They do claim their unusual feelings towards me was a product of republican sentiments and it is not an unusual story in any case, we know they always assume that getting rid of Monarchy would not lead to violence and instability and we know they are always wrong but the point of their abuses were that if they could confiscate what ids actually private property I owned and seek out this republic on the basis that I had lost something important and lived in longing for it whilst my feelings were being abused for Nationalistic politics, it would work and it never does. It is the same gimmick of people who want to be served by others on the left and people who were bigger than everybody else therefore took whatever they liked without having to ask or be nice to the owners. Information here was that we Royals liked our privileges because they were given, we are aware that there were no privileges beyond the duties that are assigned to us but these idiots I suppose were not educated about what it meant for a privilege to be given either way. We have seen in play out with the extreme forms of cultural disrespect they exhibited, like for instance we know that ‘the kiss’ was a cultural phenomenon in Europe and that it was mostly harmful to those who receive a labour of love for their kissed affectionate to assist beyond the kiss that was given, such activities as their narcissism media, bum fingering upstarts, does not only attack public and diplomatic policy, it attacks distant lovers, is incredibly dishonest and really a form of stealing. The only time I have enjoyed some cordial behaviour around here were the times when the tit for tart response on my part came in the form of a process where it will rip up my public life to get off fighting some communists on my behalf and communists will pick up my public life to fight back and I would ensure that famous people never got a break from problems until the matter was resolved, which in present conditions I really needed to return to all together, the rest of the time it was their abusive society gits lip flapping at me and they were always greedy and always abusive, I brushed the damage to my career under the carpet to ensure I responded to them daily because it was music to my ears.

We are told about some people who hated me intensely at the Monarchy which is nothing unusual as those always did whatever they liked, the opinions of the Head of State about me was irrelevant to them, so I was to be made into a character that continued to pursue things he cannot have up to the point where central and national government was affected by my actions and so I became one of those, all made up and that was the thing that people thought they will not act on and they were now showing signs that those who thought that way were dead wrong. As far as the way that my private property is now mixed up with government property as a matter of the delivery of public work, breaking up the two and deciding what became of each part, which is clearly not a worthy use of time, save I were a threat to the state for example, their disobedience usually made them a completely different story from their famous idiots that I am a really big fan of at this point. The fundamental issue being the same business of exploring my civic duties to find out how I fought my battles and then ensure that others got to avoid the shame that comes with building a reputation for themselves which they cannot back up, that was not a problem of mine in the first instance, claiming to stand up for themselves the way that I did, now grown so big the idiots were reading birth signs to decide which one would stand up for themselves the way I did, whilst I found myself another way to stand up for myself, it is not the only one; we also have the business of exploring my civic duties to fight National enemies of my behalf and finish off somewhere they can claim that they were brave people and I am a coward who needed to show I am brave enough to earn my income built up into a sub industry, there is also the way they had arrived at a stage where they thought they were now of a frame of mind where they had experienced everything of the world whilst I had ended up somewhere with questions at the back of my mind, so they were either happy to proceed with a new country having found themselves a profitable victims of their insolent nepotism or even happy for the world to end as it would hurt those that did not get to experience the finer things they believed should be available to them from other peoples lives free of charge, would be most worse off but then again if they were complaining and it was both a National and International phenomenon that they were complaining about it, it would seem reasonable that they expressed their stupidities where it was better tolerated.

The point is then raised that I never talk about this matter in terms of its true nature but I don’t as that would involve supplying detailed facts on the way that Celebrities have saddled me with a 2 decade career mess by showing up to breach my patents, claim criminals were better than me and build narcissism on it whilst picking up my public image and public work to do more show business they believed was the best show business they had ever done according to their stupid history and alongside their Politicians finish off seeing that they appeared to enjoy making money by escalating the problems I solved to create my Books, whilst stifling my finances and public access to the Bookshop, so they build a community that fingered my bum and came up with accusations to keep it running. I do not think it is a crisis as such, I now need to think about the way the insults with greed, worked on narcissism media to make money whilst the way criminals took advantage of it was a responsibility I was saddled with as if I had no choice in the matter, meant that I must do the same things to their career and match up with the other business with rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks they seemed to be overjoyed on the red carpet for but if they wanted a better way, it needs to stay away from my Bookshop and whilst I was trying to either consolidate or destroy a history of looking as if I trusted them, whereby they picked up my public image or public work to make show business, they did not get to repeat the process and make new ones. From their point of view, they have always said that besides the greed, insults and narcissism media that meant my career finances was their own to control as per publicity and market, I always suggested that handling their abuses was simple and yes it is, they are a bunch of hoodlums who liked to get other people into a lot of trouble, extract money in some way from the best aspects of their victims lives, thereafter make sense of the way they did that because they were bigger in size by going off to get hurt by the violent people they had previously provoked – a bunch of expensively dressed hoodlums who cannot stop handling others, that I ought to keep off my career and finances but were in it because it would appear to have been something that Politicians wanted to do, up to the stage where they have now converted my career from something of a brilliant mind that should be abused and hidden from them world to be used as a tool for getting around their social issues which justified their abuses, insults, greed and narcissism media that is about to get me thinking about keeping a career by deciding how their famous stupidities got to talk to me, onto something that meant I was heavily involved with aesthetics at Industry therefore their abuses made me into a woman and the old adage of the male dominated society in which women were hunched over working some treadmill constantly in return for little and no chance of autonomy, had caught up with me with a big mouth. We had since arrived at the point where the whites needed to abuse my privacy to the tune of restlessness associated with the fact that it became so imperative that there was music to my ears due to the fact that there was an endless repetition of problems they complained about – the none whites were a bunch of narcissists who needed to live in fear of the abusive society that they built, so it was the Celebrities making the point about the restlessness and the fear being the biggest problem that I faced and I cannot reiterate enough, that the comments need to be kept to their careers and they needed to keep away from my patents and career publicity; we see this nonsense all the time, arriving at a point where their social lives left them cringing later on, which they then decided should become a problem for other peoples career and wellbeing, in my case the need to target me is insatiable because I am Royalty – on the matter of getting the better of me and boasting about it all the time, they don’t: these are matters I worked with a Court and because I started working it with a Court through my late teens and into my adulthood, I cannot do the best job for it any other way, apparently what was a structure to ensure every abuse, every insult, greed and narcissism publicity gimmick, every practical joke and bum fingering upstart, regardless of what form it took, led right up to a result that made career opportunity for a women, saw some Celebrity involvement which ran it into pieces and continues to show up here bullying me over desperation and perverted crowd hospitality blackmail, if its stupidity was not issuing threats at me as well, that said, in terms of building up property and wealth equity to facilitate this process, I believed it would not have been out of place for somebody to award me a 70% efficiency level at this point. Never true I hated the male population either, if I were to say that they were two decades older and it was okay to tolerate them until they retired comfortable at my expense considering I am insane in such a way, there were others they got involved in this, standing in life, so they were insane for that and want to see what will become of a situation where I was counter insane to it as well (all these must certainly imply that I am living on social security because the public were such a group of people who did not possess the capacity to read Books even when they wanted such a Book, therefore needed access to my personality to acquire what I placed in my Books through my personal and social life, thus showed up everyday led by publicity idiots, to seek it - I don't buy the idea that the cost of my career is too high for others, as it is a precarious situation where I decided what I took due to the work that was rewarded looked a certain way and some things will only serve to allow scavengers show up and pillage my pride and joy, pillage my valuables, in which condition I am saddled with a two decade career mess for gimmicks and practical jokes, they do not take a no for an answer and do not heed a single warning in their lives, they were freedom narcissists; tell them not to do something that hurt me and they will simply go ahead and do it because it had existed). Loves the problematic insults, greed and narcissism happiness media routine, will not shut down even when it was clear its stupidities could not control the criminals that took interest in it, makes excuses over some characters that the King drafted at the Monarchy and claims people fought communists on my behalf as an excuse to continue but I am now left with the single choice of keeping a Bookshop by deciding exactly how people wagged their filthy opinionated ageism tongues in my direction and from current evidences, these idiots were not taking a hunt just yet - will not stop goading me over the public control matters, so I ran out of methods to manage unnecessary criminal interest in my affairs rather quickly and expects everybody who listens to me tell off its famous stupidities to think that I am talking about the buildings in the locality; back at University mine was the character that people wanted as a shroud that ensured people did not get to see what they really were until they wanted it to be seen, which seems not to have paid off or worked as well as they thought it would, to make their stupidities superior, we were here because they had done it again.

I am told I had failed to understand that people did not want to engage with my Books but this was not the issue at hand here, simply put, I too do not wish to get out of bed every day to listen to and respond to gimmicks performed by ageist idiots and millennial pricks, the latter complaining that people had died, the last time they decided it made sense to make money sucking up to ageist gits by giving them items from age groups associated with individuals that had denied them, since it was never clear that it took a certain brutality to do moral harm to other human beings. These fools are the only people who are always out there, looking to build weaknesses into careers that were successful enough not to be vulnerable to any abusive nonsense that occurred between the neighbourhoods and the city centre over financial wellbeing, they were the only scum who were willing to make money from the idea that somebody had made other peoples schedule so tight that people were vulnerable to any wealth and social inequality gimmick, before they got off stifling my Bookshop as well, to complain that my response for their stupidities meant that their future was rather bleak, it needs to keep its comments to its career and stay away from my Bookshop and career publicity, especially with respect to taking jobs from managers in companies that had business with me and hanging about stalling my Bookshop talking nonsense about what I may deserve on the basis that I got into a fight with communists, employing criminals to help them keep the job, always the helpful one I suppose, this is obviously where their fucking future lay last we checked. This matter has now grown to the point where what was originally a sense that what I missed for living outside of the UK during my early years, was Labour Party parental narcissism, whereby my knack for late success has now meant the fucking idiots were using it as much as they wanted at this point, down to something of a standoff between me and their government office idiots over my Royal public image and applicable assets associated with capital, about which I am currently half way down the result that will either earn me their fear or respect, beginning from the fact that shelving the business of getting to decide how their stupidities talked to me had failed at this stage, up to the stupid Celebrity culture and the way that they tell me they were not giving me back what they took and I want my schedule between 2016 and 2023 to be handed back to me as soon as possible (not in heaps of trouble they claimed either, four things apart from the fifth I have mentioned here i.e. the version of me their stupidities created working with communists against US Government, being disrespectful at the Monarchy and the third which was the German influence funded narcissism happiness, media and advertisement, fifth which was their famous fools disobediently insisting on goading me over public control).

I am now informed this was all about American dominance, but it is, the business of hoodlums finding their way into other people’s career and personal finances seems to be something that Politicians were vastly interested in doing these days. On the point that I pretend I liked Americans whilst I don’t however, the US is a very evil place compared to the UK for instance, the reason it is a place people can live in was solely due to the fact that there was a huge number of good people there too, who played out the bad ones – for my part the question was one of if they had since the Politicians and famous idiots had converted my Bookshop into some treasure hunting gimmick backed by narcissism media, where people substituted reading Books at the shop for an interest in my personality and my state provided security provoked them, can we now say that the US had since become a fascist state? Otherwise mostly it tends to justify the damage its stupidity and that of its local and overseas friends did around here with the idea that I am so heartless I had failed to understand the fact they were bigger than I am and more exposed to gangs and crime than I am as a consequence, which does not make any sense from here, like when this for example was the second time I had responded to the idea that the society was broken, whilst it was clear these idiots always put themselves in charge and were always abusive, such that we also know if sweeps and sweeps of neighbourhoods and homes were affected by their abusive activities and the affected persons did not wish to clear out the mess, the same way they think I am taken whilst I really should never respond to what is distracting me from planning my career, finances and retirement properly and achieves nothing else but, then the only way to handle the problem their abusive activities had created, was simply to find a smaller person that they can push around and obviously did not have a foggiest clue as to what they were doing with the problem that they had themselves created. The details are that it suggests other Countries needed to stop bothering their Country and in that shows up here with the most abusive and repressive sex work politics to live out all sorts of nonsense that suggest its need to make money was directly linked to a process where the leadership in other Countries were not allowed a moments respite. I do not think it is a crisis, just responding to the point that I am heartless; they were always in charge and always abusive, had not a foggiest clue what they were doing with the problems that they had overwhelmed people with but since it had grown into a business of picking up my career publicity to make money from insults and greed narcissism media, whilst building communities that finger my bum each time they started up something of their own because the state of my finances meant I endured extra pressure for the government events that took place near or in my neighbourhood as well as my history with the tax man making me sick to the stomach, these were a bunch of famous idiots and I am obviously at this stage one of their biggest fans (the best time to say my position was such that another statement to stifle my finances picking up my career publicity to suggest they were securing my civil rights at great cost and they will make enemies on either side once more: I am not way above my head as suggested either, it is a happiness that worked for them, to say that playing with my career, finances and feelings brought about happiness that others could be made to experience too, as part of a market building process, having found the kind of happiness that worked for them, I do not know why I am struggling financially because of them, so they are set to shut it down or lose it because of me). The issue that brought about a behaviour on my part which caused them to suffer so much of the obscurity and destitution they built up, to such an extent they were shaming themselves in public and never smelled nice each time they engaged with such activities, has simply been repeated after Politicians waded in to make me stop - it makes sense to begin from 2016 when my private security industry work had come to a close and ensure my schedule was handed back to me.

It was all in this fun they enjoyed so much, where they loved to inflict exhaustion on other people and the progression is that we are now in such a point as they were tossing in bit of heart disease work into it, to play some more, take revenge for any stressful situation that had befallen them and expect that the King will intervene on their behalf again in the future – in the meantime the need to goad me over public control matter is still the prevalent disobedience that does so much damage that I am left surviving on social security, whilst the distant violence that runs me down whenever I engaged with the work market was a statement of their power, as per the success they had obtained from lies they told concerning state provided security doing to them first what they were planning to do to me, and they considered unforgivable considering they were such a bunch of entitled idiots. I do wonder if the point of being provoked by state provided security was that I could not tackle their famous stupidities by myself, so we are able to progress from a process where I slept on the problem associated with their narcissism happiness being developed around stupid abusive old farts showing up on media to suggest their civil rights involved their imagination getting all over my body parts and violating me any way they can, especially when American, on the basis that I should be allowed to assume they were comfortable with the Education department being replaced by the stupidities that gets them to wreck other people’s careers in pursuit of their own, claiming the victims were better placed to deal with bullying and on becoming financially comfortable, were now being paid, tens to hundreds of thousands of pounds, even millions to be publicly exhibited bullies, whereby we were left as such with no further use for the definitions of stupidity all together – the part where I am to decide if it is the whole “arrival of famous idiots” gimmicks that they handled my career and Royal Estate to achieve, that I wanted to attack every time they got on my nerves or perhaps it was an overt replacement of Hollywood with Government service whilst allowing them to become Arch Prince’s all together if they wanted, as to minimise consequences for the general public, as their stupidities keep looking for trouble, will not be deterred but complains were mainly concerned about what will become of instances where they found it; my absolute favourite being the realisation that if my career and social life was eliminated from my image, it would be possible to say that I am a character that could be used for anything, including the fact the neighbourhoods affected by the mess they made did not wish to tidy it up and they had to find lesser people that they can push around into doing it.