I am told the clash with Celebrities did not make any sense and this is because it is set out not to – when my public image is torn down and the crime control features destroyed, my patents breached and Bookshop stifled, it is not due to a need for owning my Bookshop as such, it is due to a simple narcissistic pleasure of causing other peoples a difficult time but it shows up bothering me every day and people who lived on foodbanks if feeling entitled did not bother others half as much. It speaks of how bloody minded its stupidities were naturally and I can imagine an engineer along with others like him and few architects tolerating a Media idiot with a need to talk though to them via an arena where they held court with some female journalists because the self-seeking gits felt that they always got what they wanted whenever they wanted something abusing that court all day and then deciding how the victims were supposed to respond respectfully. I have done a 20 year career mess for it and the stupidities needs to cease getting on my nerves, it has not stopped running me down when I am at work which is the absolute worst of the methods by which it causes me a difficult time that creates a shadow behind my career which can be used to make more show business and has not yet learned to keep its abusive comments to its career whilst it believed Politicians ought to listen to its feelings about me all together so far – it will be their undoing. Overall it is the self-seeking rogue landlords and their corrupt private security building me a profile that matches social activities of criminals for a job about which they had already been paid by the client, therefore it was apt already that we ended up in a situation where it was impossible for them to protect their famous idiots from me – it seems that when I stopped the insults of the famous, the rest of the abuses that makes a mess of everything around here will go away alongside, priority abuses being the idea I am supposed to get into a fight with people on their behalf. They pop this question of what I would do if I were asked to take over these issues and put an ending to it as I would like, much as they would love to be free of me – the being free of me part was naturally to do with trashing my career, things like a stupid statement at a large gathering, that I am simply a part of what their celebrities were doing and then the fans ran with it, whilst they built me a profile to match the social activities of people who had ended up in prison and the fact I am aware my social profile looks nothing like that became a corrupt private security industry crisis working with abusive landlords. Taking control however, I would easily get off saying that they had spent enough time with me in a perverse manner as to allow me arrive at the acquisition of a platform and a license to discredit the fame careers and then will I control everything but I don’t want it, I need to get about the corrupt private security industry aspects and we appear to be heading towards a showdown with the famous for it as well. In the end they say that they were informed their behaviour was easily as aspect of my privileges and yes it is – my social life is such that since I do not have a mistress, anybody can play a role of being my mistress at any time, it is difficult to control but I do get on top of it more often than not – that said, most of the results have been positive, like when it is suggested the male population worked a perverse interest in me and we know that ripping up my finances, showering me with insults publicly were the two main reasons they were able to handle my person and my affairs in such ways, something a bunch of women tackled a long time ago when they decided there were so many stupid things being done around my person and career, responding which would only encourage them because I would have gotten involved with them deeper, so if I wanted to punish people for those stupid activities and the way their silly children behaved towards people finances and physical well being as if they had nothing to lose, I ought to punish the women instead – this has been regarded with the uttermost disrespect whilst it is always one form of abusive behaviour being channelled at me after another, yet permitting me to be myself would have been the only instance where I was able to think with my own thought processes all together, then we find the claim being made that it was all due to the fact I am insignificant – the same had been done with the Celebrity issue where it needs to get paid for being popular on the basis it could handle the public control issues that I handled but did not want my career all together and some women decided they were the people to manage that situation, it has been trashed because those who do think that I will be done for once they were able to change the narrative such that I became the trouble maker and they were nice. It all built up to the part where state provided security was provocative to the famous and the absolutely important and yet with know that public security worked through a system that operated with evidence, such evidence as instances where somebody who pursued the privacy of the famous 95 times a day fell short of good results compared to somebody who did for 100 times a day, although the 100 times a day eventuality was the one celebrities complained of. For my part it is now time I  of a career mess created for me by people who never stopped a narcissism of exploiting other people’s apparent weaknesses whilst they ran a career that got to their heads but exposed their privacy to the world, about which they rip u other people’s privacy to survive but had to keep the career anyways and yet were so abusive every day that victims who are also assisting them felt perpetually flustered – however to an extent it is really personal with the rogue landlords and corrupt private security as the history is that I had dropped out of University, 10 years later making the most of the fact they were picking up assets displayed when I did course work to chase the interests of younger people at my expense and make me a big poof the whole time, they have seen me pursue a Bookshop with a certain urgency and repeated the same behaviour, I need to ensure it ends badly for everybody involved starting with a business where it was impossible to protect their famous idiots from me.

The pressure point was clearly the obvious process of my career being such a joke because people got accustomed to protection they were providing for the purpose of pushing the insults at me, that what happens with my clients is that any work we were doing was repeated by a civil right self-seeking entitled idiot who was keen to see me do something for others and always had something in mind, whilst another group of idiots would tell me how to write Books, claiming I was a problem solver who brought it upon myself. A simple matter to avoid when people show up here only for the Books and got to make comments about the one that pays their wages. The excuse for this nonsense is that I ended up exposing myself which is utter nonsense as the information I throw around is supposed to have been picked up by ageist gits and their abusive homes that people can pay them to rent, never mind the corrupt private security, to carry around like PR that I did not need to fund, instead I have ended up with career and finance crisis because a bunch of civil disobedience famous idiots with ideas about using other peoples existence and property for free, built up a medias presence for it to order my steps. It is like they suggest I never get involved with matters of freedom until the bad things happened to me whereas their best ideas for putting themselves in charge of others was always to walk into peoples lives and say they were in charge of everything that happened between the ages of 14 and 21, they were in charge of social activities and in those social activities they held all the privileged situations and eventuality, all we can do is continue to monitor and control how violent some people who had more on their plate got over it. I mean I was not born during the difficult civil rights periods as such but I can tell from here that their sense of right and wrong was both flawed and evil, this so called freedom problems have been a product of putting its stupidities in charge of matters it knows nothing about, now expecting others to get off the daily affairs to assume they were in charge of a situation in which assistance was being offered for it whilst they were not. Then it pops the question of why I always go down in route whenever I want to out their stupidities but it was the one that explained it the best: their gimmicks were drawn up on the basis they wanted to feel safe but the government had paid for a police force and they want it to serve them personally, the reasons they want the Police to serve them personally was due to the fact that they wanted to run people down every time they were trying to make money, so either a person abandoned a career to spend the energy dealing with them or removed the idea in the head that hurting them was a  bad thing to do. The cause of the problem however is not these stupid social activities, the stupid social activities were simply a matter of suggesting like they do, that bad things will happen to me when I do not get involved with their civil rights movements whereas all that will happen is a publicly displayed gimmick on my part where I bear baited them and the racists until they killed each other, if mad enough it may have a go at me on a personal basis as well, the problem is that the Celebrities pick up the gimmicks of spending my work on themselves over claims they were important and I had failed to recognise that they were, therefore made good of it by getting their stupidities to affect me in my bedroom with the help of the rogue landlords and corrupt private security, so it was clear stopping the insults of the famous was the way to shut it down or they shut it down themselves and fooled around somewhere else. It always gets to such a stage anyway, where the general observation was the daily battle without reason between a news vendor and an ethnic minority bank worker for instance and then it will become obvious that they were unable to keep their hands off peoples body parts while poorer people were willing to face personal problems with more dignity and we can make sense of the reasons decisions were reached to implement segregation in the past without the foresight that apartheid would be the result – may show up here picking up what I did with my clients to create a condition where I was forcibly made to do something for them, bottoming out my finances, then get off fighting for my civil rights as well whenever it wants. This is my trigger – the private security and rogue landlords will not cease making comments that I am just a part of the world celebrities lived in, whilst the Celebrities will not cease picking up my career publicity for another purpose – they do claim they do it to get free of me naturally which they do, but we can see that whilst they complained about being stuffed with information they really needed over an abusive involved with a career, the same activities that got me dropping out of University have been repeated, complete with getting hoodlums hanging around street corners to blab about people grabbing their jobs, all over my public image and those who wanted to rob the shops at my expense being able to make necessary statements, it has repeated exactly the same behaviour over the fact it saw me pursue my Bookshop with a sense of urgency after I ended the private security industry job that was simply making every problem worse, I need to ensure that this nonsense ends very badly for all the people involved with it and it appears that since I usually have it under control save they were getting public media assistance whenever they wanted to be free of me by saying the information in their heads should be stolen and my career should be stolen, then getting rid of the Celebrity insults will get rid of every other problem. They do claim I am completely out of control and they will make me run for my life which I understand, the running for my life bit is not yet a fully developed prospect, I am currently caught up with their security that should not be building them a social disposition in which if their gimmicks were applied on me it would pay off, and spend my schedule working with stupid landlords to make it happen, it now needs to lose the security job or cease making stupid comments that my empire is a part of their world and that they were entitled to my assets, for their part as the famous goons in this, it seems that when they looked hard enough they would find some really good trouble eventually. On the matter of being completely out of control, when I forge partnership with people at a Bookshop it should be as it is stated and remain that way for years, not a business partnership being changed to mean something else because they had media presence to play with – they can do this at any time if their ego would allow them but generally I presume they wish to continue being such a bunch of fucking idiots who had kept their salary whilst making hell for others and it got to their head.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland