I am told the point people were making is that I am a complete failure which is never credible if we were having to wade a National and International stage upon which they complained about me, not least for making such comments over my career publicity, tends to suggest that I am getting the correct PR for the Bookshop all together. so I am told that I usually sugar coated the truth all together, removing the sugar would be a process of moving away from such realities as associated with the fact I had warned them about these practical jokes over my career ending painfully and badly the whole way, moving away from more serious jokes that involved picking out areas of the Books that talked about a religion due to people having a need to describe me as infidel, to such an extent that I cannot concentrate on what I am doing, whilst they got out of the infidel game by having several wives as their religion allows, to work with their American sociopath poofs for the purpose of trashing the PR, in order to build me a fight with some Muslims, which outcome is that people who engaged with the Books faced a risk of violence whilst they got to keep their jobs, I would move away from gimmicks that involved signing up to security services over my career profile to make a mess of the system at my expense everyday which clashes are usually the consequences of undoing public work to redo it in the interest of the male population, knowing that the female would demand the dame, never clear exactly what it is that they wanted, only more fuss when I decided what I wanted due to the gimmicks, I would move away from the idea that their abuses are designed to make me abandon a Royal commission and seek a life as a Celebrity, as insultingly as possible, whilst we know that if I took the plunge to get out there for the Bookshop, I would end up with the wrong PR for a Bookshop all together – so I would move onto the part where they had their separate platforms for narcissism on the male population and female population side, playing with everything that mattered to everybody, finding the best personal lives, social life and career profiles to improve their lives after a history of stupid personal decisions by, on social media they were victims, on main media they were incredibly important, loved to pass insults at me and work economic abuses on my wellbeing, notwithstanding which I did warn them the whole way, throughout the 12 year period of it, that there was a healthy possibility their predatory nonsense will all stop very badly.

They do boast that they had wrecked my personal life and have enjoyed their work in respect to which – utter nonsense naturally, we know they have wrecked my personal life alright but the absence of recovery was largely due to the fact they are permanently engaged in activities that bring about such results in other peoples affairs, so the processes I have applied to move them on would have worked if it were applied to public figures or it if were applied to society people, it does not work on them because they are like that permanently, hence should people assume that each time they complained, there was a possibility that the authorities who had to guess that given half the chance they would do what they have done, had gone too far, it would be waste of time as such – it is a bunch of poofs, gay twats. The details are the accusation that I am uncooperative with respect to government matters for instance, whilst reality is that I am wading local authorities and public control to keep a career and livelihood, to which effect low lives who had nothing to lose could work me for popularity and their famous idiots could trash my personal life along with them to cover the backside, after trashing my finances – so the accusation does not hold at all but I am at liberty to mention it at this stage because most of the complications at overseas and international business interests matters have been resolved, it was easy to take the risk. The Politicians have raised the point that there was little accountability on my part which is not the case either – if it is my fault, I will go about resolving the problem but if it is governmental perversion, they had to live with having built a government that was a cesspool. The point they have also raised for their part is that their activities are aimed at expressing the fact they hated seeing me anywhere near the Monarchy but we know that they consistently had no clue what a Royal Commission served, such that I am currently miles ahead of them if they were thinking about competition, with respect to the administrative, official and governmental purposes of any commission that a person gets from the Head of State and since they cannot say that up to 10% of their daily activities no matter how privileged their background was, served the Office of the Head of State, do need to fool around somewhere else and accept I am comfortable with their history of marrying into the Royal family and so they were doing the things they needed to do to lie, cheat and even steal, prepare their minds and bodies for the business of marrying into it – just like the other point about the price I paid for power which is completely pointless as the security services were open to everybody and it did not matter if somebody got a job in it to target a specific public service operative, it is a risk that every public service operative took into consideration for their position, currently in my case, they were hurting themselves with security services jobs on account of ways that I get threatened for living out an existence and owning a career that was beyond my league when the stupidities knew no limits, assumes that I did not know what the risks were and there were not possibilities I could get worse. There are only two problems here – one being politicians had a need to convert everything I did, every day, into a tool by which to befriend some industrial gits, in a bid for wealth and social ladder climbing, the other was celebrities picking up my Industrial interests and property equity as predictably as possible whilst issuing the stupid threats at me that will get me stuck with society trouble makers, to cover their back side, hence the need to wreck any little finances and to stifle my personal relationships. It is not exactly a crisis, just that I have not been practicing enough of the activities that would ensure I limited the damage that their so called price for power could cause me and so have I issued the warnings they need to keep away from my Books, public image and keep their hands to themselves, as making me feel sore all over, never mind the short insolent videos that are meant to serve the purpose of television advertisement to facilitate their narcissism, is likely to push me towards accepting that the more atrocious options for this would be the most acceptable. It is all entirely normal on having to content with such a bunch of entitled gits – I mean I went to University to pay the fees for them and I moved on never the less, it has not learned that it is not really an important person, showing here every day to practice some bullying because it was not interfered with, therefore able to complete the academic pursuits, secure a job, put aside some money to tackle society and learn some martial arts, it believes itself to be counted among the upper classes at this stage, part of the practical jokes do tend to suggest the soft harmless persona I portrayed was not the real me, of which we know I have also tried to deter its need to explore my civil duties, coward this and coward that, people had to get into trouble with the law to deserve what was already owned, was hell and high water for people all day, before it complains that I lived in a world where I did not think the price of power applied to me.

The toying eventually leads to ideas that since the public control processes I engaged in applied to them even with respect to what they did at security services, I should be made to fight American Celebrities but American Celebrities were not Industrial Office holders, they were just as self employed as I am, if at all they held any industrial Offices, whilst we know that Industrial Office holders can afford to be more irresponsible than Celebrities were, yet if their girlfriend were to show up here tackling me because my career was too big for me and really should have belonged to them, it was not a fight that they would win. I have issued the warnings with great pains and in clear detail, I need to cease feeling sore all over because I am being bullied by famous idiots or I will chose the most painful methods of handle the so called price of power gimmicks, beginning with a process where I got to make their personal decisions for them, so that each time their entitled stupidities blamed me for a problem, it would really make sense. It is not really the mystery that it is being presented as, my career needs to be seen as a writer and Bookshop keepers work, up to the stage where those who invested time and effort were able to engage or I will not get paid, it now relies on the gits who enjoyed building monster societies with practical jokes targeted at those who claim they have groomed into a position where their lives were worth nothing, especially so if their possessions were worth something important, failure to comply will move the matter onto a stage where I learned the blame culture from them and used it to make money. They do claim I still end up going around in circles the whole time which I don’t, the fact it is being mentioned is a measure of the abusive nonsense where it works corrupt private security with an atmosphere of lasciviousness to get be caught up with criminals and gits that had nothing to lose all day – eventually it does this by reading by birth sign, so I am being encouraged to attack the whole Scorpio – Virgo communities once again whilst making sure the other pricks from all the other birth signs, stopped showering me with insults and picking up my public profile to get famous. I do not need to do it to run a Bookshop, so I am saying that they were looking for trouble and have continued to assume that when they found some, they would walk my process and walk all over me. The cause of it all still being the insult that I am supposed to get involved with private security to protect them and help them feel more important than I am, which grew into a process where their usual civil stupidities got to handle everything around here, with the usual result that everything they touched got damaged: I am not suspending or stopping anything to allow them move on or adjust either, same applies to the industry gits who have been tackling me instead of working industrial offices, to such an extent they can no longer keep up with their mates and the society gits who think they always needed a social disposition that helped them order peoples steps for the purpose of running me down without consequences. Some people have suggested that my actions are not random but they are not, the famous have torn up my career because they believed its best purpose was to cover their backside for a living, they have created a sense that I am the cause of public problems whilst criminals were alright, forged an alliance with abusive Scorpios and Virgos who always needed to live in an abusive society that supported them, so that the responses of people who have suffered their abuses would be voided – I am set to attack this community again and see if the famous will continue to flout my warnings that considering what they have done, needed to cease picking up my assets and more so without permission to create show business products, every time their big idea had run out of steam. It does not in anyway imply I hated people who were born Scorpios or Virgos, they always want to get up the public image of Libra to make money and get famous, the reasons most of those gimmicks performed from societies that operated in secret but wanted to order peoples steps in public affected their careers more than that of victims who were aware because it is largely about some stupid individuals showing up in your face when you step outside of your door, to make statements that they wanted to get rich and famous but it is all due to the actions of Celebrities, they were the people who have created a 20 year career mess here and I had warned them that having done that, the activities should not be repeated when I am engaged with the work market, they did it again with the radio wave lesbians beating me down all day, which leaves me open to ex-convicts as well, so it does need to stop badly.

They claim I had failed to see that Celebrities had a fear of accepting that they were wrong but what they had failed to accept the entire time was that uninvited involvement increased the risk of destroying people’s property because of this fear. So it would appear that regardless of what I said, the whole problem with communist threats remained, of which there was nothing playing out the way they claimed it did – reality more that if I had business with security services, they were a problem because their insults ensured that communists and terrorists could access whatever I was doing with them, an example of the way I mitigated this was displayed in terms of the list of my diet which I displayed on my website, considering those insults about the way they were uncomfortable with my involvement at a prestigious Monarchy was ripping and tearing where structures had been developed to ensure that upon keeping diplomacy with none allies, I could retrieve assets when necessary and that security services and government operatives were involved with my diet: on this front yet again they were a problem as everything provoked them including the professional comments that security services staff made – hence we arrived at a stage where I decided it made sense to use the disposition afforded by the fact that they on one hand were a group of people concerning whom unlike their Celebrities and their society that have gotten a response off me, have gotten no response and therefore felt they were untouchable, whilst the communists also had people from their society who did the same things, the similarity between the two was uncanny, the abdominal pain they caused and the need to tear up careers for their criminals and celebrities insatiable, hence had to fight each other’s and complain at my expense every time that somebody had died, the same issue of ripping up my assets to make way for a series of activities that will convince some people at Washington that whilst they had built a society where people had to get into trouble with the law to show they deserved everything they owned, having been affected eventually they were defending themselves from communist threats well; at which stage we lived up to the instances where there were women specially trained by communists to take them out and people were getting killed which was all my fault whilst I am at the same time the cause of social problems considering that criminals were better people. They would then say that Celebrities were not protected from communists as part of the fear to admit they were wrong then I suppose, so we are already beginning to make mention of attacking the abusive birth sign reading communities as well, whilst I ensured they stopped picking up my career publicity to make fame, when I had arrived at a point of detaching them from the abusive Europeans they had allied themselves with, that they did not themselves have a history of controlling when the same had turned on them, I will be satisfied that I had attained control of this nonsense and my finances too, with persons invested in my career history free from the assault levied on them for engaging and my person from the assault that provided them energy fun. I mean the other goons were not hanging about at security services, progressing from security service incompetence to security service corruption, before they got a narcissism Media that worked for them every day and funds from idiots who trashed peoples careers over ideas on what the careers could be used for regardless of the fact that it was always being deployed for purpose at the point of contact, to rip up public finances to buy mansions with many rooms they did not make use of at the same time, only after showing up to bother people with civil rights problems and turn out at the other end with the ill-gotten gains to be the paid up aspect of the problem itself – so they only had to protect themselves from the KGB women, especially when security service professional communications provoked them to a point of public crisis, insulting me which will never help them do so, ripping up my assets and forging an alliance with abusive Italians is not getting it done either (communist issue solved for them permanently, leads directly to freedom from their gimmicks, freedom for my public image and public standing at last).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland