On the point that I worked with communists against them, besides enrolling in the security services to target me, I write my Books with an Off switch, to ensure I controlled what people did with my literary work, especially when I had to take responsibility if parents do not want their children to engage which the children did not heed anyway – they have converted this into the idea that I had talent to cover their backsides for a living and failed to do so therefore should be punished for the rest of my life literally, that I am working with Communists and that I am too much of a coward to deserve the career I already have. What the inventory shows however is that my only customers were Russian, so it needs to keep telling me what to do whilst I too get to fool around with the heart disease and exhaustion gimmicks that its famous stupidities had invented. I mean we can see that even if I had to deal with Celebrity career piracy narcissism, rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers and internet trolling, the only threat to my finances and health was that they could not keep their hands to themselves, claiming I am too much of a coward to keep my career, I should cover their backsides for a living and am working with communists, needs keep its mouth flapping about its own career and read a Book. They claim I am oblivious to the threat they posed to me and I suppose the next act that caused delay to my career will also help to make sense of what currently seems to be a solely administrative process of managing the way a bunch of male society idiots always showed up all over my affairs to do what they saw my Clients did with me, wrecking everything around here and Celebrities did their part by stifling the sales to escalate the problems I solved in order to create the products, to such an extent those problems were all I had left, only to build a community that gets imagination into my panties to make sense of the way they were well aware of the effects of their famous peoples abuses – one more tickle and I will take the plunge to start a schedule where I got into a fight with them and it will be either at the beginning or at the end of everyday but they will get out of bed to face that fight every day, one more tickle, one more trigger from that stupid atmosphere that allowed the confidence to explore a right of doing harm to me at will whilst expressing some stupidities that goes beyond bullying to suggest they were incredibly important and the least thing we will worry about will be the part that they got to shut it down.

There was the point raised about why I am continually silent about developments in the USA but first of all I am not supposed to get involved with American Politics but that said, according to current developments, the claim is that Mr Trump is racist and yes is says a lot of racist things but he has so completely trashed the fascism that might follow him into government buildings since, to such an extent that there was a point he had to defend his position when he was first in the White House by doing away with White House food in favour of Mc Donalds, to connect more with US Citizens, I simply am unable to understand why his position was so badly misunderstood, the Democrats on the other hand it seems cannot live without fascism but do not actually say anything racist in public, the Polls have accordingly shown that it was the republicans that had taken responsibility for the dangers of these dispositions that was obviously so dangerous that the government was a step away from actual institutionalised discrimination – since Obama simply suggested it was enough that he was a black American President and we know it wasn’t and Biden is simply the best thing that bad employers could have hoped for, bearing in mind they have held the Office for a decade and a half yet. On the matter of underestimating the threat that the Media and Celebrities posed, I do not, I simply believe they have failed to estimate properly that I am capable in good time, of coming up with a response that will easily match and go beyond, the fact they are a bunch of abusive and entitled twats who were so certain of their right to come into possession of other people’s property that they were backed by powerful and dangerous people, never mind that the history we had so far is that they were literally begging to be free of the powerful people who maintained their entitlement, being part of their daily lives on my account. It is mostly rudimentary, we see this sort of nonsense all the time and then they speak of my own failing of which there is only the issue of huge public and financial support for every idiot who shows up here ripping up work that security services have done to protect the public from localised and overseas terrorism, over access to my public life and claims I am too much of a coward to deserve it – rudimentary in that they are accustomed to doing this and always turn up somewhere after years of flattering the psychopaths to such an extent that people suffering such mental states had forgotten their illness and then they found themselves in a place where they could not decide if they wanted to be touched, to show up on my public life, academic pursuits and career finances, selecting sexuality and surgically changing sex, this time it has gone beyond the stupidity of a coward Arch Prince that they must have created and kept in office if they insisted on making the stupid statement and makes sense of the reasons their politicians failed so badly at the job, since I am the low life and they were geniuses who could not work out the simple governmental operation and management of power fact, that one must take the business of people being willing to take risks on my behalf due to Public office, so seriously that it was possible to invite those who hated me into the fold. Just like the story of American hatred towards me whilst the real problem was that the FBI and CIA had become too big to be an effective investigative security structure, whilst the White House thought that building an NSA would solve the problem all together, so these gits had progressed from media abuses and support for career crime, to picking up security service jobs so they can better target me at this institutions, somewhere between Julian Assange being an investigative Journalist and David Frost being a Political interviewer of public figures and have raised hell for the entire world ever since, not a day goes by they do not make trouble at my expense.

The claim that I have ended up in a precarious situation naturally is not developed on reality. Reality is that in terms of industry, I am in such a situation as the decisions I needed to make pertained to the greed and insults of business managers who have gotten accustomed to stifling my finances in order to decide what my career looked like on the basis of some communists that I must have had an altercation with – the Celebrities were out of my league on the basis of their financial well being which ensured they bothered others constantly and people listened to them first whilst their paparazzi could not keep imagination out of peoples panties – the rest were a bunch of incredibly stupid individuals who are now making up ideas of the ways that what they have wanted the public to make of their unusual interest in my person and career had finally made sense. So we can see that unnecessarily deciding the way that business managers addressed me would be the way to secure enough quietness at a Bookshop as will ensure that I had arrived at a stage where my every move outside of my door will only pertain to client interests at the Bookshop – the Celebrity part was the main issue with respect to my Bookshop being quiet enough for the clients as to ensure that I did not have to control what business managers, famous gits and male population did with my affairs, just to get to an Office and make a living when I write a Book – the rest were the gits who wanted to find out what will come of a process where their explanation for unusual interest in my career had eventually made sense to the public legitimising their need to run with it. We have heard them claim that it is all due to the fact that they were out of my league which does not make any sense as what happens is that before their fathers showed up here to finger my bum, they were able to see that the fact they wanted to live in my world where the way I engaged with the opposite sex eliminated such abusive activity, did not necessarily mean that they were my type or I wanted anything to do with them; so it is such that the real me has been eclipsed by all kinds of stupid activities that needed tidying up whilst it would also have transpired that the way I got about with the opposite sex was not the bad thing I needed to stop doing. It does not interest me if they were out of my league, I mean for the Celebrities, I had no idea if it was the need to ensure their paparazzi kept imagination out of my panties and they stayed away from my patents and career publicity that it created for me due to an attack on those gimmicks they performed where they had arrived, that now had to be my main course of action all together; it was never clear why they were always so incredibly dirty spiritually, since they lived in well off neighbourhoods and it was hard to tell whether of the families there were some were happy homes and others were not, some were two persons that had lived together for ages and did not think they were well placed to settle down in matrimony, they were the couple where one person was violent and probably a criminal, showing up here to ruin client interests and stifle my finances, running their mouth about people I had to be afraid of. The men will be the part where each time I did not solve my problems by taking it out on them to such an extent they clashed with Police in riot gear at a point, then I lose my finances everyday for gimmicks, practical jokes and fool’s errand. So far it continues to get on my nerves naturally as all can see that when I had not provided them a response, they made their stupidities into a license at my expense and even came up with narcissism lies that suggested it was my fault and provided a stage for escalation until they left with what they wanted to take from this place; lip flapping nonsense about the ways that extremists who were also spiritually dirty people were likely to take advantage of what I am saying altogether. They claim this insanity was facilitated by the Monarchy naturally, what we know to be true is that they were moving Monarchic matters into the Media so that their abusive stupidities might be the way to decide what respect meant – from here, it would be incredibly tough to decide which managers will cease running their insults and greed at me, if I did not have state provided security and they were about to decide too how they wanted to address me in order to avoid trouble in the future, alternatively keep their media and celebrity comments to their own careers stop handling me and never ever goad me for any reason or anything, never ever tell me what to do.

I now have this enormous task on hand of rescuing my career and finances from famous idiots who handled it and clung to it over a sense that they felt good if something important to me ended up in their possession and I needed it badly but could not get it in order for them to explore my personality and handle my aura, so far successfully keeping them from goading me over public control, as painfully as I can ensure that they stopped doing it, but turn around I do and I am faced with the fact that the Local authorities where an even greater threat the entire time, running me down over a need to order my steps up to the point where I was facing a health scare whilst working me for homelessness over claims I was conducting social security fraud, as their stupidities had become rather tired of paying up, providing the famous with support upon support each time somebody made national media publicity from the narcissism they channelled at me. So this what the next task on hand and I think that by the time I am done with the well off neighbourhoods and the Media, I will end Hijacking Hollywood USA to make sense of public Office. It loves to boast about their gimmicks at the Monarchy which had since produced a result where I had split their career piracy interest around here into the American, European and Middle East types, with the first lining up home wreckers around my client interests, the second finding it impossible to keep the imagination out of my pants and the third being the source of all instances where every fool bigger than am invents something stupid to insert into my career and hang about at the other end after making a mess, looking as if they had achieved something that made sense in the real world – always spiritually filthy these lot naturally, I mean I am having these complications due to my circular society career, imagine what the religious leaders had to contend with all together, never stopped lying endlessly and cannot keep their hands to themselves, the part at the Monarchy being something they did to ensure I understood that what owned was bigger than I am and it was something they were known to do and their stupidities had done it, except this time it would seem the King suggested they were fighting communists on my behalf because I could not do it myself, implication being that if the King needed a clean slate for his Office he was likely to get it from them last we checked, for their part, like I warned them about roping me into this mass before the Coronation itself all together, their friends were everywhere, in the USA, Europe and the Middle East, whereby it would appear that when abusive Politicians and the friends they made with Government office, had not gotten a response from their victims, they became an outstanding problem. The point repeatedly made being that in the world of crime, race and discrimination, they were the most worse off no matter what public policy existed in these matters and Politicians have always continued to in view of the way that practical jokes channelled at me over ideas I ought to get into altercation with communists to show I deserved my career and income before I can have it, growing so big that it was possible for people to control my movements, career and finances with it , due to the stages upon stages of setbacks I had suffered because they needed to express it over everything I did with myself, assume that the fact they were always the origin of every problem associated with race, discrimination and ethnicity, always the origin of every failure in public policy and control processes for such matters can administrated whilst they were allowed to run amuck, for my part, they say people have died, found a way around the problem of people dying and gotten so bad that taking advantage of my Christian upbringing to the stage where they were talking to me as if they paid the bills around here, had given way to a process of stalling my career finances whilst issuing direct physical threats and finding lies that suggest state provided security provoked them, to make sense of their actions – the next time I picked up the matter, my actions will signal the last time that anybody had to think about the way discrimination, ethnicity, crime and race issues got out of hand because they were the reasons for failure in public policy.

I am not enemy of the state either, the idiots were always in charge and are now out of their depth with the response to their practical jokes, talking nonsense, with the ethnic minorities clinging to my social life, to tear down security service work that protects the public from terrorism, in order to hang about pillaging my earnings over ideas I am a coward and the insults running so much that I am left feeling flustered, whilst the whites wanted to keep living in well off neighbourhoods that were working with rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, to ensure when I rent a space from them, I saw my career in their possession every time I stepped outside and they used it to cause me health scares - I did issue the warnings clearly enough, that the continued trashing of my finances will develop into a clash with those means to interfere with my clients and extract money from my work activities that the ethnic minorities who looked like gits taking class A drugs at 11.00am whilst preventing younger people from attending school in the neighbourhoods, that their local authority greed and insult pigs were obviously so proud of they always wanted to run my life with, whilst the whites will end up with a clash over their well off neighbourhoods. I mean there must be a way out there, that a problem of some incredibly stupid people inventing something silly that they can insert into my career and career publicity, hang about somewhere making money off the little things at my public image to appear as if they had pushed that nonsense into my affairs to such an extent they ended up making sense at the other end, solely because they were bigger than I am and being bigger than I am was an industry in its own right, if somebody out there had a way to handle the problem without putting the idiots in a huge amount of pain, I do ask them to share. The Media bits was the one where I am sure I am asked people to keep their jobs by refraining from goading me over public control matters due to my history at the Private security industry and maintaining a narcissism that allowed for instances where every fool came across my person was an opportunity that could be passed off as my career having been stolen. The Muslim part was the Saracen lies that goes way back in history, each time I responded, I gave away anything that allowed me to a cultured person at the Monarchy whilst assisting them with the criminality issues they loved so much, needs to stay away from the Bookshop and keep its hands to itself - alternatively it would appear that the Politicians could not get a break from the complaining because they apparently loved instances where I talked about it so safely that if they could not get me, they could not get other people because of me. The claim I could not do a thing without relying on women was never developed based on reality - truth of it is that it had nothing whatsoever to do with women and was rather a matter of suffering a two decade career mess because these idiots always loved to fool around with my career and career publicity in order to deal with consequences of their own personal decisions because they thought they were real Men, to such an extent that they had to catch their breath, then show up issuing threats as it was fair to assume that when they had screwed themselves as well, I had more - generally it is a bunch of famous idiots that I am now a really big fan of, that were insane and this insanity was the main cause of my career and financial mess, the Politicians section had this role to play in which it was a matter of trashing my career and finances and becoming judge, jury and executioner on the basis that those I needed to seek redress against possessed more money than I did i.e. the reasons people were worried that it was growing into something serious, especially with respect to Americans, which it is not, as I am in control, they are not, played the same gimmicks when I was at University to get me dropping out and thereby created this mess in this first place and then 8 years to 2024 during which time I have come out with these facts, claimed I spent my resources supporting women, therefore male society was entitled to get that support as well, which they will one way or another, if I liked it or not. Carries on like so and ends up fucking itself as well, hence my two decade career mess being entirely a matter of its mental health but it is the Celebrities that really set the stage as per whether it will be decided that they got to fool around somewhere else on the basis that because of them my financial mess was from my end, a product of my inability to control my own Assets and Capital, which I have pointed out before is a situation that does not only need to end but needs to end badly. I mean it is not that they underestimated me as such, its just that they were so stupid that the main structure for their bravery against me was developed around taking advantage of my Christian upbringing to run me down well enough to hang about somewhere addressing me as though they were responsible for paying my way in the world, it needs to cease talking to me from the direction of the handling my person, career publicity, Assets and Capital, using the insults and greed gimmicks, needs to keep its mouth shut and read a Book unless it preferred talking about its own career whenever it showed up here (they have spent so much of their professional time on me abusively that if they can no longer use my Intellectual property administration services to cool down, they will die to stress and heart disease, in the mean time I lived on social security and will suffer the stress and heart disease when it was out of their reach, so it is about to decide what I did between the neighbourhoods and the city centres, it needs to keep the narcissist happiness that facilitates this kind of interest in my person and property, away from my career and finances, away from my Bookshop as a choice). They do claim I clear up this matter and get myself stuck in again, time after time, as it is more difficult to accept I can no longer tolerate their stupidities telling me what to do, all the threats and abuses and insults and superiority, it would turn out that they were simply a bunch of coward that were afraid of the same abusive society that they built - to recap, the part concerning the Politicians goes way back to the instances that my career was provocative to the male population who thought I had set it out in a way that ensured they could not abuse my privacy and like becoming a character famous idiots can attack to make more money instead of a degree of respect for my career, that occurred without reason and the interests of Politicians was kindled as a matter of the kinds of corruption they could get away with, as a matter of finding out how I could lose the career to them and they took two decades of my time to accomplish it - the rest were led by Celebrity culture on the basis that when they attacked my finances, there was a judge, jury and executioner prick that decided what became of the situation but had to make a decision in their favour because they were financially comfortable in their own lives and there were people calling me names (two completely avoidable situations are responsible for this, one of them being the insults and greed being channelled at me to such an extent that they hurt themselves and relied on handling my career to feel good instead of reading the Books displayed at the Shop, which leaves me on social security and the other which they were clearly paid to pursue, in which they worked me for homelessness alongside the local authorities over claims I lived on social security fraud - the fact I am not controlling my assets and capital well enough to make a living in these conditions because of these gits, needs to end badly - I mean as per they do tell me what they were doing with my assets and capital i.e. show me they spent it to make money and spent the money buying things that will allow some judge jury and executioner character to listen to their side of the story better than mine, so keeping the narcissism happiness away from my career and its publicity is now where their freedom lay, it really does need to stop badly). In the end I am told they were very powerful people who did not have to apologise to me but it has gone on for two decades, giving criminals the upper hand over my career and finances as a method of controlling me for their corrupt ends, then we arrived at a stage where their public development fund poofs were bigger than I am and could not keep their hands to themselves and were now in such a place as they never stopped boasting about the damage they had done here whilst handling Governmental Offices - their power is set to clash with the fact they have spent their professional time on me for the wrong reasons, the next time their bottom hurts because of it finger mine and find out if the results will not add up to something incredibly important. They do claim this matter will eventually get me into trouble, contrary to the way I think it will play out and it will do no such thing – first time it happened, I ran out of administrative means to keep their poofs and the criminals who make the most of gimmicks that helped to create the idea I had no way to control what people did with my person, out of my career at University and then it was repeated 5 years after I dropped out of University and it has now been repeated at a Bookshop; my logic is that those who create the problem solved it every time they showed up in public places and appeared on Media or gave up the public Office completely. Their side of the story is that the abuses were done by Islamists and hence reasons the famous idiots needed to cease goading me on public control matters, as that was the way to pervert the results that came from ideas peddled by some Islamists on what they would like to do with me, it is like a personal question of how I got the idiots fooling around with their own affairs to such an extent. The great Islamist ideas about me would include the part where they were fighting communists because I could not do it myself if the King said that was the case, they tore up work I did at the ideological no mans land but cannot actually get the job of keeping the communists out and effectively as the thing I did by being such a coward, talking nonsense at me as well and this work I did at ideological no mans land was the job that stupid Scorpio Biden was supposed to do – I am not going to get away with it again naturally. I mean their need to put themselves in charge of matters they knew nothing about, whilst getting the victims to take leave of personal finances and get them out of sticky situations such as would make them feel like women, as insultingly as their stupidities can, is epitomised by instances where I am working intellectual property administration with a company and some middle management starts a career and finance wrecking gimmick that everybody was happy to be part of all the way to the top, ripping up my assets, such as the idea that what I am doing was the same as instances where they had to deal with a violent person in the course of selling a product and when the scumbags had arrived at a stage where selling products meant handling and pillaging my assets and capital, their stupidities would naturally have informed me that it was not the way they were taught to sell products back at school (I am aware the sole purpose of most of these nonsense is to take up my finances for their own problems whilst causing me a lot of suffering but it needs to see a mental health specialist, lay off the NHS Ambulances and the Car Horns as we are not fucking mates the last I checked - the details are the stupidities being worked over my career publicity because they were men, giving rise to the socially and morally corrupt queer and gay pricks thinking they can handle me over the results of how I responded).

We had since arrived at a stage where it had become a fitting engagement to call me names and the favourite these days was the claim that I am a lazy useless person, it does not concern me half as much as people think it does but the problem is the way that the Politicians become really concerned about it; hence there is naturally no real facts attached to such claims, especially if it transpires that when I ran trust finances on a low key, they would wreck the finances completely because they wanted to make me a person behind a cause whom they sold out to get rich fast, at the same time that they were complaining that they wanted to live in a better world, which provokes me mainly because the idiots made my world smaller and caused public service to require more body guarding security in doing so. The facts behind their claims that I am lazy itself is one that is developed from people who were social leftovers i.e. the reasons I am not provoked, although the abuses got serious once and they had to build a narcissism platform for the male population to do trading with – they were neither the Celebrities who pick up other peoples career finances, never look back with respect to the business of taking advantage of such persons, become the paid version of a problem they picked up those finances from other peoples careers to complain about, then become hoodlums who share my public image and stifle my finances doing so, employing somebody to attack me every time I wanted to get it back which wastes the most precious resource of time, using a narcissism media presence that also builds up to a narcissism happiness that their stupidities and that of their fathers whom they claimed were fighting National enemies on my behalf, could get rich and support crime in the neighbourhoods by. They are not public figures such as me, who organise the public work, get it done and had to keep Celebrities from passing themselves off as public figures in order to devise the best plan for attacking the Public in order to enjoy a narcissistic sense of power. I am sure they understand their position clearly now when I put it like so, understand the reasons their women were unable to move a muscle unless somebody made a promise to get into a fight on their behalf, can see the way that calling me names, running me down and stifling my Bookshop and Royal finances will likely produce more problems. The Celebrity part in the name calling was not an emotive issue naturally; the business of managing their involvement with me ended in 2018, and all the unusual activities that tear up my Royal finances should have ended then but they had since become hoodlums who borrowed my public image and paid people to attack me whenever I tried to recover it – I mean the problem is such that Politicians think I am likely to make little progress because any action I took to recover my finances and career from their famous stupidities will be met by publicity they had built for themselves to suggest that everything I did in the course of achieving such an aim was the way their own careers were re-modelled which for me is not really a problem as I plan to get rid of them completely and purge that stupid history of picking up my public work to make show business when I underestimated the fact that they would attack my career publicity and finances directly whenever they felt the time was right to do so. We have seen the way that some people were criminals but they never said or did anything criminal the way that their general social outlook suggested they were and likewise the racists, hence the law could not intervene until they were a direct threat to somebody specific, I would devise a middle ground for it which showed my public control work was effectively and impeccably done, the middle ground works 90% of the time, even the Politicians acknowledge this, especially with respect to my experience of Celebrities picking up the ways I defended my career to pass off as their own careers remodelled, implying that my worst enemy was the act of defending myself in itself and then we will find that for absolutely no reason whatsoever, I was under attack and that public policy did not mean anything to anybody no matter what was done with it, the famous idiots will have pocketed security services communication processes and showed up with a sense of entitlement to everything they saw, backed by a narcissism that never ended and I could be relied upon not to do any harm to people so stupid – it really does eventually come down to this place being quiet enough for people to read Books at the shop and that quietness being so great that I was able to make a living from people engaging at the Bookshop or their famous problems will simply have escalated on my account too; really loved to put themselves in charge of matters they knew nothing about, claim a lack of response on my part made me too cowardly to deserve my career and we know that the damage being done to the career was a product of their famous persons insanity about which they preferred handling my royal finances and matrimony to booking an appointment with a therapist but I was left on social security due to this because their stupidities were also more important than I am, the Politicians who supported them having since also arrived at a stage where their public development fund poofs cannot keep their hands to themselves, whilst they got their friends at the Monarchy to peddle the idea that I possessed means and intelligence to put a stop to it but allowed it to run because I believed myself to be an incredibly tough person (the amusing part of it from my point of view is that I am supposed to spend a lot of raising awareness as to the fact they were evil people, like the need to insist on goading me over public control whilst ripping up my finances and making excuses up to the point of claiming state provided security provokes them suggests that they were keen to make the most of instances where they believed I was in difficulty due to bullying - but doing so would simply mean that I absolved them of their civic and public duties, then got off doing it alongside mine as if I possessed endless resources for it).