very important to their stupidities but I was not important enough to earn from it, which effect is possession and it continues to show up here, shooting off that dirty mouth about reasons I needed to beware its gimmicks because it was a bad person, set for an outcome where I will take up the Celebrity culture and sack it to solve my personal problems, then find more personal problems, to ensure I stifled their incomes and possessed them too – I have warned enough times I am the better narcissist and their gimmicks are becoming an inspiration. So far however it has been the one problem associated with how my personality should be used and those who help to wreck the studies and the career, grooming me into a position where narcissists can get anything they want from it, are complaining more than I am, if I have since set out how it affected me and they knew what to do when it affected them, I am at a loss as to the reasons I appeared to have become the irritating person, whilst they knew exactly what to do about the problem. I guess in the end it all means that narcissists are securing the attention they need from the source they need and we can see that after running off civil rights gimmicks that drew sympathy for criminals and trashed my career, having the criminals gotten everywhere and their celebrity private security industry stupidities become more sexually abusive than ever, they are now in a position where they can say that the dream of discarding the process of facing the consequences of their personal decisions to opt for a chance to handle me every day and get me facing one challenge after another as a matter of their stupidities for the rest of my life, had since been achieved, looking like something I would like to kill and it has used by Books as a means to secure that attention for long enough as it were – needs to stay away from it and make the comments about its own career, stop assuming everybody else lives the way Celebrities did. I do not think the matter was unusual as such, they are meant to behave like this – when they think that they were going to decide what people who influenced or made public policy did, the usual low lives and lower classes gimmicks; typical example being the process of going off to handle people in the female community without any public authority of their own, so we know it ends with claims that women were a problem but the reasons their views are imposed on me was largely a matter of insolence. Eventually we know that this problem is built by Liberal America leveraging their stupidities until they got into a position of playing up gimmicks where they were a more powerful country telling me how to exist and would make them comfortable – entirely the usual stuff when it claims it hates British but the part where it builds up atmosphere that I am set to be attacked because its stupidities and perverted interest in me made it feel irritated, is one about which I had given them an exit, to keep from my Books and keep their mouths shut. I do get told that if we could, we should move away from this problem but moving away is an old story where they were a bunch of people who spent so much time working out how to handle others abusively, that they lost sight of the fact it was impossible to achieve anything in life without fighting for it, the irony being each time they got into a fight, they mostly ended up in gangs or the worst happens on the first day, if the gangs then did not kill them, the stupidities will show up to trash another person’s life for an exit. It is becoming unbearably annoying that it gets involved with armed services to do some fighting, puts up leverage money on a business setting and gets on my social life and public image talking nonsense on Media, bashing my Books every time it wanted to look credible in the eyes of a crowd, talking rubbish about its freedom and democracy pranks – the ageist idiots had picked it up and I am told that what I have said here indicated two things, one being that I am planning something bad, the other being that what I said did not show what I had decided to get rid of; whilst we know all this nonsense means that I had ended up with new Intellectual property administration problems, at the same time, their celebrities had not ceased interfering with my concerns to make their own money, the threats being issues over the idea my existence irritated their stupidities with a big mouth. The part where they got involved like that made money and set about the idea any person they got involved with was taken from me and had been leveraged while they handled my Books for narcissistic attention, talking nonsense about the way I needed to beware their gimmicks as they were bad people, really had to be done as it were, along with the Industry gimmicks that involved using my Books without paying enough times to lose money at the way market works, then show up to do damage and continue selling things, then there is my personal favourite; people who own expensive things met with people who owned expensive things, destroyed my Bookshop and controlled a market, so I need to get the bills paid never meant I wanted a piece of market they built and wanted to take it no matter what - I mean none is oppressing their stupidities yet as we can see.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland