They do love to issue their threats but there are some pressure points on the matter. If they stopped picking up everything I did to engage with their own crowds by and rob me, wrecking everything in this place thereof every day, it would be a better ending than a process where I got out and built a publicity that was designed to cater for gimmicks that involved grooming me into a position that facilitated it over a period of 12 years, the disrespect and sustained abuses for years, before they began to issue the black mail threats of what will happen when I failed to comply with various demands. There is also the threat that by the time the transition process for this gimmick where they got rid of my entertainment equity because they saw me write a Book they claim could cover their arse and developed a need to see me in a Uniform fighting their wars, was completed with an end to all processes of handling me and my concerns on account they had settled in on the kind of entertainment they wanted, the threat that by the time it is finished my Hermitage will also be completely spent with a big mouth, since the result is likely to be that they were able to buy themselves big houses and make sense of the reasons the Head of State lived in a Castle, which is now a threat as per I spend my time getting into the backyard to nudge them out of it as such, with a big mouth. There is also the let me open my can of worms threats they have taught their popularity culture idiots who are fixated on my finances wellbeing, the means by which I picked up a bad neighbourhood to write Books by and they turned it on me without meaning, purpose or provocation, only to pick up my responses of the abuses carry on every day as the main social disposition that facilitated sitting down with people to talk about huge sums of show business money changing hands on the basis of me being a character that got bullied and show up in Public places after with expensive clothes to bash my Books, as if there was likely to be no trouble for it. There is also the prospect of black idiots who play with other people’s public life when people were engaged with Government business assumed to be a gimmick that will not lead to trouble, adding to the white boys who think all people can do is cry over spilled milk when diversity allows them to get paid for being popular by insults people and using peoples career for alternative gimmicks; Obama was aware of this and played to tie down my career during his term in Office and facilitate it working, once the black gits had become a main problem as well vanished from the scene. There is also the business of trying to preserve work I had done on the insult where people like me were always being torn in two directions like they were women in the man’s world that was the USA, facilitating gimmicks that ensured peoples jobs and job prospects were put to practical jokes i.e. technically all in well and I had nothing to worry about as such but I have to work to preserve it never the less. Once the transition process where they no longer needed my equities and my work in their part of business and entertainment industry is complete and their interest in it alongside the civil disobedience of their popularity gits, I think that each interest in me that resulted in a physical handling of my possessions will attract shocking responses – it is an example of the way that I have to take responsibility for this nonsense while they kept their salaries and took full advantage of the way it affected mine, needs ensure their only interest here was to read what I had written, not groom me into a character whose activities media idiots and fame fools can pass off as something they did, to engage with a crowd.

The claim is that the source of all my problem stem from assisting public security operatives with their work and it is utter nonsense too – what really happens is that my work is found to be useful to public security operatives, so a group of gits became rather convinced each time they wanted to fight public security operatives, handling me would be of aid to them and they use it as a statement during the battle which I do not want as well – their narrative from here progresses to one about the way secret service operatives do the same on their terrorism minions, while the fact I am not out there trying to kill anybody indicated clearly that it had nothing whatsoever to do with me. That said, if I had decided to take all necessary steps to avoid getting involved with Public security operatives or their work in anyway whatsoever, the outcome will be that each time they fought the Police or the Military, they will be off with statements about how I looked on, which progresses to statements that indicated I was the main point of a dialogue during the fighting that progressed to them claiming claims to the lives and work of public security operatives if they won the fight. So the main problem has been a handful of scumbags hanging around in Hollywood USA to run off a global stage gimmick that suggested they were nice people who only needed to be in possession of more money at my expense, claiming I am being discriminative – we have done the part where they all complained of the consequences of the needy nature of criminals, especially as I had no choice but to frustrate all that was being done to build an atmosphere where people were more comfortable with the idea of them committing crimes, next stop will be a matter of their need to address me, backed by German Influence gits whom I am usually complacent about because if German workers did not like idiots who influenced them all the time to show up at the work place and chase bottoms, it beats the imagination how indeed British Politicians and their famous idiots did not see the exact position that these twats occupied in German society, so it seems that there is bound to be a trigger for a response on my part where that nonsense about the way it facilitated power sharing interferes with one more of my interests in this place.

The talk of recent is that I watched too much television, the intention expressed is that I watched too much television instead of getting a job. I would not know anyway, these are supposed to be a handful of unbearably stupid individuals who spend most of their time working hard and dreaming that they were right about people in authority treating somebody else badly, the time spent trashing people’s careers to achieve this nonsense is also the same time spent on self-preservation and a process of keeping their stupid interests especially the monetary aspects safe from their own gimmicks. It is not clear if those who support their actions at Government, Monarchy and Royal family expect that they were characters that the Public could aspire to, but we have that, nevertheless. It is not clear why they would not expend their salesman madness somewhere else, if handling me came with such huge risks attached but we know I have a disposition that says they had more and needed to spend it. I mean this case about the authorities is not the only one, there is also the part where they had to be right about their views on women and my career had to be suspended until they ended up with a reputation which suggested they were more important and at this stage the idiots are still not right about their views on women yet. The other fools who claim the problem to be that they signed up to the Military and I didn’t being the idiots who needed to take responsibility for their own personal decisions and stop shoving other people’s stupidities in my face; I do not sign up to the Military because I know that it would take much more than a three month period to say that if I worked on my health, I could build it up to the first line of defence when faced with a National level enemy, never mind the other parts where their stupidities were picking up my civil duties to destroy their reputation for being a handful of losers – the Military is a part of the civil service not the place where the worst jobs in the land were changing hands. In their case, the reasons they join the Military range from a need to make statements about being more important than the people in charge, to Media daily tests and insults, up to ideas about the Country that exists in their heads all of which other people were at risk of wrecking all day long and this is what every fool who claims they signed up to the Military while I didn’t and it was a problem or people in Authority who support their stupidities had become a part of. The issue of my finances has become a simple one; last week’s bills were paid by Government support, and we are hoping next week’s bills will be paid by a Bookshop otherwise we can see that the only thing getting in the way were Celebrities and the Media, their actions being a simple case of civil disobedience habits that they could easily stop.

So generally it is an old story about what people say, as per if you claim that you could not progress with a livelihood you invented because you had no money, you were missing the point – so we know that if I wanted to get into a process that allowed me sell my Books to poorer people, these idiots will make it sexual to make their own money and if I wanted to sell it to rich people they would ensure that somebody got to progress a stupidities that developed from a process of profitable business they did not have to do any work for, to something a habit that got worse and worse as it got more profitable over my personal life. It is not feasible to say that the Bills will be paid by the Bookshop within a week, but I think that the prospect of controlling the problem is moving towards an outcome where their comments will be restricted to their careers of, I will end up teaching them a handling my Bookshop to make me do other things for them that I would not normally have done lesson that they will never forget. The other claim naturally is that I do this because I am hiding something discriminatory which I am not: I do it because I am trying to take my audience back to the time that the Books were relevant to them, so it is all something Politicians do to these idiots, where they had a need to get involved with peoples Government Office work and make a mess of it by running off idealism to build a crowd of their own, hence they were right years ago, however the time between the period in which they were right and the period in which they were not, was spent waiting to progress a career in vain. It has picked up a Book I wrote because we did sign a contract that their stupidities could handle my Books as far as they were concerned clearly. It is suggested that I do these activities because I am ashamed of Government security which is utter rubbish – we can clearly see what they believe should become of me if I were, so I do have enough negative incentives to ensure that I am not as such but then again I never was and this is growing into a case where it was decided that if I wanted to serve the Public I had to attack Celebrities, the options being that they kept their hands off my anus, their insults and comments to their stupid careers or all these serves as preparation period for it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland