We had to listen to the nonsense that I created problems for myself due to a need I had to try and be somebody or something else. On the ground however which nothing has really changed, only the part where it seems that there was now an official position that meant a daily response was needed for their gimmicks – mostly still the same stupid men who select acquaintances for their female colleagues and in so doing select mine too, who claim that their involvement corruption performed on my career came with consequences but I was not significant enough for those consequences to apply, building a global stage disposition to handle me for survival thereafter. In the end it still comes through to the one issue where the idiots never stopped handling others while reading star signs, whereby I am a Libra and Libras were kindest, so their stupidities had taken advantage of kindness to such an extent they built a community to finger my bum and have created both a sanitation and sanitary problem, it clearly will not stop because it is entitled and invincible, backed by tin can feminists.

They have suggested what had been achieved is a process where I had lost the battle with the famous and the Media; it is utter nonsense naturally, as the reality is more that the more I dither on the business of attacking them because I believed I could tolerate their financially expensive insults forever, the more they made money off it and it thus became impossible to stop them whenever they claimed that they made money at my expense and the problem was the way it pained me that I could never catch on, such that I actually could never catch on anymore. So it does come down to the other questions people raise, questions the reason it always makes sense for Government office operatives to tackle the famous – first of all evidence being that people decided their 18 to 65 issues should be handled by the famous and I end up living on Government support because I have been successful with my government concerns which poses a question as to whether their entitled stupidities had made the correct decision. Then there were other follow on outcomes, such as the idea I got along with some Celebrities but did not get along with some, where the truth was more a matter of the difference between people attending school and there existing sociological matters, to which effect some have by my permission, gotten involved with my state provided security matters to provide entertainment in those circumstances, focusing on the way a handful show up to do crime and had to become passionate people which scenarios ran for what seems like an eternity because the Police got involved as well – compared to the claim they were more important and I spent my time trying to rub shoulders with them whilst criminals were nice people willing to take risks for money making purposes that will fund show business. The bone of contention with the famous as a whole, thus the point where I got along with some, is that since we made Policy, the idea as said, that when I thief steals because he is hungry, he is usually not blamed but when caught he had to be punished, applied to us as Government buildings and not to the famous, so we see what the problem is, something that even a child can make sense of building me a 20 year career mess around here. They do claim it was always convenient to attack the famous but the convenience is a matter of the points where the instability they create is being encouraged and funded from overseas, whilst I have built up a history of being able to handle it properly, I think that the most convenient way to handle it will be the part where the solution involved what I wanted to do with the famous and the insults of their society idiots who claimed they had created me a history fo my life that best fits me, fingered my bum and decided my social position thereof – so we can see that they were the bigger problem, unlike a thief who steals an item, they wrecked careers to play up money market gimmicks with the career publicity that people built up but failed to attain and any careers that they felt was too tempting for them, they make the mess and play up the money market gimmicks with organised crime, lip flapping that I had lost the battle when not dead yet. I have warned them about it but they believe if their lives relied on it, I would not be able to withdraw access to my person from their famous stupidities, warned them about the finance and inequality chasm that will emerge when I pursued their need to show up in the neighbourhoods and wreck peoples career in order to play up publicity abuses that reach top industry offices, for the purpose of friendship with the wealthy and to get rich fast, I have warned them of what will become of instances where I took up the issue for the purpose applicable. The core of the problem is still that people who worked their famous idiots security had embedded themselves in the armed services and civil enforcement systems, they were the only people making an Arch Prince work for money, they were the only people fighting my wars, there has not yet been enough teaching to dissuade them concerning how consequential and damaging this behaviour is, we however know that there have been such results as female Police officers going under cover and in no time at all, not least due to their need to supply people information about me when they were career criminals, she is discovered and sexually assaulted already, on the other hand, history says that I had done their own as well, particularly over the need to wreck my assets at Communists territories and show up here with insults that will bend me to the will of their famous idiots.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland