There is talk now of people offering to attack me on behalf of celebrities which is considered a point of worry for me but it really is not, they do speak of the ways I should respond to what Politicians did to damage my career but in reality what Politicians did only escalated problems, nothing that affected my body soul and spirt as such, so maybe in desperation I would say that I could solve the problem by trusting Politicians more, which would add up to a contribution I made to help build up to a constitutional mess. These fools on the other hand were the reasons I felt sore all over as there was a physically abusive process from years of running insults and violence at me from a safe distance to a point of frenzy, it was now being used by their idiots who seemed to according to them, discovered some sanctuary that I shared with people in the fame industry, always being discovered naturally as their abusive gimmicks tend to suggest I did not possess the intelligence to make sense of what they were doing and so in this ran me down all the time to please their immoral society manufactured fame idiots, now arrived at a point of offering to attack me in order to help them feel and enjoy hospitality when offered. It is supposed to be a three part story of a society full of low lives with nothing to lose, reading my birth sign and running off their gimmicks up to the stage where they had built a community that managed its daily affairs by looking upon me as a character everybody abused to make sense of their situation – the second being the German influence idiots who cling to a period of inaction on my part due to the fact that I was being goaded into narcissism approved violence that was to be exacted on low lives that had nothing to lose, by a bunch of idiots that made a mess of my career and needed a human shield, now the period of inaction is being used to show I am not brave enough to deserve my career – the third being the famous idiots themselves who were the people running through this violence gimmicks, therefore if they have gone down this path, I now have my license to progress with the plan to stop them picking up my career publicity for their own affairs whilst leaving me trapped with ideas their famous stupidity was more important than I am at the same time and will not give it up because it felt good, leaving me on social security and showing no remorse instead continually inventing new ways to keep it going as abusively as possible, with some violent activity of my own that will arrive at a stage where it was clear to everybody that I had done enough harm to the male population and their famous idiots, that what I actually did with my Books did not require explanation; the exit I have offered them up to this point is that they needed to get a copy of the Book themselves, keep their mouth shut and read, save they were making comments about their own careers. In essence considering the threats, at this stage I have a part time job and usually set out for it at around 1.0.00pm, then find my way back around 6.00am windows, so any scum who is done selling my so called sanctuary to please famous idiots for money and wishes to attack me because he or she really fancies a war on immoral society at short notice is free to take advantage of it, as more so seeing that I do not have any bod guarding security to stop them either way.

I do not think this matter is a crisis, just need to make a statement that these idiots need to learn the lessons of the past and cease issuing threat at me – I mean fundamentally they were complaining because in order to make up stories that I am working with communists, they needed to tear down my career publicity whilst some incompetent git got hurt or killed by communists, which they have had enough of but I have not. What this can cause is a process where I am locked down on a direct war with Celebrities and the male population, the history here with these two groups being that there was so much disrespect channelled at me that my finances was always in a messy state, in which condition they showed up to force friendship on me as well, on seeing the consequence of what they were doing, build communities to get imagination into my panties and in such a manner get to decide which sources of financial well being I got stuck with whilst they clung to my career publicity to solve problem associated with their stupid personal decisions. I am not in anyway suggesting that this was likely to end without a direct clash with the male population as such, just pointing out we have exhausted a history in which I ignored them to solve the problem and the need to issue threats at me needed to be considered with an understanding that there was likely to be retaliation on my part too. It is impossible to imagine that if I stepped outside of my door to pursue something important and a child drove car by me getting hands between my but cheeks in the imagination afforded by their social secret crowd mentality abuses they had developed for me, such a child would have escapade punishment, therefore was apt then last we checked literally, that I should tolerate it from a bunch of pricks until I found myself living on social security whilst they build a narcissism media from it and began working the local authorities to make me homeless. The threat of offering to do violence on me for famous idiots who disobediently continued to handle my career publicity for feel good reasons and told lies that ensured they were able to any time they wanted, is the last straw in this matter, one more threat of that kind from these idiots and my war on the male population for what they have done to my academic pursuits and now my Books and a war that will affect their famous idiots, will kick off in earnest. It does claim that war had already been declared through my Book title, but it is what I mean; I will attack them well enough to ensure I did not have to explain what I did with my Books, that they did not read and have not got their own copy of to the engaging public.

I am told all I have said is good but there has been no actual progress with respect to my career and this is because there is no progress to me made, the need that famous idiots had to handle my career for feel good reasons whilst claiming they were more important and taking the point up to the stage where I am physically attacked for failing to acknowledge their importance, is a mess that I have integrated with the way that I worked a Bookshop and therefore created an atmosphere for it; we are fooling about with exhaustion and heart disease apparently and they will not stop starting the provocative process themselves, as it would seem that where they found themselves with respect to previous victims left them in such a difficult position that in order to make sense of the threat to their existence, they had to find a new victim and hope that their abuses would pay off and it has not. Here is it said that the way I had been betrayed was not okay but it does not bother me at all – I mean we have now ended up in a situation where once abusive Scorpio was done being rewarded with access to my Royal order and career publicity, after complaining of consequences associated with investigating the Police on behalf of immoral and criminal society, to end up somewhere being seduced into committing crimes as well, they will return to their own lifestyles where they were usually found running what seems to provide them the social disposition for the eternal vengeance that I am experiencing here, involving a need to suck up to every political git and idiot with money and power by handling my career, the part where they sucked up for a living to every git that showed up at tourist destinations to put the feet up and pass insults at me that a bird will carry around the world, at this stage with the continued need to run abuses on my career and attack my wellbeing and also the threats being issued, they will return to it, somewhere in hell. Overall I have done this before; the part where I took the need to secure the minds needed by government and general public and economic matters caused me to take their privacy abuses to seriously that I pushed them into a tough corner, where the law got involved and each instance of expressed passion for such a reason failed to play into the flattery of people who suffered mental illness that predisposed them to beautiful violence such as sociopaths and psychopaths before they got off selecting sexuality and deciding which should be mine as well thereof, was then passed off to popular culture people to play with, in which circumstances I would look over my shoulders and find people picking up the young women that got involved with me to make popular culture – so what we are now doing since doing this was a crime, is the revenge that they were having, my next instalment will certainly cause me to hijack Hollywood itself as a tool that helped me run a structure by which I met children, met the public and sometimes it was split into an environments occupied solely by the male population and other times by female population, which process fed into law making and wealth building methods – doing so which will allow them to finally take over the Office and Estate of an Arch Prince, so that everybody may enjoy a semblance of normalcy. I have already done the part where the public complains I needed to decide if I am keeping a Bookshop or doing whatever Celebrities wanted, to arrive at a stage where they were not complaining any more, so there is motivation here to find out what these scumbags were made of; needs make the comments about their own career and fool around where their famous persons stupidities were appreciated, the male population on the other hand keep the big mouth shut and get a copy of the Book.

This was apparently about the way I worked intellectual property administration being construed as evidence I possessed the answers to reasons their bottom hurt, save the fact they were always making a mess of peoples lives and the victims always decided not to respond to it because it was not cost effective and they ended up with responsibility – the body type was such that the bottom was everywhere, compared to myself having been told several times I am perfect and the social abuses did not affect the world in which I lived, had decided to employ my assets towards making sense of situations where people spoke of ideologies that should not be explored – the stupidities were issuing threats as well, really loves to cause me hassle, run its big mouth on media to a point where its criminal communities take advantage of the abusive imaginations that got everywhere with no care for the way that governmental diplomacy policy and distant lovers were affected, to abuse my privacy and tell lies thereafter. Time and again I am given the consolation price that their stupidities would like me to stop running my career the way that I did, making the excuse I should not be getting into all that fighting their stupidities cannot have enough of, whilst there is nothing about touching my penis and anus with half backed racism that was perfectly fine, whilst famous idiots handled my career publicity because it felt good and left me living on social security, which suggested that I ought to stop stuffing their ageist pricks with information about my career that they can carry around like PR that I did not need to fund.

In essence, they do boast that they were happy they trashed my finances and kept theirs and it is an example of what will become of the next threat I had to tolerate, since it was clear that they could easily cease goading me over public control matters, running insults at me that every gits with unusual ideas about my body could take advantage of, beat me down at the work market with radio wave lesbians until I am completely exhausted but they had a big ego and could not keep the imagination out of my pants; so unless their famous stupidities were in pain my late success schedule will continue to be a mess – a mess their other twat at the Monarchy may handle to build a Royal leadership that was befitting of a male Monarch. There is no way that these goons would have been able to show up here mocking me over ideas they extracted fame and money from my public life and loved to inflict a hard time on me for it, since we had a history of me saddling them with fools errands associated with problems that needed fixing considering they were happier to stifle my Book sales and escalate the problems I solved to create the Books in order to cover their backsides, up to the point their greedy stupidities was selling it and those problems was all I had living on social security, whilst there were problems they needed solving bearing in mind their careers involved a huge amount of public appearances being made, it is the assistance they have gained from corrupt politicians and nothing else; I could never tell exactly when the business of goading me over public control matters became such a phenomenon anyway, I simply know they claimed the intellectual property administration work I did suggested I could fulfil such a dream and I had committed a crime for refusing to do it for a living. I had by 2016 when my private security industry work ended, tidied up all the career mess I suffered, including the University fiasco and yes they would say I always thought that was perfectly fine and my social life was nothing to be worried about but again, it is largely out of my hands if people found a way to organise crowds that laughed at me when I attended University, at the SLC Offices, when I sent out my SLC forms, at Public transport and in every public places thereafter but then again, the outcome was the hoodlums showing up at University to pass exams fingering my bum for upstarts whilst I dropped out and I passed it up as nothing is ever what it seems, might even have been that they were happy I attended University due to the talents they saw me exhibit etc but what is certain is that if I were to make a decision about how I wanted to approach civil activities, there will be hoodlums backed by famous idiots deciding which problems I latched myself to for commitment purposes, which outcome is now that I am not actually able to pay the bills properly whilst it runs me down everyday to maintain a stifling narcissism that allowed their stupidities to decide what happens with my Bookshop financial structures at the market. We had to listen to those gimmicks that the point their stupidities made is that they were of the opinion I was oblivious to the sheer number of people that were out of my league but I do not care which one is out of their league or whose league they were out of, they were the only people who knew what the combination codes for the bank accounts that belonged to them and was the source of all the problem and we know they were not sharing that either way –  they are always so incredibly filthy on the inside, and the unnecessary as well as unusual interest in me generally left me in a place where I am never allowed to smell nice; no idea if they were filthy because their spouses or other half was a violent person, no idea if the fact their other half was a violent person meant that had to keep a relationship by having certain kinds of unusual sex, no idea if their sexual activities were designed to ensure they expressed ways I should be afraid of them whilst they clung to my career publicity, I know about the new gimmick to be that there was a community and each time I stepped outside of my door, there was always some idiot to whom that communist had assigned a part of my career like some property that belonged to somebody else for the purpose of their press narcissism, making me sick to the stomach all of the time whilst they had a field day of abusive nonsense when not complaining I was putting so much pressure on them that people were dying and assuming there was no prospect that I will get worse. I believed it would have been worse if they were of the opinion that I was confident about inviting them into my personal life, it is not the case that I thought they were out of my league; it is as if I wanted my wife to do messy things I can carry with me everywhere I went especially with respect to their interest in my person or she may do something to make it better by making me lunch, buying me that wrist watch that matches my personality or the wallet I cannot live without etc.

The sense that I am stupid seems to be the main strong suit here – we know however that we were engaged with an activity that was the consequence of the fact they have always wanted to be able to pursue their daily affairs by abusing and attacking me over ideas I am a low life who keep ruining their concerns by showing up where I can cause people the most concern for my existence, the reality is rather different where the gimmicks in their heads was not concerned I.e. they had wanted it so much that I allowed it to happen i.e. the business of being bullied by the famous and other self-exhibitionism narcissists; first was the business of acting as if my share of professional activity was the part in which all the public place built up incentives to run a Bookshop by ended up on their media red button, so they might push it at will, then I got attacked because they were trying to befriend their interview guests on Media, after that I got attacked because their children were trying to befriend the children of their interview guests, now they were simply running me down on Media everyday provisionally just in case somebody might have a reward in mind for it. The truth of how badly it can get if I provided them a response will be that I attacked their career to such an extent that the ethics they were meant to pick up and learn since University became a very important public place point made that the general crowd was engaged with it everyday and it will become so bad that even the Union of Journalists whose method of regulating their stupidities would have to wade in – what the response is on the ground currently however being that when Media organisations were unable to control their staff and I suffered for two decades because of it, I could take steps to control their staff for them, however if I decided that a good opportunity for instance will be some for of revenge for the unusual interest in my affairs when we were not incorporated the same way at the Law and were not remotely competitors, were to be that I sized every opportunity whereby it would have turned out that the news which made them their incomes were the same news for all their competitors which made their business literally a cut throat world, it is the poorest journalists and media operatives on the ground that will suffer the most because of my actions even though I will have found a way to control their staff for them by doing so, hence the best outstanding option is to say that attacking the famous and the male population was an integral part of my schedule, either at the beginning or at the end of every working day and I was to attack them to such an extent that I got out of bed everyday to understand that was the look of my schedule and they got out of bed everyday to expect an attack. Some people may think I will not able to justify such a schedule but we know that people had obtained a license to get on my nerves on account these idiots had decided I was a Libra and could stand up for myself but my astrological sign suggested there were more powerful astrological signs that possessed the right to dominate me, to whom I ought to hand over the way I stood up for myself, so that it might serve the general population and greater good, allowing every scum to show up here running off a society that held secrets about me that I was oblivious to, in order to demand access to such rights, eventually arriving at an incredibly abusive superstition that suggested people had a better chance at being financially successful when they attacked a Libra. Same as the Politicians say they wanted to be able to make sense of the scale and scope of what I was doing and there was none, as it was clear that if these abuses had arrived at a stage where they cannot cover the distance between home and work without wrecking mine by abusive my privacy and I can in public places feel their imagination in my panties on the streets, it will build up to a war on the male population and the Celebrities over my Intellectual property administration career, of which the aspect that affected them the most was the part where we lived with their need to interfere with industry on the basis that it was rather difficult for them to take the money they made outside of the economic system, hence the worst that can happen is a result where they took jobs away from others and had no clue what to do with – it will be a clash with the Celebrities and the male population that runs through their rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers gimmicks, making sense of the Media narcissism in terms of results, just so that other peoples need to fool around at my expense ceased to affect my ability to pay my way like every day else.

In the end the context of the matter can be construed simply as what became of a process where I was being attacked like a child on account I had failed to acknowledge how important they were but that problem first began with the fact that they had failed to acknowledge how important I am first – it is however far more serious than that as I had various roles to play in society and overseas, especially with respect to the USA, where those gimmicks led to results in which they manipulated the economic system in which they made out tax collection was a farce and the government mostly made money by trading bonds, so they did not mind that their needs far superseded that of everybody else to such an extent the Government should wreck those bonds at the market to print more money which ended up in their private bank accounts, so they loved to bully people to come across unimaginable wealth and then bully people for a lifetime as soon as they had – their idea on the way that crime is handled in their world of committing murders and employing styles of solicitors to filibuster until they got away with it, is that giving money to criminals prevents crime and I was the main problem society faced because I did not have a price tag, whereas the idea that I was a problem because I did not have a price tag, was in itself a process that had emerged from the fact that they had been seduced by the way that criminals solved problems. On the claim that I sweet talked people into doing violent things to themselves and other people, I do not in anyway, they are simply incredibly stupid people, like we see their daily media and celebrity narcissism assault on my career added up to a process of looking for trouble, if facts applied the point that we are not actually competitors - what happens is that I worked intellectual property administration with Clients, so instances where I may have been working on ideologies that should not be explored, resulted in outcomes where an Auto company may want to develop an Equity to build for instance a Car seat for a top Model when they were trying to convince their Client that their product can get people to an important location very quickly in comfort or get people out of a place very quickly in comfort, when these gits got their hands on it, we would be dealing with something that went beyond the usual British social problem, through to insults and greed on the streets that was meant to help them get rich fast, which their American friends copied whilst the European role simply could not keep their hands to themselves, which outcome is that they end up provoking somebody who did something unusual or they got provoked into doing something unusual, when they blame it on me, it takes the business of expressing the way I loved them to take charge and tell me what to do endlessly, so that I may fool around with their exhaustion and heart disease problems onto the point where I am being accused of something that occurred whilst I was not present at the scene and sometimes have never ventured into the said area of Town in my life.