Their talk of certainty that I will never get out of this mess was never lacking on public media but it is understandable if it was okay for me to deal with two decades of people this stupid messing with my 18 to 65, what seems to have garnered an interest of unacceptable behaviour seems to be the part where I am said to be a destructive person as well and therefore their actions which are a product of how I responded to the fact that the Millennials were the only generation to first create an economic crisis by seeing an opportunity in ways that can make use of the wealth of the older generation by taking advantage of people who were slightly older than they were to give the older generation anything it wanted, then blamed others for it and earned a license to perform any nefarious activities they wanted, according to other people’s stupid children that were last elected into government offices, this time I think it had since developed into a matter of the way that the Celebrities need to ensure that their wealth had ceased to interfere with my concerns, lip flapping all sorts of nonsense about ways it was important to make money by extracting money from my Royal affairs of which they later shared a fraction with people who got into trouble with the law on their account, to show up here stifling my finances over ideas my career best served the purpose of covering their backsides for a living, on the premise I should make a living like that, since I am a fan of their famous persons insults – now about to run a Bookshop by deciding how their stupidities talked to me with their media narcissism greed and insults gimmicks that answered all their problems – the other gits who always bankrolled any stupidities people performed at my expense from Washington talking about ways I ought to do nothing about it because the USA was a powerful Country, showing up here to stifle my finances with misogyny intended for the female community, over gimmicks in which they made all kinds of bad decisions and made me the character that suffered the effect of being in their shoes every time they wanted the public to see why they had to get away with it, to claim their stupid civil rights had taken such a form, is going to cease bank rolling all kinds of nonsense at my expense, the way that I want their male society stupidities to. On the matter specifically that I too am a destructive person for my part, these idiots have performed this nonsense at my expense over a 2 decade period because I was simply selected for it, the Celebrities are equally as guilty of a need to get on my nerves in such a fashion, their bit involved ways that I and my career had to become enemies of the USA in order for their famous stupidities to get rich, it would therefore seem that when these scum and the other pricks who think they getting into expensive clothes to show up on National media for narcissism made them the best the Country had produced in a world of learn, do and stupid, working with Millennial poofs, wanted something, they always got it, needs to stay away from my Bookshop and finances or I will want mine and I will get it too; it does lip flap ideas it planned to fight communists on my behalf again, which I suppose is apt as the insults meant their Celebrities were famous idiots, I am a big fan of it their abuses and plan to make them vanish as well. It is a simple matter of the fact that it needs to cease all interference with my Bookshop whereby it cannot do anything without interfering, shooting off the big mouth at me for the narcissism when told off, the famous idiots need to continue the famous persons insults considering the history we already have and their ageist idiots will have the retirement they seek the way they currently seek it as it were.

I believe at this stage I really want to control the lives that these idiots lived and the only thing preventing me from embarking on a series of activities that ensured they ended their days in the work environment with nothing is plain simply pity, about which with the help of their government office idiots, I am now being made into the pitiful character because they lived in a world where their actions did not come with consequences, the unusual interest in my Bookshop and my earnings now set to be the means by which that was changed. I do not wish to tolerate any more of their involvement with my wealth equity campaigns as such, especially for the famous, I believe that the way I have set out the warning had since countered every idea that they were justified in their activities because others were not clever enough to set out a clear conversation about it. an evidence of the reasons my actions have been crucial being that they have since progressed from security services access gimmicks where they find ways to get online criminals involved with my social media whilst their friends in the USA got the credit for protecting the world over everything I did as a consequence, to get away with it, they have delegated to low lives who had nothing to lose and loved to get involved with my personal space on the streets, so I also faced the business of being groomed into a position where people always needed to rob me, recently making mistakes that allowed them to steal my money digitally and they have started stealing my deliveries as well, backed by the King who wishes to be King of home wreckers apparently, and I suspect that if the idiots were not complaining about me I will find them in my bedroom as a consequence – my actions being so important as to ensure when it lip flaps those gimmicks about the way I ought to be informed that I should rather take the fact they hated my guts seriously, we got to explore the ways that it is impossible to stop their famous persons insults that grows at my expense to a point where I cannot concentrate on my academic pursuits or put my head down on a job, hence a two decade career mess and an unusual interest in my Bookshop over an idea that their stupidities could do with me as they please literally, I have prevented the racists using these insults and they have rather ended up with a Media narcissism and a license for it, hence I have decided to label right down to the part where they share my privacy with hoodlums to build communities that fingered my bum considering those insults were really all about what I should be made to do for them, as a very important matter of social and public concern that had to be pursued and solved, which makes them a bunch of poofs as well, with the well off neighbourhood pricks speaking of fighting communists on my behalf which convinces me I am set to pursue another series of actions that will ensure they vanished too – the insults may continue however, they were the only things their Celebrities knew, insults and greed, we are about to keep a livelihood on the basis of how they were allowed to speak in my direction and the baseline is still that they were famous idiots concerning whom history suggests I am one of the biggest fans out there. That now everything is as it should be, I ought to take seriously the fact their stupidities hated my guts, finishing off with the religious gits whom my Books did not insult their prophet during the first 5 years after publication, showing up here to pretend we faced the same problems whilst their stupidities possessed enough power and social disposition to dominate me, and were also now in a position where my Books had insulted their prophet with a big mouth. I am told they had always done this business of sharing my privacy to build communities that fingered my bum but all previous activities before 2016 when they showed up at a business premises to finger my bum because I was working private security industry they wanted to take advantage of, had been a consequence of the fact they were always being seen hunting mentally ill people over ideas that bullying mentally ill people made them feel like real men and women, this time the feeling that the idiots were feeling is that they do not wish to, especially the well off neighbourhood white ones, cease the gimmicks that were a product of sharing my privacy with criminals, low lives and hoodlums in order to build communities that fingered my bum, especially as their famous pricks were involved too and for me the problems they were facing begins from the fact that I am not allowed to step out of my door smelling nice, so there was no prospect of meeting important people in my career and concerns whom I needed to.

They do claim I was in a difficult conundrum at the Monarchy, which I am not as the single problem here is that there has been a two decade process where all I did to keep them off my career and finances, considering their famous peoples practical jokes, had completely failed, 2 decades of daily abusive activity which for instance the latest has converted my Bookshop to fulfil a desire they have always had about my person that involved the way they wanted to handle me, converted my Bookshop into the tool for equality by which they felt good whenever they handled me, telling them off only produces a result where it lip flaps nonsense at me about communists working my interests which tended to show that they were not the important persons they claimed they were and that I would get into trouble if I said what I said where it really mattered, a bunch of idiots who had gambled their mobility in return for immoral society, spent the youth being tough and showed up here over a gimmick that involved setting me out as a character whom when people oppressed made them rich, to push for pensions in which I was a character people bullied to befriend famous pricks, talking nonsense at me. There is no itinerary at the Monarchy that involved the King handling me on the basis of my astrological sign, protecting me on the basis of it and or becoming me on that basis, especially as His Majesty over a life time of indulging excesses, has not actually been able to protect himself on the basis of his own astrological sign, either way which their stupidities were warned about getting involved with and making a mess of it over ideas that stupid narcissism media presence that gets stronger when my bookshop had stalled due to their famous persons insults whilst I had done nothing to trash the media job as well, seemed to have provided them poofs with a license instead of a reason to be deterred. It loves to take up the point about my state provided security saying something that offended their stupidities, when referring to people, women especially who worked for the government and had to prevent their immoral society gimmicks overrunning the local authorities, service providers and legal system on one hand with them on the other whilst other peoples idiot children that held top offices preferred a kind of corruption in which they made statements on how their stupidities should be heard first because they were financially comfortable in their own lives – it is however not going to decide anything about the way that I will take the abusive bum fingering up start gimmicks market that seemed to have become the only peoples providing employment on account they had wrecked everybody else’s jobs, away from them and attack them enough to make sense of that stupid rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks they were usually overjoyed at the red carpets for – I did warn them about it when it was impossible so simply go to a work place and bury my head without feeling sore and flustered everyday due to various forms of stupidities ranging from famous persons insults, through distant violence from radio wave lesbians and onto ideas about stealing the secret to youth from me. In the end some people have raised the point about the way I have become a vengeful character which I am not at all i.e. whether these idiots and their job retainer bastards at the local authorities, helping them get revenge for the stress that my University drop out fiasco and 2 decade career mess had caused them, who tell me what to do on their behalf until I am left with a health scare, ensured any action I took to keep sociopaths off my affairs, as would involve making it so expensive for them that I did not need assistance from a Judge in  law Court, had failed, it is usually good for me, for them and for everybody when my personal life and career publicity business premises was as quiet as the way I left it, nobody ever shows up here running imagination into my panties and private body parts save I am being cowed, living under the bootheel of their famous stupidities being an outstanding problems I seemed to have overlooked, building up stupid communities that got to help decide what I got to do for them, shooting off the insults at me on Media which really tended to convince me how stupid they actually were everyday.

I am told these idiots did what they did because they did not fancy the work that I am doing – could never tell what their war on public policy was really about but if I knew that the male population would start a mini war over my Books, perhaps I would have written it differently, now that it has been written, it has to be sold, it is not their Book and I do not write it in the homes where their stupidities lived. The idea that this gimmick might grow into something that caused me physical harm is in my view a bluff as a whiff of it will cause me to want to control their lives and ensure they lived only in the same period of time and atmosphere as the first 4 years after I completed my Book, when they had not yet gotten me living in financial purgatory whilst they adjusted their stupid social disposition to be offended by it and a failure to live in such a period as I had designated myself too, will be the start of the mini wars of my own. It is the world they lived in where they spent their youth on being useless people that were tough, those that got into trouble with the law on account of the Celebrities and the fans of the Celebrities, will then want a reprieve or pardon from the Celebrities who will award them money with people born under the Scorpio and Virgo birth signs as a centre piece, so it is not yet clear with threats looming, why their famous idiots were ripping my Bookshop to get me making a living in this way and their stupidities had made me a character people bullied to befriend their famous idiots who have not yet learned that these insults being peddled well enough for their social fools to get imagination into my panties, especially with respect to a sense I am not allowed to bury my head in the work place whilst I have the bookshop sorted out, will likely end badly, not least with me taking charge of the stupid show business market, with intent to teach them lessons they will never forget over the rogue landlord, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks that allowed their narcissism media presence idiots to run me down every day whilst they got overjoyed about it on the red carpets, so far the famous stupidities were thinking I am one of their biggest fans apparently, complaining that it was always me.

I am now told that people thought I am the person doing the wrong thing in all these but I really do not care what these people thought about anything; the problem is a simple case of famous idiots breaching my patents to reach a gimmick where I worked for my Bookshop and they could help other people to make money from it whilst hanging about the red carpets being overjoyed that rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeping gimmicks were going on in the neighbourhoods, about which the idiots who performed it respected them and if not, they could trash other people’s lives to feel better. They do claim something about my personality encouraged it which it does as it is better to get involved with a Prince’s personality if you were a hoodlum, trouble making squatter character, than it was to engage with a Book that somebody had written, now that they had arrived at an institutionalised sense of it, any abuse was possible and regularly visited as there was in their opinion, nothing I could do save get the public involved and hold seminars on narcissism. It is not a crisis, I am doing this because the Public is saying that they found it difficult to engage with my Books for fear of Celebrities and so I have to come up with something that worked for everybody as the fear naturally would include fear of losing jobs, careers and even family – personality, it is a bunch of people so stupid that they had made a decision to trade their mobility in for immoral society and show up here with a two part gimmick where one side extracted money from my career to get famous and the other got some of the money as reprieve after a youth spent on criminal activity, to claim the problem I faced was a religious one and my threats were indicative of religious extremism; up to me personally, this nonsense would have stopped a long time ago. They have pointed out that their main problem was built around the idea that I am able to fight and should be made to do so when I refused to which is about to set the stage for the way the fact that their King and his obsession with male leadership had failed to recognise they were a bunch of people so stupid that they surrendered their mobility to immoral society gimmicks and showed up here talking nonsense at me, is about to play into the fact that the only way I could keep a Bookshop was to ensure they had to watch their famous lips – I mean their part in the matter was entirely opportunistic the last time we checked and it seemed to cost me everything, it is about to find the trouble it seeks so faithfully too. On the point that I started it, I did start it alright when the reasons we ended up in this disposition was that there was no end to insults that could be channelled at me at their war on my right to enjoy civil existence was developed around the fact they dreamt always of putting things into my orifices – now they have revenge and betrayal in his places apparently, what I cannot understand being the way that my career is suffering yet again because there was no better way to manage their stupidities save the processes about which I was betrayed whereby I pushed them into tough social situations, so that the way they operated got the law involved with their affairs, the passion left a social disposition that facilitated popularity culture thereof, I have been subtly informed that I was sold out on the matter because idiots in government buildings were such a bunch of stupid fucks that they needed a way to build leverage over me and control my person; so it has now developed into a result where the hate these famous idiots and their criminals channelled at me was a product of entitlement, that they borrowed my career to feel good and I could not pay my way, failure to live in an environment where I lost it to them because they were entitled to had generated hate and this was coming from a bunch of incredibly important pricks whose whole personalities was built on the basis that others were supposed to lose something important, the same way that the society gits had one that was neither famous nor public leadership and therefore so tight that their women could not move save when they agreed to get into a fight; indeed it will not stop until it really does because famous idiots were sacred. They do claim there were reasons I ought to be afraid of them but there really is not - they never stopped taking advantage of my Christian way which did not involve the ego of playing up so much practical jokes on the lives and careers of others that it was impossible for people to pay their way but have not learned well enough so far that their ego will not be enough when the determination on my part was to get rid of a problem where they were the problem - the Bookshop had stalled for insults and a community built up to finger my bum whilst they clung to my career publicity for self improvement, it has been two decades like we see their stupidities give what they had to the frugal; this is the reasons it is so frustrating, there isn't a reason I ought to be afraid of (when they handle my person they enjoyed respect and the respect felt incredibly good, if they were to go down the other way of abusing, insulting and selling my personality for money, the respect will be greatly amplified, this is what the stupidities would like me to be afraid of). The problem at this point is that more time has now been spent on the famous picking up my career publicity for practical jokes, than I had spent to clear out the activities that got me to drop out of University, it is now the pressing problem, I mean as per people were worried about where this was heading and I think their practical jokes with my career and the various excuses that accompanied it has shown that it is not good enough when it was not yet a case of me versus the famous and the society with who ever wanted to be the fair minded judge inviting themselves or otherwise. It is not about hate for the famous, it is about the way things worked here - personally I had the society bits under control whereby it knew its unusual interest in me had been dimmed to be so abusive that I dropped out of University and left the story flying around about the ways that nice guys finished last, so they knew the wife and girlfriend were the main thing and that if the involvement continued it would spice up my sex life too and then the children will be involved, the Celebrity bit needs action too and it loves to lip flap, however which they always wanted to be Royalty and never will be, besides which if I decided to pick up their career publicity as well and discredit them to tidy up the mess made here, purpose would still have been accomplished and I am now desperate for such a result, the point being that if a CEO who obviously does not stop professing his right to leadership picked up this behaviour of soliciting criminals, rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, especially when done because somebody else knew better and should be covering their backsides, they would have been required to retire voluntarily or somebody would take control of the company behind their backs, these famous idiots never resign, they progress to building communities that fingered bum, goes on to make victims of their practical jokes victims of media narcissism that had gone on to build them enough happiness to run successful advertisement, in the knowledge that finding some of the worst things that can be done to them to pursue until they were deterred, was usually one of the best ways to control their stupidities, with German influence idiots and pricks at the Monarchy playing a part, never mind that their paparazzi communities do build up a habit of getting legitimate business owners to resign instead, so it needs to stop badly or it stays away from my Books, my career publicity and keeps its mouth shut, unless it was talking about its own career to feel good.