They claim I believed the best way to get around to the public problems was to administrate it instead of getting into a fight: I wouldn’t know anyway, we are talking about Government Office twats that show up at University to foster the activities of idiots who claimed that I was hiding behind the law to provoke strong people, having achieved a process where the idiots got their gimmicks embedded in mainstream living by explaining away their madness using what I was studying, my personality and the rest of my career, they are now complaining about a problem that I could not solve by doing something to ensure I ended up a certified low life or looking like I went into University to study how to bully people.

It all eventually gets down to the real deal in any case, something about Politicians making a mess at Government buildings to cling to my finances and make a mess of it because it is expected to get me responding to their gimmicks, such that we had since arrived at the point where the Celebrities could do it as well; what then happens being a handful of really very stupid individuals concerning whom it is easy to spend the rest of your life just being distracted from your career and any meaningful existence, life or work and we find that they are the same complaining about being distracted more than everybody else was. It loves to issue those stupid threats at me, especially the Celebrities and I rather do think that if they were so uncomfortable with this narcissistic relationship they had created to make stupid statements about where they have been and what they deserved, each time I tried to move them on or said something about it, they needed to draw a line under the matter and accept it for what it is, since the alternative is that I am likely to take the whole business of an intact relationship they had with their employers while mine was subjected to practical jokes, seriously enough to cook up such nonsense as blindfolding them on the streets to attack them where they will have to turn to the drugs and the homosexuality – it really needs to stay away from my Books unless it is their Books I write in this place and keep the big mouth shut as it were. It is now progressing to the part where they will blab until they had to scrape me off their celebrity culture but first had to catch and limit the damage, I could do to it.

Those stupid points are raised all the time about the difficult diplomatic relations that we faced all over the world, what we know however on the other hand being that they were responsible for supplying the communists with the arms needed for it – we know that free markets were so different from Communist economies that the prospects of any one being a danger to the other was very low: what existed however being a chasm between the two, a socio, political, diplomatic black hole, that a handful of gits that enjoyed digging up the earth to find resources they can sell for money and use the money as leverage to get millions of people trading as though public dignitaries had lost something important until it became a self-fulfilling prophesy, being the biggest nightmare for peoples intellectual property, loved to fill and most of them lived in the USA while the most destructive lived in Russia. What we know the goons are now doing at Government buildings is a plan for some sort of outright war with China, hopefully which they will be spending out their own Children to do it, to say the least. They even claim my position is not one that exuded strength and that the Britain we know today was not build with ideas like mine; what we know is that we were talking about battles we can actually win and not a matter of a Country the size of the UK tackling one the size of China or Russia which cannot be done, besides which if we did, I am sure they knew what they were doing with respect to the number of people they would have had to kill in order to achieve it. The story of the Britain we know today having been achieved by braver being measured by the fact they were the ones who regularly engaged in sharing British fundamentalisms with Countries overseas where money mad trouble makers told them what to do, I have a track record of retrieving it each time I felt we faced a threat from where I am, hence unclear what they meant when they suggest the Britain we know today was not built through cowardice like mine – the difficult future they speak of being largely a matter of their need to get along with tribalism where I write Books and people in the USA want to decide what privileges Celebrities that came from the US deserved before my Books were sold in the market there, they become a part of it and cannot get out while I can easily solve my problems by engaging with Clients on a very personal basis, which will leave me enough ammunition to be the one practicing the tribalism instead soon enough, then they show up to trash my finances because it will get me responding and like the matter of the Celebrities setting me out as a character concerning whom a state provided security relied on people saying things to them that will provoke their famous stupidities forever while they clung to my income, the Politicians had decided whenever they got their stupid selves into trouble, they bashed my finances and I will be forced to respond and I had a social profile that suggested my emotions were easily manipulated whereas they are really not. With respect to my emotions being easily manipulated, I looked back 8 years and found they had spent so much time picking up every little thing I did, to say that I did it because their famous stupidities and that of their Politicians were the ones ordering me to do it, at the slightest objection on my part considering how much of a mess it made of my career and they built a media presence for it and took their stupidities to town to blow kisses at criminals on my public image too, only to show up complaining every day and issue the threats at me if I asked them to draw a line under it and accept it for what it is or I will. My position was never one that promoted strength, whilst we know that we were able to Police the chasm between free markets and communist economy, so successfully, even Russians thought the British financial system was a safe place for their money, which meant the trouble makers thought so as well, hence when sanctions were issued it made sense as a method of control – since last the Politicians took their trapping of power practical jokes to play games on what is said to have been military successes gained when people got involved with my leadership it has been a right mess and we are now dealing with the same idiots planning some sort of war behind us, ripping up my finances to make me respond to the problems they created for themselves, the typical Government Office stupidities and claiming my position does not exude strength, like one foolish responsibility after another. We are now so caught up on our own failures we had not noticed Russians moving into Greenland, I mean I can always for my part write something unusual on social Media and then achieve a process of Russians grappling with financial gimmicks that a nonentity invented on the internet, if they are not caught up with me, somebody else will do it for them and if they ignore me, they will lose money until they paid attention but we are talking about the effects being a process where their operation in Greenland stalled but after all the Politics, Diplomacy and Government was done on it as such, the only reasons they stayed at Greenland for a reputation that painted them as the worlds biggest trouble makers would be the fact that they stayed in Greenland because they had stationed the military there – we are talking about a need to have had this done before they did as such, if we were to keep them away from Greenland and the main reason from here is that of these government Office and Celebrity culture clowns clinging to my Books and finances and making stupid comments over my social life, to lay claims of ownership to my Public image – does not believe me when informed that it will end very badly as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland