Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, February 6, 2025,

I am told there was a lot of complaining that I always made
such a fuss about very small things that people should find easy to get away
with and it is an example of the gimmicks where its dirty abuses were the ways
it strengthen its position against an adversary and its gimmicks were meant to
deny me a tidy quiet Bookshop which was the way that I stood up for myself as
well. Sets the stage to resolve what their problem is, if they get all over my
public life as a premise for going to the mar...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, January 22, 2025,

There is the point they raised about the idea I was unable to
live without celebrities and so on being star struck; I am unable to pursue the
matter of getting the Celebrity interest in my affairs in the right order. It
is utter nonsense as I am just very tired, much the same as we see that each
time I oscillate between tiredness and feeling energised enough to pursue their
gimmicks, they claimed it was some sort of clandestine unpredictability, when
complaining to the authorities about how d...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, July 10, 2024,

Naturally the political instability that was rife everywhere
these days is not a good thing for the world we lived in but there is little
anybody can do about it, they are all poisoned, damaged and rotten to the core
– two main reasons being that first immoral society controls their mobility
because they handed it over, we were now in a state where if they were allowed
to get away with anything unusual, their press narcissism and abusive society
idiots become an outstanding problem that was...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, July 4, 2024,

Squarely on the matter of being dominated by Scorpios, it
never happens, they were currently running off provocative gimmicks that were
set to cause me a need to develop a similar response to the business of having
my personality split up with abuses, insults and narcissism, so that people can
get in the middle and keep imagination of my private body bits in their minds
to touch any time they wanted whilst they gestured me to areas of social
abusive activities that they fancied and decided ho...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, June 27, 2024,

We are now being told that Libras were getting into such a
huge amount of trouble as will ensure a Libra was being attacked to satisfy a public
appetite to see others suffer on behalf of themselves as a community and the
person decisions they had made – no such thing is happening due to the fact
that some stupid individuals who never stopped acting in a way that provoked
people who possessed something they envied, up to the point where victims took
the law into their hands, had failed to se...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, June 23, 2024,

Now we find that I cannot get a break from the boasting that
helped to rip up my finances facilitating stock market gimmicks and
financial fraud popularity – I could never tell anyway since the main problem
is still that there is too much contact between me and them, so they had since
arrived at a stage where they were no longer taking responsibility for the way
they provoked people without reason, up to the point where most people who came
in contact with them were certain their behaviour ...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, November 5, 2023,

They do claim there was something of my personality that
people needed to be worried about but there is really no such thing, simply
years of a career being messed around with – the academic pursuits were trashed
over practical jokes and gimmicks with my body parts, the Bookshop was wrecked
over gimmicks associated with some stupid civil rights and self-exhibitionism.
I do not consider it a crisis as such as we know with respect to public work,
the stupid German influence insolence always e...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, October 25, 2023,

The question here at this stage is not as they continued to
suggest, that the authorities did not tend to listen to complains made about me
as per the idea that I am a threat, it is more a matter of the fact they have
not provided an explanation for wrecking the Bookshop – the authorities on the
other hand were full of buffoons with fabulous ideas whereby we all know these
abusive activities were in their nature to do but had to get me stuck with the
home wreckers whilst complaining about t...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, September 11, 2022,

They do boast that the idea I am a coward will never leave
me but none knows what the motivation for clinging to that stupid story was,
save the way they burned the streets when people took advantage of them to make
money generation after generation, stemming from ageist idiots who use their
gimmicks to build a sense that people are supposed to be pushed around with an unbearable
amount of fuss and then made to lose something important or to live in a world
where something was always being st...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Saturday, June 13, 2020,

So they now say that people like me really do light the fire
on the world and bail out which is utter nonsense; what happens is that the
immoral society had displayed its trade mark gimmicks at my expense – the public
place insults that will make me share what I have, the abuses and mockery that
will ensure I am not able to deter them and the communities that will run me
down all the time to ensure I cannot defend myself when they develop a habit of
hurting me and working on me over their m...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, June 3, 2020,

They claim my toughness had now been fully expressed and it
is utter nonsense as what really happens is that they barge into Court and
spend years on media insults which help them simulate some of it to play with
and rectify stupid personal decisions they had made in the past to make sense
of their ideas about whom they were superior to; we have now ended up with two separate
existences, one being mine and the other being their own, so while mine is untouchable,
theirs is about to clear my sp...
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