Black Prince & Princess of the United Kingdom - Faith, Personality, Royal Mobility Administration



I]  I never brought upon myself all the misfortunes that have happened to me. What has rather been having ever since I brought it upon myself has been idiots who have some money, insulting and abusing me for having things they don't, holding me down in financial crisis and going off to media to build a reputation that shall be maintained permanently; that what they have created is what my life really is like, then try to move into my personal life.

 It all sounds like "I will teach you a lesson for thinking that you can have something that I do not" with a big mouth, when I own an empire and they just work in somebody else's establishment; which is how I put up with other peoples employee rubbish from them all the time unto the problems I have got for no reason at all whatsoever. 

  Children's Corner: Work done at HH' Office in Collaboration with the British Government High Lord of the Admiralty

A separate take on the benefits of paedophilia and deviance

II]  Thereafter which they buy shares in People's companies and think I ought to sit back and watch them destroy my allies and so on, which is always my business as they make it. 

The truth is that it takes  certain kind of business man to want to appear on Public TV and the media and more so all the time too and I am not stupid.  I mean imagine you are head of some 10 people in a board and they are leaders each of 15 people at the lower levels of the Business, are you going to suggest that you do not attend a party in the homes of one Employee or Board Member at least 2 times a Month? Thereafter what kind of a person would you be if you are fond of Media appearance? I have not started fighting them yet, when I do start that they will understand I will never get used to any of that rubbish. The Politicians of which it is fair to mention that for those, death they measure out is now enough for everybody and they are the ones having the Lion share. Naturally every fools who assume ownership of other peoples work and property like so always love to wish conversations about things people do which they do not realise is disrespectful was happening but largely of which disrespect does not come into the matter at all as is the issue of their disobedience and the processes of specifically exasperating me with it, about which media appliances in my home perceived to be something that can be used to talk through to me in person seem to be their major preoccupation. The first matter was a process of turning out to pretend there is anything that can be done about me and my part in the royal family having to do with a bit of normalcy and the outcome of that clearly looks good enough so now its about their piece of the pie of the person who serves the Monarchy hands and knees and the outcome of that will too.


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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, January 26, 2023,

They claim I have not learned that the answer to all my problems was to do with how I would get to stay away from the women. I could never make sense of this nonsense anyway, just something they got accustomed to, as what happens is more a matter of pursuing a writing career, getting caught up with the social activities of people who held government offices and crossing paths with female journalists – Books have been published and placed in the market place and I have been verbally abused a...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Saturday, May 4, 2019,

I am said to be one of the items at the heart of issues in Government and specifically whom the Politicians want to teach a lesson but it is utter nonsense – these sorts of things tend to build up and then when I clear them out, people show up to savage my finances making out I have been an unusual entity and some therefore suggesting I am a freak and finding ways to solve their problems at my expense by insulting me and getting support from the Media; what happens with the Politicians bein...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, March 5, 2019,

So now we speak of Politicians getting off at Government office ripping up my whole life and having fun doing so, which is meant to add up to a matter of grave concern here but it does not actually – the reality is that it has always been a rather dangerous behaviour to speak of Politicians in terms of an entity that does not actually own the Public Offices or Government appointment that it gets, to draw up a fair sense of the wreck free attitude of vandalism they have as a mentality toward...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, February 4, 2019,

They always point out the daily cases of Men wanting to get on Public places and Media where they may be able to decide how much work I have done in order to deserve the earnings from my Books, while making plans to get rich quick with my work of their own and so my Books have ended up in that situation because of the goons who imagine that doing the bad things that bad people do to me, just makes me do something about bad people and does not make them one and the whole while we know the goon...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, January 31, 2019,

There is talk now of Brexit setting the stage for widespread Political instability but I do not think there is Political instability that may arise from any other source but the laziness of Politicians all together anyway; it seems to have this problem with setting clearly what is prohibited in the Country and claims that the reason is that there are some people such as myself who would feel overtly comfortable and served by it when the Politicians are not my slaves – it then progresses fro...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, January 23, 2019,

I understand as such when the context of their need to rip up my academic work and pass their exams to sit about at Industry making sure I never get it completed until they had run off their need for popularity and money over me to any extent that they wanted, that Brexit is becoming an Arena for Far Right Extremists and yes it should be, anything that adds up to a case of lets get together and own the Country is always a hot bed for far right extremists, the other problem we have is that whi...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, August 6, 2018,

Now I am being told that Politicians are searching every crack to see if they will have an opportunity to make me pay for what I have done which does not make any sense to me what I have done anyway; what they had done was spend tax payer funds to help people who do not believe others have the right to enjoy some hard earned financial wellbeing and developed all sorts of quangos at Civil service to dispense cash for it, claiming it will make them better people; now everybody’s bottom hurts ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, July 19, 2018,

A new story brews of how I need to be saved and its largely a matter of the claim I am dealing with peoples arrogance which is utter nonsense; what really happens is the need some people have to change what I am comfortable with and then they change it every hour or so as insultingly as possible to get attention, create some race issues and force me to share what I am abusively and so on and then draw attention to those idiots they say will now work in private security Industry and exist on a...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Friday, July 6, 2018,

I understand the story of being picked on by Politicians will never really improve but the Politicians appear to have gotten into a habit of it because they expect a response from me that gets me working with their needs. I do not however see a prospect of me working with their needs ever happening anyway; what we have is a group of idiots who clown around all the time and have never really changed over the last five years doing nothing else save getting involved with my livelihood to stop th...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, August 14, 2016,

It is certainly incredible that the Media wants to and is discussing the secretes of Team GB success while the Olympics is still running; I wouldn’t knows anyway, all I know is that an example instance of putting up with the stupidities of Men is when I have to protect the state of mind that facilitates Book writing and have to spend money on my health to facilitate the means and ability to do a paid employment. The real issues have always been the power of original provocation that is unto...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, In : Black Prince - Black Princess Business 

Of course time and again we hear that the one issue with me and my concerns is that it is out of touch with people but I do not have a problem with it in anyway whatsoever; the reality is that people have problems to make my Books relevant not so they can shed compunction from their stupid lives like a shirt and turn up to desire my personal life to feel good with; it is the point where only the Politicians have the power to keep my Business door open to trouble and when they do the facts are...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, March 2, 2015, In : Black Prince - Black Princess Business 

Now they say I have the same characteristics as Jihadis and it will never make any sense because I fail to understand why talking about the bit where these idiots can always get involved with anybody’s life if they wanted means they can get involved with a Royal Prince’s renaissance and do whatever they like with it, then finish off especially the American ones with claims of how I have provoked them by getting involved with them to deploy their physical endowments to hurt people and set ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, In : Royal Arch Prince and the Duchess - Mobility 

Now the blacks especially say I have been pushed into violence because I keep seeking attention by tempting fate of course which does not make any sense whatsoever since the truth is that I may be in charge but they are older than me and nobody will ever work out what it is about me that they enjoy insulting so much; hence based on the fact if I abuse them in such ways as well it becomes an advantage when they get on media to resolve it but if they do me they wreck my finances and foster orga...

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Europe - Priming Book sales at the Shop

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, In : Royal Arch Prince and the Duchess - Mobility 

People are being forced to do this and forced to do that in Europe is the story we hear from the Politicians but the reality is that there is no such thing – the reality is that they think they want to crush those who benefit from a history of a second world war in which Germany was defeated and therefore feel they have no plans to integrate with the Germans and this is what they need to do and stop talking nonsense all over the place. Apparently it seems that doing it is a really difficult...

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Insults / Big names / Career Piracy / Property and income Theft

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, December 10, 2012, In : Book Shop Celebrity Culture and Family finance Security Customer Service Equity 

So these days the government speaks of the option of legalizing drugs; I find it difficult even so to figure out why there are yet people having arguments against it too, I mean not that they shouldn’t but clearly these things are happening in reality and not a dream. I mean more grease to their elbows anybody? We are know it is not manslaughter when somebody is intoxicated and so of course in this case there will eventually be mental illness linked to intoxication which led to a murder, ...

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Livelihood Conundrum - A Tunnel Light Books and Holdings Equity

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, September 9, 2012, In : Book Shop Crime Finance Prognosis Service Equities 

So I have finished with the part about left wing vandalism and people meeting each other to do my work to get rich, take pictures of themselves and show off all over the internet especially with it. Now we enter the next stage i.e. stifle that stupid left, let the other side get out of hand and show what my job really looks like, maybe people will think all I do has a plan from an office and is worthy of respect, worthy of being looked at or read properly not making up personality and insol...

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Media and The Law

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, September 6, 2012, In : Book Shop Service for Media Perversions Securities 

The most recent matter of human violation which has come to light on public media has been that of a Judge being investigated for telling a burglar that he had courage and handing down sentence in a way which suggests that he commends him for his Courage but will send him to prison the next time he does burgle a house. I would personally have thought by the way that if a criminal is said to have courage by a judge then it is one of those issues that show we should not be allowing cameras in...

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New world, New Politics and New Morality

Most of these things hinge on the quantity and number of human activity that Politicians believe there will be the sense they are in charge if they control basically but in actual fact it is not what they want but what their spin doctors want and I will not be governed by any fools spin doctors that suppose if they write books about their bosses it will not make as much money as if my attributes were attached to their bosses for them to write books with and I will not put up with any mess m...

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Economic recovery in the eyes of the realist - HH The Arch Prince's Office; Economic Leadership Updates

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Friday, June 15, 2012, In : Book Shop Family Sanctity and Family Finance Service Equity 

With respect to jobs the real issue with jobs is that people think jobs are things that fall from the sky when in actual fact they don’t. There is actually only three ways by which jobs can be created, hard work, hard work and talent, hard work dedication and talent. So it applies that the real problem continues to remain the fact that we continue to sit around taking lectures from people who love to find things others are better at but they are more qualified for, to play their powerful ...

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RIP Celebrity culture-underbelly to the top

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, December 12, 2011, In : Book Shop Family Sanctity and Family Finance Service Equity 

The money and sex part of these stupid things came into play after they found out there was an element of fame involved in when I do things to defend myself from those who think I only have the right to exist if I am stripped of my faith through mental abuse which if failed I must be pushed into crime and if I am not in prison or still alive when I have settled in on a life of always being pushed into crime twisted into something society does not want and rehabilitated and if I am still with ...

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The Protection of Children, Faith & anti gang violence and Money mad Scallywags

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Friday, September 2, 2011, In : Cook Shop Children's Corner Customer Service Equity 

I do not dispute there is moral decline in this country but it is not in my view as bad as it is made out to be. After all if people are fond of telling a Christian to give up his faith because people are very cultural, then they ought to realise claims that a Christian encourages child abuse will not change facts on reality, since those that abuse Children will always do anything necessary to maintain their habits. When they insult people they should see there is a Price for it, I mean peopl...

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Immigrants in the UK because of HH The Arch Prince and his office

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, August 25, 2011, In : The National Front 

Now they are complaining about black people that come to this country and get all over the place because of me; I mean from that angle as it were. All that media racist thing.

The wickedness of stuff the Christians inspiration back inside him has paid off so far and we now have the twin condition where the racists realise they have got somebody whose every day life can be peddled everyday so when he has no means of settling down because he has no sense of home then they can have revenge for ...

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Liberals and Racists - HH The Arch Prince; Fan of Families

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, July 13, 2011, In : Families-Government & Business 

That I mentioned the liberal democrat party (UK) is a much a party full of racists like every other party in the Country is not something I have had any second thoughts about saying. No person with a job or a meaningful job will take anybody who tells them they have made a solemn pledge not to hurt people seriously, so when Liberal democrats make such pledges and then hurt people all over the place like they always do, who are the people they are hurting, people that can recover from it or pe...

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Intellectual Property

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, July 13, 2011, In : Children & Creativity 

Their stupid men and their powers of bullying me on the media where they are skin heads and everything I do winds them up because I do it and feel I have done the job until they do my stuff for me and it ends badly and Germany rules the world as well, are always keen on all kinds of nonsense they say which suggests things I write on my websites are about me so when I lead in one direction they move things in another due to the way they feel in themselves which no body wants to fucking publicl...

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Managing Facts of Political & Administrative Paedophilia

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, July 12, 2011, In : Social Security 

 Of course they tell me that if they take my time out to attack me over the securities I built for my property that the mob wanted which I started to since I was 18 until now which means things have become democratically inconvenient for them, they have won anyway in the sense that they have made my money for themselves and therefore have dominated. This is not something I am concerned about since I cannot make out how a collection of incredibly stupid people can go from being oppressed by pe...

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Holy Temperaments of God and his spirit fill our Communities.
Detachment and scandalous exposure bring about dispossession.
Media, Politicians and Celebrity vandalism rewarded with Society exposure to excessive access to Industrial sense.
Right wing abuses and Left wing abuses rewarded with handling Admin at identity substitution and public Office vandalism – for the Roads, Shops, Neighbourhoods and Streets  - Office and Half Priests security Admin Fall out.

Feminist Practical Jokes and Community croons inflicted personal growth interference and excessive thinking – rewarded with Financial encumbering for Media, Politics and Democracy freedom appraised derogatory culture.
Youth with work that is not paying them for evil purposes, rewarded with work that is not paying for the salvation of society.
Media, Men and sex hunting – wealth grabbing, social ladder climbing which is a threat to Children at the Monarchy rewarded with Industrial detachment.

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