It is suggested all I have done is now a right mess but it is not; the choices are that people can challenge me and want to move into my right hand if their families were doing the National service in this Country or their stupidities was convinced a reality existed where an arch prince got into a fight with their enemies to make them feel taken care of, did really exist – the other choice was to say that National service was better for people who got involved with my public work in the course of doing it, and currently like it is presently, ensure that nothing was free of the messy stupidities.

I am said to have had a lifestyle which completely relies on others without gratitude – it is utter nonsense too; i know i have been meeting people to vouch for crown interests, not aware i am meeting them. Then the big one where i met some female journalists who private army was not part of their jobs unlike my accusers, so the question at this stage is one of a state of mind that suggests my approach to female society problems were incorrect at the initial stage, unless i said that their stupidities and the actions of prostitutes picking up my social life and public image to sell sex consumed by idiots who blew my roof off over their stupid superior companies but do not now wish to work for it because they wanted my market, was not what i did a living. Will not get a real career, had found profitable sex work.

I am told that I will never find a wife considering the way I ran my finances which is utter nonsense – if I am not detached from the upper class, it is easy to find a wife once I explained the reasons my finances appeared the way it is. The problem is the lower classes I am stuck with and even if they had an industrial disposition which could help me get around to important governmental matters in a personal relationship, it would have been a position that did me more harm than good but once it is done stifling my relationships, so the passage of time eventually meant the pool of partners had dissipated, it will enter into another phase where it handled my concerns to find husbands and make babies – same as we see their idiots from the world of paparazzi and Celebrity idealising business show up here to tackle me over claims I had won a great battle, once finished, they needed my personal life to build restaurants because their stupidities had to eat. I do not think handling Celebrities was a serious issue, the purpose of their interest in me is to make such a fuss about everything that due to the never-ending access to the public which they had, I never had to worry about PR, the problem was that of a collection of goons who make it into a complete mess and then get about fighting my wars. The difficulty now is that of the famous goons to stop beating me down with publicity while claiming they made money at my expense and my whole career was aimed at catching up which must be prevented, whereas there is a real world professional feel of meeting people and touching people to sell Books as a writer, which is completely separate from their need to pick up other peoples assets for their own money making processes, then find activities that will help them make claims of ownership to it as a method of showing that they worked for what they own. I am told my method of handling celebrities is too relaxed which is not the case, as we see from the above facts, they really do not believe I am arguably one of the worst things that will likely happen to them due to the fact I am of the opinion the only way to give them what they want and to attain some control and success with my own concerns was to ensure that they hated and feared me in equal measure – that I believed the only way to get along with them was to ensure they understood the only part of their concerns I can tolerate was the part where they met public figures and had to find their way around the social activities on the basis that they were paying privately to cover their backsides while public figures had it done at tax payer expense, it usually leads to outcomes where one pities the famous but then these are the only conditions where a bit of normalcy and financial well being for me can be guaranteed, contrary to those claims that it would make more trouble for me. The others were goons who enjoyed bothering Politicians on my account but have not stopped wrecking my academic pursuits and my finances to chase a gimmick where they picked up my career and product publicity for a business of feel good fun that they were entitled to have with me, while keeping their own finances for dominance, which is then used as a tool for money market business doing – needs to stop running it off at me during working hours and needs to stay away from my Books or continue to assume there was no prospect of me shutting it down very badly. They do claim I expected them to respond when I talked but I don’t, I expect them to weigh up the risks of getting into a fight with an Arch Prince over access to the Households at the Market or get in touch with the famous twats again and figure out how they want to stop stifling my finances and recover what they have damaged over the past 12 year period leading up to 2022 at this Hermitage, lest I got to do it myself.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland