They do claim that they had secured good behaviour from me and I could never tell how they supposed they achieved such a thing but it is safe to say that my financial wellbeing has been decided by the insults of Celebrities for the best part of 8 years now and decides it like so every day while they complained and it was rather easier to stop the insults than it was for famous idiots to complain about me endlessly. So what I wake up to regularly is that they came in two forms; one showered me with enough insults to build up an atmosphere that facilitated a narcissistic idiot getting imagination up my bum in the neighbourhoods until my career, finances and private life simply stops, the other picks up every single thing I did as a matter of making stupid statements to say that it served them in some way, they were important and there was a crowd backing their behaviour but the real problem has been the need of Politicians to support these Celebrity insolence and to spend tax payer funds on it, which should not be a problem as it sets out the way they had decided to support Celebrities and the problems that are always in the public announcements backed by habits, which I have chosen not to, hence not clear how which twats got up to it, decided that they got a behaviour out of me as such but we know the Celebrity insults can stop when the Celebrities want to stop it. So the incentive for stopping these insults has to be a process of making clear that I am very good at the business of running around at their criminal popularity backyard, showing up at the business of the Politicians thereafter, picking up their society gits who are clearly not fighting for National security while people betrayed them and they had to go to hell to pick up the National security job all over again, showing up here for male privileges considering the history we already have and then finish off with the two bit Celebrity gimmicks I have mentioned above, in a bid to run them down all the way to first grade and drag them in the mud with respect a case of reducing their media and celebrity civil rights to something they had around the 1960s. They do say they will not just sit back and watch me which I understand entirely but so is their stupid children who no sooner were detached from their mothers than they had gotten imagination up my bum when their stupidities were half my age, working businesses their stupid parents had set up in communist territories, to show up here for it with practical jokes that are a prelude to a process where they stole something, burning my career and finances while I had to tolerate their insolence on Media all day long. They do say it is a matter of American relations I feel uncomfortable with which is not, just the deluded Crowd who think America saved Europe in World War two, among other myths running around in their stupid minds. The main pressure point is that my work played into the work that secret security services were doing and they got off to burn my assets and showed up here to bully me into serving famous idiots – this adds to the times when over a 4 week period Americans will ask us to stay away from their intelligence turf, deny access to security information and terrorists will blow up devises in UK Cities, which came after they claimed I was like a terrorist because I took my religious concerns seriously and went on with this to such an extent that terrorists saw me as a factor and set about developing atmospheres that put me to errands, for them to show up and rip apart my academic work and finances – then the last straw where State provided security supported my Public life and their idiots went off to get killed by American enemies, claim it was my fault and set about clinging to my finances. I do not wish to support the celebrity habits and problems that we see in the announcements all the time, the Politicians who do really do not have that much in common with me, their idiots need stop threatening me and their famous fools need stop insulting me. We have cases here in the UK about the racism stories as well; I could never tell anyway, as since last real men Muslims took interest in me, I dropped out of university and after I built a Bookshop, the companies I brokered equities with me were the ones assisting me with intellectual property administration in about 3 years. They complain of racism if their gimmicks meant that somebody dropped out of school, lost their marriage lived on benefits and was regularly reported to the authorities for scrounging by those who decided how his social life and public image should be used and their stupidities believe I am the one with the skill to interpret what they are saying while I had to set aside my career and finances to respond to the stupid accusations their communities had issued, supported by the results of these activities which is to get the millionaires had ending up in their ethnic group and regularly dispatched sales office idiots to torture me with tribalism raids that needed my income margins as though what their stupidities said was the law of the land – so here people judge which one is being racist, especially when the University fiasco never happened as far as they were concerned and they had progress from pinching my social life to pinching my time, producing results were my anus was sore all the time and I smelled, never mind the stupidities that are performed because of these results. We know it even had a part to play in the German influence idiots who turned out at Buckingham Palace with their gits that could not stop using freedom of speech to claim they were superior to me and showed up at Buckingham Palace to shut down my social exits on account they were fans of German manufacturing companies, with outcomes where each time they got money together to chase their fortunes in the City, they had need of my Assets. We know that racism was a matter of their similarity with the racists when it comes to a life where it was impossible for them to exist any other way, save a process where they were bigger than people who had something valuable and they took it so the owners could not get it back – thus we know the American part is about greed and stealing and I have not yet made a list of the various types of practical jokes that show up to express an interest in me yet so far, better to begin with the Celebrity insults. The claim I am unhappy about others being more successful is that which they had to support with the facts associated i.e. how they leave their homes to develop an interest in me and my concerns, which meant that my routine was never such that I can get up to go because they were using it to make their own money and I am never in charge of sociological matters that emerge from my studies and my career because they were borrowing that too and I am never happy because I am sore all over – so as mentioned, we begin with the Celebrity insults; they have already put up frivolous claims it is my fault and supported it and supported it with narcissistic happiness which makes the advertisement. It is the only thing getting in the way now – getting in the way of setting out a Bookshop running it, making sense of the processes, leaving it to head somewhere and returning to find it as I left with, the market and client structures etc and it needs to stop channelling it’s foolish problems at me, need to stop playing with me, this is its racism and I am sure they can try a little bit more at telling people they were being disingenuous, showing up here all the time to trash my career and finances over Country ownership gimmicks. I do get told it is more serious than I put it which is mostly the point anyway: the only thing getting between a handful of idiots with ideas about the way they would take advantage of some weak gits that picked up careers and income margins that did not fit their size, being the presence of racists and a lack of acceptance from the system – I think I have had enough of it at this stage, when my ultimatum runs out, I am going to begin my own process of putting a handle on their stupidities and building up my own history for it too. I mean in Africa I would have run down their Celebrity madness to such an extent their narcissism lost all teeth, thus those gimmicks really had no place in the real world. The top excuse is that I had built myself a persona to say I have a lot of things people can take advantage of which is utter nonsense as what happens is that I stuffed society gits with what I knew so they damaged my career with abusive and criminal interests to carry it about like PR I did not have to pay for – we know that the Celebrity gimmicks had not stopped building a crowd that helped it get on media to entitle itself to my work, career and finances but had built a phenomenon to say that I interfered with their show business and I am a bad person, considering security measures I had adopted for it, we also know that the other abusive types who shower me with so much insolence that a narcissist turns up to get imagination up my bum and then the distant violence makes me sore all over until I committed a crime because of the narcissist that took interest in me, excepts me to get into trouble with the Police, so it was a small thing they did which had since taken over my whole life. I intend to begin by running off ideas about their need to expose public security operatives at work in a bid to get security services doing their bidding, as per which careers they deserved because they picked up National service and were still doing it after being betrayed and I intend to run it to an extent where they could not approach me on the streets from a distance abusively like their stupidities had become accustomed to doing so far, I intend to run it until they get seriously hurt.

They claim I think people liked me when they didn’t and it is utter nonsense as they are not the type I got involved with but loved to cling to my concerns right down to my finances – it is the type that was a journalist, sitting on a stage with three other colleagues, at the background were sales Office idiots whom he or she would do anything for over money and when the script is looked at, I felt it at my bank balance – so we are talking about results where we got to discuss these kinds of instances and the way that I could be compensated instead of get support from the Government, show up at their doorstep. The others were the power bits, they were the security people and do not stop their women getting imagination up my anus to wreck everything here because they were playing their cards considering Celebrities were rich, since picked up security guarding at Government buildings where they did not even enforce the problem where women complained about people putting themselves in charge where such people did not have authority to do so, issuing stupid threats at me to determine what I said to women all the time because they believed it was a threat they could enforce. The rest of it is mostly the barefaced cheek of going off to discuss my attitude with Politicians while sacking my finances which I like to keep the way it is because Politicians should have seen that if such nonsense were developed on a need to invent tricks which allowed them make terrible personal decisions and sacrifice other people to improve their stupid lives, work on people even when they had jobs before them that were paying so well they could not stop abusing others, it was all immoral society doing what it does best – so the Politicians will never be free of the insults until my finances are fixed as well and we see the conditions emerge as recent progress I make with my career and personal life, instigating a business of spending tax payer funds on the habits and problems and Celebrities which showed up on the announcements every day, to tell me that Officially I am safe from all this nonsense and that should be what they were doing because they thought they were more important i.e. it’s all Celebrities showing up to make money by tackling me to get paid for being popular, from the coffers of rich people who spend money making trouble for others, so all I had to worry about was the public instability, what I mean when I say that the insults is what we had chosen to do every day some time ago and they will never be free of until my finances were fixed. Eventually we have to listen to those stupidities that shut down my love life, talking nonsense about me being a broken man who chases women for therapy, while women who expect men to get into a fight for them before a relationship was possible were the Celebrity types who developed such a lifestyle as meant that they told others what to do so publicly and abusively all of the time, especially people they had never met, that it had become a social crisis for them – thus it really does need to stay out of my personal life and keep its comments to itself too: as for the reasons people are interested in me in these ways, it was an old story about me and my writing career being very valuable but their public place abuses and insults had since made me out to be a character that was more valuable if somebody got involved with me and set me out on a stage to betray me to those who had more money to share with them – not an unusual way to develop a career naturally.

They do claim my views on racism is inaccurate and it is utter nonsense as my views were perfectly sound, just their insults and what it brings causing all the inaccuracies. Insults endless insults and I had ten things about me that racists could fool around with 4 years ago, the number of things about me that racists could fool around with is now fifty and they had decided how I am to be used to ensure they managed the consequences of their personal decisions, in such a way that they were able to say that they were superior to me and could never make use of their freedom of speech without suggesting it. It has never been clear why they needed to work on others over jobs that they had anyway, and I have never once enjoyed an instance where they did not work on me while doing their jobs, never. Then we find the claim show up, that they had given me a difficult time which they had not but we know that they will say this nonsense where they groom people for communities that get imagination up peoples bums to run around criminal backyard popularity at the expense of their victims, added up to homosexuality that was their civil right and not a prelude to stealing something important from the victims – for my part, I have warned them I am very good at it and the results will easily be a process of getting round to the criminal popularity backyard, making sure what I did there showed up where Politicians met with constituents, pick up their society gits and finish off with the Media gimmicks, at which stage no Politician would be able to control what I got up to and I would be so isolated in my decision making processes that I can reach any decision I wanted very quickly indeed. They raise this point about a messy crisis that will not go away with me at the centre but from here it is rather very simple; an example of the fact all we are doing these days is insults, the doing your stuff insults being the biggest of the lot and none will be free of it until my finances looked the way they found it, walking up to me abusively on the streets to chase money endlessly alongside fame idiots – an example is an instance where I put out some of my legal studies qualifications on a website to ascertain source of authority for what I did and said, since it was a matter of going to market to suspend certain issues on a financial front, as not doing so would mean that the younger people seeking their qualifications would end up with useless qualifications no matter how talented or what they studied, I ended up dropping out of mine and it formed part of my history but by the time people were able to make sense of the fact that was what I was doing, over the barrage of abuses and narcissist practical jokes, the financial structures of my Bookshop had moved somewhere else. It is the only thing we are doing and we are stuck with it; in terms of racism, it had since reached the stage where the only way forward was to say that a person has chased a certain lifestyle to a point and when he faced the consequences for it, others were in a convenient enough position to make the most of his or her suffering, otherwise that we lived in a world where bad things happened to good people, the bad things which happened to good people and the good people to whom bad things happened would increase exponentially.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland