The mentality which suggests my work is not done, does not apply here either – I know that it is done but there are now complications associated with Men and Politicians playing with my career: an example is when a Company works with me, I devised a creative equity, they built a product from it and left it in a vault, I knew that product existed and they worked the vault as something that I had a shared Trust in, so when they sell products to these gits, somebody will as a result of an unusual interest in my Public life and an insolent type as well, customise their own piece to match the appearance of my entire vault, once done, set about chasing men’s sales job on a product that male society will support and help people get rich from with its con man stupidities at the top very quickly, following up the complaint it made decades back, claiming it hated my Books, which Books were his Books that I wrote last we checked. So, the outcome of what I have done is not a matter of getting all caught up in this rubbish but to ensure I set up the Politicians and Celebrities to inescapably engage with it every day as well until they lost something important, having covered my tracks on the alpha male and alpha female gimmicks, up to a point where I could round them up like sheep and wait for their stupidities to be done making trouble for others, and then set about setting up restaurants on my Royal Estate publicity and temperaments because they had to eat, done it and set it out for Americans to adjudicate, then will instances emerge where the outcome of continued need to antagonise state provided security, especially when told people who were doing National service were as good looking and they needed to stop bothering Royalty, developing into something about which the extent of the big mouth got tested. However, the Politicians and Celebrities need to play with their own careers or I will end it badly, progressing from the part where it was important for them to respond to such gimmicks every day, considering that it made them look brave enough to deserve their careers if they did.

They claim it is all still linked up to people fighting my wars and yes it is – if there was a grain of truth to it, I would never have organised a Bookshop in such a manner as was vulnerable to their taking candy from a baby gimmicks but then again, the case here is that I needed to say that the two processes of them fighting my wars and me running my Bookshop were two separate things. I cannot have enough of them fighting my wars and will never give it up because it is a very important result that those who knew public leaders at school and maybe have kept record of embarrassing situations, needed to understand that following public leaders to government buildings to make trouble will end in outcomes where they had to take on some National level enemies. I am simply saying that it is a separate thing from a process of running a Bookshop that should not be vulnerable to their gimmicks, so their interest in my Bookshop was something entirely new. They have not been fighting my wars, as I do not complicate Public and National security work as equally as I had no enemies. The Politicians have asked why they liked to target me with the Business of fighting my wars; there were three reasons, one involved exploring my civic duties to trash my social life and get me into a fight with people for new ones, claiming I am a coward who needed to do something to show I deserve my career, building communities that finger my bum – the other was the need to trash my diplomatic disposition and work, in order to get people sucking up to Celebrities while they spent my security assets to suggest the USA rules the world and the third was the fact that my work with respect to the interests of National security operatives was very tidy and so service personnel loved to identify with it in the course of doing their jobs, which they had set out as a revenge platform for the fact I trashed their need to establish link between government and industry to get rich fast, setting it out as a more convenient means to fight my wars, pay big prices and get me to accept those prices.

I have been informed that most of my work is failing but it really is not. There simply isn’t yet enough pain and suffering associated with facts where my life is being run with system criminals built to allow criminals confidence that if they committed crimes, the nature of the state will bail them out at the latter stages of their professional lives – in 2 days I have written this it has arrived at parliament with gimmicks about celebrities handling my Office and Status to make sense of National security work they were doing at private expense in return for industry indorsements and Celebrity wealth, building communities that finger my bum to prevent my childishness and ended with a process of thinking about the way it would want to handle me when the need to show up here with a University fiasco that was inflicted on me 13 years ago on account I did not bring in friends from Africa to finger their bums as well, incurred vengeance. We have seen neither the whites nor the ethnic minorities whose future depends on public investment funds select an alternative result to a process where these facts could only be revealed to the public without doubt when there was enough discrimination based suffering to make it so, what we have seen is that I have gone around in circles to end up in that position again after 19 years, where it is okay for somebody so weak it was irritating as myself to die for the future their stupidities had planned and the way they get about seeking it with impunity and a big mouth every day, creating something it owns by wrecking University studies and building community to finger my anus. It is largely facilitated by gits who saw I had State provided security and it troubled them so much, making a mess of people’s careers, especially at the armed services. They have been fighting my wars, the problem was a matter of me accepting the offer, the Germans who run it off to a state of crisis, setting me out a a coward who needed to get into trouble with the police to deserve my career that was controlled by the fathers, will get away with it now apparently.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland